Compiler/AST interpreter: Difference between revisions

added Scheme example
(added Scheme example)
Line 1,043:
<lang scheme>
(import (scheme base)
(scheme file)
(scheme process-context)
(scheme write)
(only (srfi 13) string-delete string-index string-trim))
;; Mappings from operation symbols to internal procedures.
;; We define operations appropriate to virtual machine:
;; e.g. division must return an int, not a rational
;; boolean values are treated as numbers: 0 is false, other is true
(define *unary-ops*
(list (cons 'Negate (lambda (a) (- a)))
(cons 'Not (lambda (a) (if (zero? a) 1 0)))))
(define *binary-ops*
(let ((number-comp (lambda (op) (lambda (a b) (if (op a b) 1 0)))))
(list (cons 'Add +)
(cons 'Subtract -)
(cons 'Multiply *)
(cons 'Divide (lambda (a b) (truncate (/ a b)))) ; int division
(cons 'Mod modulo)
(cons 'Less (number-comp <))
(cons 'Greater (number-comp >))
(cons 'LessEqual (number-comp <=))
(cons 'GreaterEqual (number-comp >=))
(cons 'Equal (lambda (a b) (if (= a b) 1 0)))
(cons 'NotEqual (lambda (a b) (if (= a b) 0 1)))
(cons 'And (lambda (a b) ; make "and" work on numbers
(if (and (not (zero? a)) (not (zero? b))) 1 0)))
(cons 'Or (lambda (a b) ; make "or" work on numbers
(if (or (not (zero? a)) (not (zero? b))) 1 0))))))
;; Read AST from given filename
;; - return as an s-expression
(define (read-code filename)
(define (read-expr)
(let ((line (string-trim (read-line))))
(if (string=? line ";")
(let ((space (string-index line #\space)))
(if space
(list (string->symbol (string-trim (substring line 0 space)))
(string-trim (substring line space (string-length line))))
(list (string->symbol line) (read-expr) (read-expr)))))))
(lambda ()
;; interpret AST provided as an s-expression
(define run-program
(let ((env '())) ; env is an association list for variable names
(lambda (expr)
(define (tidy-string str)
(string-delete ; remove any quote marks
#\" ; " (to appease Rosetta code's syntax highlighter)
(let loop ((chars (string->list str))) ; replace newlines, obeying \\n
(cond ((< (length chars) 2) ; finished list
((and (>= (length chars) 3) ; preserve \\n
(char=? #\\ (car chars))
(char=? #\\ (cadr chars))
(char=? #\n (cadr (cdr chars))))
(cons (car chars)
(cons (cadr chars)
(cons (cadr (cdr chars))
(loop (cdr (cdr (cdr chars))))))))
((and (char=? #\\ (car chars)) ; replace \n with newline
(char=? #\n (cadr chars)))
(cons #\newline (loop (cdr (cdr chars)))))
(else ; keep char and look further
(cons (car chars) (loop (cdr chars)))))))))
; define some more meaningful names for fields
(define left cadr)
(define right (lambda (x) (cadr (cdr x))))
(if (null? expr)
(case (car expr) ; interpret AST from the head node
(string->number (left expr)))
(let ((val (assq (string->symbol (left expr)) env)))
(if val
(cdr val)
(error "Variable not in environment"))))
(left expr))
(set! env (cons (cons (string->symbol (left (left expr)))
(run-program (right expr)))
((Add Subtract Multiply Divide Mod
Less Greater LessEqual GreaterEqual Equal NotEqual
And Or)
(let ((binop (assq (car expr) *binary-ops*)))
(if binop
((cdr binop) (run-program (left expr))
(run-program (right expr)))
(error "Could not find binary operator"))))
((Negate Not)
(let ((unaryop (assq (car expr) *unary-ops*)))
(if unaryop
((cdr unaryop) (run-program (left expr)))
(error "Could not find unary operator"))))
(if (not (zero? (run-program (left expr)))) ; 0 means false
(run-program (left (right expr)))
(run-program (right (right expr))))
(let loop ()
(unless (zero? (run-program (left expr)))
(run-program (right expr))
(display (integer->char (run-program (left expr))))
(display (run-program (left expr)))
(display (tidy-string (run-program (left expr))))
(run-program (left expr))
(run-program (right expr))
(error "Unknown node type")))))))
;; read AST from file and interpret, from filename passed on command line
(if (= 2 (length (command-line)))
(run-program (read-code (cadr (command-line))))
(display "Error: pass an ast filename\n"))
Output for primes program from above. Also tested on programs in [[Compiler/Sample programs]].
3 is prime
5 is prime
7 is prime
11 is prime
13 is prime
17 is prime
19 is prime
23 is prime
29 is prime
31 is prime
37 is prime
41 is prime
43 is prime
47 is prime
53 is prime
59 is prime
61 is prime
67 is prime
71 is prime
73 is prime
79 is prime
83 is prime
89 is prime
97 is prime
101 is prime
Total primes found: 26
