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65 halt</pre>
65 halt</pre>

Code by Steve Williams. Tested with GnuCOBOL 2.2.

<lang cobol> >>SOURCE FORMAT IS FREE
identification division.
*> this code is dedicated to the public domain
*> (GnuCOBOL) 2.3-dev.0
program-id. generator.
environment division.
configuration section.
repository. function all intrinsic.
data division.
working-storage section.
01 program-name pic x(32) value spaces global.
01 input-name pic x(32) value spaces global.
01 input-status pic xx global.

01 ast-record global.
03 ast-type pic x(14).
03 ast-value pic x(48).
03 filler redefines ast-value.
05 asl-left pic 999.
05 asl-right pic 999.

01 error-record pic x(64) value spaces global.

01 loadstack global.
03 l pic 99 value 0.
03 l-lim pic 99 value 64.
03 load-entry occurs 64.
05 l-node pic x(14).
05 l-left pic 999.
05 l-right pic 999.
05 l-link pic 999.

01 abstract-syntax-tree global.
03 t pic 999 value 0.
03 t1 pic 999.
03 t-lim pic 999 value 998.
03 filler occurs 998.
05 p1 pic 999.
05 p2 pic 999.
05 p3 pic 999.
05 n1 pic 999.
05 leaf.
07 leaf-type pic x(14).
07 leaf-value pic x(48).
05 node redefines leaf.
07 node-type pic x(14).
07 node-left pic 999.
07 node-right pic 999.

01 opcodes global.
03 opFETCH pic x value x'00'.
03 opSTORE pic x value x'01'.
03 opPUSH pic x value x'02'.
03 opADD pic x value x'03'.
03 opSUB pic x value x'04'.
03 opMUL pic x value x'05'.
03 opDIV pic x value x'06'.
03 opMOD pic x value x'07'.
03 opLT pic x value x'08'.
03 opGT pic x value x'09'.
03 opLE pic x value x'0A'.
03 opGE pic x value x'0B'.
03 opEQ pic x value x'0C'.
03 opNE pic x value x'0D'.
03 opAND pic x value x'0E'.
03 opOR pic x value x'0F'.
03 opNEG pic x value x'10'.
03 opNOT pic x value x'11'.
03 opJMP pic x value x'13'.
03 opJZ pic x value x'14'.
03 opPRTC pic x value x'15'.
03 opPRTS pic x value x'16'.
03 opPRTI pic x value x'17'.
03 opHALT pic x value x'18'.

01 variables global.
03 v pic 99.
03 v-max pic 99 value 0.
03 v-lim pic 99 value 16.
03 variable-entry occurs 16 pic x(48).

01 strings global.
03 s pic 99.
03 s-max pic 99 value 0.
03 s-lim pic 99 value 16.
03 string-entry occurs 16 pic x(48).

01 generated-code global.
03 c pic 999 value 1.
03 c1 pic 999.
03 c-lim pic 999 value 512.
03 kode pic x(512).

procedure division chaining program-name.
call 'loadast'
if program-name <> spaces
call 'readinput' *> close input-file
>>d perform print-ast
call 'codegen' using t
call 'emitbyte' using opHALT
>>d call 'showhex' using kode c
call 'listcode'
stop run
call 'printast' using t
display 'ast:' upon syserr
display 't=' t
perform varying t1 from 1 by 1 until t1 > t
if leaf-type(t1) = 'Identifier' or 'Integer' or 'String'
display t1 space trim(leaf-type(t1)) space trim(leaf-value(t1)) upon syserr
display t1 space node-left(t1) space node-right(t1) space trim(node-type(t1))
upon syserr
identification division.
program-id. codegen common recursive.
data division.
working-storage section.
01 r pic ---9.
linkage section.
01 n pic 999.
procedure division using n.
if n = 0
exit program
>>d display 'at 'c ' node=' space n space node-type(n) upon syserr
evaluate node-type(n)
when 'Identifier'
call 'emitbyte' using opFetch
call 'variableoffset' using leaf-value(n)
call 'emitword' using v '0'
when 'Integer'
call 'emitbyte' using opPUSH
call 'emitword' using leaf-value(n) '0'
when 'String'
call 'emitbyte' using opPUSH
call 'stringoffset' using leaf-value(n)
call 'emitword' using s '0'
when 'Assign'
call 'codegen' using node-right(n)
call 'emitbyte' using opSTORE
move node-left(n) to n1(n)
call 'variableoffset' using leaf-value(n1(n))
call 'emitword' using v '0'
when 'If'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n) *> conditional expr
call 'emitbyte' using opJZ *> jump to false path or exit
move c to p1(n)
call 'emitword' using '0' '0'
move node-right(n) to n1(n) *> true path
call 'codegen' using node-left(n1(n))
if node-right(n1(n)) <> 0 *> there is a false path
call 'emitbyte' using opJMP *> jump past false path
move c to p2(n)
call 'emitword' using '0' '0'
compute r = c - p1(n) *> fill in jump to false path
call 'emitword' using r p1(n)
call 'codegen' using node-right(n1(n)) *> false path
compute r = c - p2(n) *> fill in jump to exit
call 'emitword' using r p2(n)
compute r = c - p1(n)
call 'emitword' using r p1(n) *> fill in jump to exit
when 'While'
move c to p3(n) *> save address of while start
call 'codegen' using node-left(n) *> conditional expr
call 'emitbyte' using opJZ *> jump to exit
move c to p2(n)
call 'emitword' using '0' '0'
call 'codegen' using node-right(n) *> while body
call 'emitbyte' using opJMP *> jump to while start
compute r = p3(n) - c
call 'emitword' using r '0'
compute r = c - p2(n) *> fill in jump to exit
call 'emitword' using r p2(n)
when 'Sequence'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n)
call 'codegen' using node-right(n)
when 'Prtc'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n)
call 'emitbyte' using opPRTC
when 'Prti'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n)
call 'emitbyte' using opPRTI
when 'Prts'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n)
call 'emitbyte' using opPRTS
when 'Less'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n)
call 'codegen' using node-right(n)
call 'emitbyte' using opLT
when 'Greater'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n)
call 'codegen' using node-right(n)
call 'emitbyte' using opGT
when 'LessEqual'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n)
call 'codegen' using node-right(n)
call 'emitbyte' using opLE
when 'GreaterEqual'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n)
call 'codegen' using node-right(n)
call 'emitbyte' using opGE
when 'Equal'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n)
call 'codegen' using node-right(n)
call 'emitbyte' using opEQ
when 'NotEqual'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n)
call 'codegen' using node-right(n)
call 'emitbyte' using opNE
when 'And'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n)
call 'codegen' using node-right(n)
call 'emitbyte' using opAND
when 'Or'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n)
call 'codegen' using node-right(n)
call 'emitbyte' using opOR
when 'Subtract'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n)
call 'codegen' using node-right(n)
call 'emitbyte' using opSUB
when 'Add'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n)
call 'codegen' using node-right(n)
call 'emitbyte' using opADD
when 'Divide'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n)
call 'codegen' using node-right(n)
call 'emitbyte' using opDIV
when 'Multiply'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n)
call 'codegen' using node-right(n)
call 'emitbyte' using opMUL
when 'Mod'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n)
call 'codegen' using node-right(n)
call 'emitbyte' using opMOD
when 'Negate'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n)
call 'emitbyte' using opNEG
when 'Not'
call 'codegen' using node-left(n)
call 'emitbyte' using opNOT
when other
string 'in generator unknown node type: ' node-type(n) into error-record
call 'reporterror'
end program codegen.

identification division.
program-id. variableoffset common.
data division.
linkage section.
01 variable-value pic x(48).
procedure division using variable-value.
perform varying v from 1 by 1
until v > v-max
or variable-entry(v) = variable-value
if v > v-lim
string 'in generator variable offset v exceeds ' v-lim into error-record
call 'reporterror'
if v > v-max
move v to v-max
move variable-value to variable-entry(v)
end program variableoffset.

identification division.
program-id. stringoffset common.
data division.
linkage section.
01 string-value pic x(48).
procedure division using string-value.
perform varying s from 1 by 1
until s > s-max
or string-entry(s) = string-value
if s > s-lim
string ' generator stringoffset s exceeds ' s-lim into error-record
call 'reporterror'
if s > s-max
move s to s-max
move string-value to string-entry(s)
subtract 1 from s *> convert index to offset
end program stringoffset.

identification division.
program-id. emitbyte common.
data division.
linkage section.
01 opcode pic x.
procedure division using opcode.
if c >= c-lim
string 'in generator emitbyte c exceeds ' c-lim into error-record
call 'reporterror'
move opcode to kode(c:1)
add 1 to c
end program emitbyte.
identification division.
program-id. emitword common.
data division.
working-storage section.
01 word-x.
03 word usage binary-int.
01 loc pic 999.
linkage section.
01 word-value any length.
01 loc-value any length.
procedure division using word-value loc-value.
if c + length(word) > c-lim
string 'in generator emitword exceeds ' c-lim into error-record
call 'reporterror'
move numval(word-value) to word
move numval(loc-value) to loc
if loc = 0
move word-x to kode(c:length(word))
add length(word) to c
move word-x to kode(loc:length(word))
end program emitword.

identification division.
program-id. listcode common.
data division.
working-storage section.
01 word-x.
03 word usage binary-int.
01 address-display pic ---9.
01 address-absolute pic zzz9.
01 data-display pic -(9)9.
01 v-display pic z9.
01 s-display pic z9.
01 c-display pic zzz9.
procedure division.
move v-max to v-display
move s-max to s-display
display 'Datasize: ' trim(v-display) space 'Strings: ' trim(s-display)
perform varying s from 1 by 1
until s > s-max
display string-entry(s)

move 1 to c1
perform until c1 >= c
compute c-display = c1 - 1
display c-display space with no advancing
evaluate kode(c1:1)
when opFETCH
add 1 to c1
move kode(c1:4) to word-x
compute address-display = word - 1
display 'fetch [' trim(address-display) ']'
add 3 to c1
when opSTORE
add 1 to c1
move kode(c1:4) to word-x
compute address-display = word - 1
display 'store [' trim(address-display) ']'
add 3 to c1
when opPUSH
add 1 to c1
move kode(c1:4) to word-x
move word to data-display
display 'push ' trim(data-display)
add 3 to c1
when opADD display 'add'
when opSUB display 'sub'
when opMUL display 'mul'
when opDIV display 'div'
when opMOD display 'mod'
when opLT display 'lt'
when opGT display 'gt'
when opLE display 'le'
when opGE display 'ge'
when opEQ display 'eq'
when opNE display 'ne'
when opAND display 'and'
when opOR display 'or'
when opNEG display 'neg'
when opNOT display 'not'
when opJMP
move kode(c1 + 1:length(word)) to word-x
move word to address-display
compute address-absolute = c1 + word
display 'jmp (' trim(address-display) ') ' trim(address-absolute)
add length(word) to c1
when opJZ
move kode(c1 + 1:length(word)) to word-x
move word to address-display
compute address-absolute = c1 + word
display 'jz (' trim(address-display) ') ' trim(address-absolute)
add length(word) to c1
when opPRTC display 'prtc'
when opPRTI display 'prti'
when opPRTS display 'prts'
when opHALT display 'halt'
when other
string 'in generator unknown opcode ' kode(c1:1) into error-record
call 'reporterror'
add 1 to c1
end program listcode.

identification division.
program-id. loadast common recursive.
procedure division.
if l >= l-lim
string 'in generator loadast l exceeds ' l-lim into error-record
call 'reporterror'
add 1 to l
call 'readinput'
evaluate true
when ast-record = ';'
when input-status = '10'
move 0 to return-code
when ast-type = 'Identifier'
when ast-type = 'Integer'
when ast-type = 'String'
call 'makeleaf' using ast-type ast-value
move t to return-code
when ast-type = 'Sequence'
move ast-type to l-node(l)
call 'loadast'
move return-code to l-left(l)
call 'loadast'
move t to l-right(l)
call 'makenode' using l-node(l) l-left(l) l-right(l)
move t to return-code
when other
move ast-type to l-node(l)
call 'loadast'
move return-code to l-left(l)
call 'loadast'
move return-code to l-right(l)
call 'makenode' using l-node(l) l-left(l) l-right(l)
move t to return-code
subtract 1 from l
end program loadast.

identification division.
program-id. printast common recursive.
data division.
linkage section.
01 n pic 999.
procedure division using n.
if n = 0
display ';' upon syserr
exit program
display leaf-type(n) upon syserr
evaluate leaf-type(n)
when 'Identifier'
when 'Integer'
when 'String'
display leaf-type(n) space trim(leaf-value(n)) upon syserr
when other
display node-type(n) upon syserr
call 'printast' using node-left(n)
call 'printast' using node-right(n)
end program printast.

identification division.
program-id. makenode common.
data division.
linkage section.
01 parm-type any length.
01 parm-l-left pic 999.
01 parm-l-right pic 999.
procedure division using parm-type parm-l-left parm-l-right.
if t >= t-lim
string 'in generator makenode t exceeds ' t-lim into error-record
call 'reporterror'
add 1 to t
move parm-type to node-type(t)
move parm-l-left to node-left(t)
move parm-l-right to node-right(t)
end program makenode.

identification division.
program-id. makeleaf common.
data division.
linkage section.
01 parm-type any length.
01 parm-value pic x(48).
procedure division using parm-type parm-value.
add 1 to t
if t >= t-lim
string 'in generator makeleaf t exceeds ' t-lim into error-record
call 'reporterror'
move parm-type to leaf-type(t)
move parm-value to leaf-value(t)
end program makeleaf.

identification division.
program-id. readinput common.
environment division.
input-output section.
select input-file assign using input-name
status is input-status
organization is line sequential.
data division.
file section.
fd input-file.
01 input-record pic x(64).
procedure division.
if program-name = spaces
move '00' to input-status
accept ast-record on exception move '10' to input-status end-accept
exit program
if input-name = spaces
string program-name delimited by space '.ast' into input-name
open input input-file
if input-status = '35'
string 'in generator ' trim(input-name) ' not found' into error-record
call 'reporterror'
read input-file into ast-record
evaluate input-status
when '00'
when '10'
close input-file
when other
string 'in generator ' trim(input-name) ' unexpected input-status: ' input-status
into error-record
call 'reporterror'
end program readinput.

program-id. reporterror common.
procedure division.
display error-record upon syserr
stop run with error status -1
end program reporterror.

identification division.
program-id. showhex common.

data division.
working-storage section.
01 hex.
03 filler pic x(32) value '000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F'.
03 filler pic x(32) value '101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F'.
03 filler pic x(32) value '202122232425262728292A2B2C2D2E2F'.
03 filler pic x(32) value '303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F'.
03 filler pic x(32) value '404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F'.
03 filler pic x(32) value '505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F'.
03 filler pic x(32) value '606162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E6F'.
03 filler pic x(32) value '707172737475767778797A7B7C7D7E7F'.
03 filler pic x(32) value '808182838485868788898A8B8C8D8E8F'.
03 filler pic x(32) value '909192939495969798999A9B9C9D9E9F'.
03 filler pic x(32) value 'A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9AAABACADAEAF'.
03 filler pic x(32) value 'B0B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9BABBBCBDBEBF'.
03 filler pic x(32) value 'C0C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9CACBCCCDCECF'.
03 filler pic x(32) value 'D0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9DADBDCDDDEDF'.
03 filler pic x(32) value 'E0E1E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E9EAEBECEDEEEF'.
03 filler pic x(32) value 'F0F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FAFBFCFDFEFF'.

01 cdx pic 9999.
01 bdx pic 999.
01 byte-count pic 9.
01 bytes-per-word pic 9 value 4.
01 word-count pic 9.
01 words-per-line pic 9 value 8.

linkage section.
01 data-field any length.
01 length-data-field pic 999.

procedure division using
by reference data-field
by reference length-data-field.
move 1 to byte-count
move 1 to word-count
perform varying cdx from 1 by 1
until cdx > length-data-field
compute bdx = 2 * ord(data-field(cdx:1)) - 1 end-compute
display hex(bdx:2) with no advancing upon syserr
add 1 to byte-count end-add
if byte-count > bytes-per-word
display ' ' with no advancing upon syserr
move 1 to byte-count
add 1 to word-count end-add
if word-count > words-per-line
display ' ' upon syserr
move 1 to word-count
if word-count <> 1
or byte-count <> 1
display ' ' upon syserr
display ' ' upon syserr
end program showhex.
end program generator.</lang>

<pre>prompt$ ./lexer <testcases/Count | ./parser | ./generator
Datasize: 1 Strings: 2
"count is: "
0 push 1
5 store [0]
10 fetch [0]
15 push 10
20 lt
21 jz (43) 65
26 push 0
31 prts
32 fetch [0]
37 prti
38 push 1
43 prts
44 fetch [0]
49 push 1
54 add
55 store [0]
60 jmp (-51) 10
65 halt</pre>
