Compare sorting algorithms' performance: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|REXX}}: added the computer programming language REXX.
(→‎{{header|REXX}}: added the computer programming language REXX.)
Line 2,453:
qsort - O(N*log(N))
qsortranpart - O(N) ???
<lang rexx>♀/*REXX pgm compares various sorts for 3 types of input sequences: ones/ascending/random.*/
parse arg ranges seed . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
if ranges=='' | ranges=="," then ranges= 5 /*Not Specified" Then use the default.*/
if seed=='' | seed=="," then seed= 1946 /*use a repeatable seed for RANDOM BIF*/
if datatype(seed, 'W') then call random ,,seed /*Specified? Then use as a RANDOM seed*/
kinds= 3; #= 250; _= #; hdr= /*hardcoded/fixed number of datum kinds*/
do j=1 for ranges; _= _ + _ /*obtain the highest number of elements*/
end; #w= length( commas(_) ) /* " " width of highest #elements*/
do ra=1 for ranges
say ' ··· comparing various sorts for an array size of: ' right( commas(#), #w)
hdr= hdr || center( commas(#) "numbers", 25)'│' /*(top) header for the output title.*/
do ki=1 for kinds
call gen@@ #, ki
call set@; call time 'R'; call bubble #; format(time("E"),,2)
call set@; call time 'R'; call cocktail #; format(time("E"),,2)
call set@; call time 'R'; call cocktailSB #; format(time("E"),,2)
call set@; call time 'R'; call comb #; format(time("E"),,2)
call set@; call time 'R'; call gnome #; format(time("E"),,2)
call set@; call time 'R'; call heap #; format(time("E"),,2)
call set@; call time 'R'; call insertion #; format(time("E"),,2)
call set@; call time 'R'; call merge #; format(time("E"),,2)
call set@; call time 'R'; call pancake #; format(time("E"),,2)
call set@; call time 'R'; call quick #; format(time("E"),,2)
call set@; call time 'R'; call radix #; format(time("E"),,2)
call set@; call time 'R'; call selection #; format(time("E"),,2)
call set@; call time 'R'; call shell #; format(time("E"),,2)
end /*ki*/
#= # + # /*double # elements.*/
end /*ra*/
say; say; say /*say blank sep line*/
say center(' ', 11 ) "│"left(hdr, length(hdr)-1)"│" /*replace last char.*/
reps= ' allONES ascend random │' /*build a title bar.*/
xreps= copies( center(reps, length(reps)), ranges) /*replicate ranges. */
creps= left(xreps, length(xreps)-1)"│" /*replace last char.*/
say center('sort type', 11 ) "│"creps; Lr= length(reps)
xcreps= copies( left('', Lr-1, '─')"┼", ranges)
say center('' , 12, '─')"┼"left(xcreps, length(xcreps)-1)"┤"
call show 'bubble' /* ►──── show results for bubble sort.*/
call show 'cocktail' /* ►──── " " " cocktail " */
call show 'cocktailSB' /*+Shifting Bounds*/ /* ►──── " " " cocktailSB " */
call show 'comb' /* ►──── " " " comb " */
call show 'gnome' /* ►──── " " " gnome " */
call show 'heap' /* ►──── " " " heap " */
call show 'insertion' /* ►──── " " " insertion " */
call show 'merge' /* ►──── " " " merge " */
call show 'pancake' /* ►──── " " " pancake " */
call show 'quick' /* ►──── " " " quick " */
call show 'radix' /* ►──── " " " radix " */
call show 'selection' /* ►──── " " " shell " */
call show 'shell' /* ►──── " " " shell " */
say translate(center('' , 12, '─')"┴"left(xcreps, length(xcreps)-1)"┘", '┴', "┼")
exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
commas: parse arg ?; do jc=length(?)-3 to 1 by -3; ?=insert(',', ?, jc); end; return ?
inOrder: parse arg n; do j=1 for n-1; k= j+1; if @.j>@.k then return 0; end; return 1
set@: @.=; do a=1 for #; @.a= @@.a; end; return
gen@@: procedure expose @@.; parse arg n,kind; nn= min(n, 100000) /*1e5≡REXX's max.*/
do j=1 for nn; select
when kind==1 then @@.j= 1 /*all ones. */
when kind==2 then @@.j= j /*ascending.*/
when kind==3 then @@.j= random(, nn) /*random. */
end /*select*/
end /*j*/; return
show: parse arg aa; _= left(aa, 11) "│"
do ra=1 for ranges
do ki=1 for kinds
_= _ right( value(aa || . || ra || . || ki), 7, ' ')
end /*k*/
_= _ "│"
end /*r*/; say _; return
bubble: procedure expose @.; parse arg n /*N: is the number of @ elements. */
do m=n-1 by -1 until ok; ok=1 /*keep sorting @ array until done.*/
do j=1 for m; k=j+1; if @.j<=@.k then iterate /*elements in order? */
_=@.j; @.j=@.k; @.k=_; ok=0 /*swap 2 elements; flag as not done.*/
end /*j*/
end /*m*/; return
cocktail: procedure expose @.; parse arg N; nn= N-1 /*N: is number of items. */
do until done; done= 1
do j=1 for nn; jp= j+1
if @.j> then do; done=0; _=@.j;;; end
end /*j*/
if done then leave /*No swaps done? Finished.*/
do k=nn for nn by -1; kp= k+1
if @.k> then do; done=0; _=@.k;;; end
end /*k*/
end /*until*/; return
cocktailsb: procedure expose @.; parse arg N /*N: is number of items. */
end$= N - 1; beg$= 1
do while beg$ <= end$
beg$$= end$; end$$= beg$
do j=beg$ to end$; jp= j + 1
if @.j> then do; _=@.j;;; end$$=j; end
end /*j*/
end$= end$$ - 1
do k=end$ to beg$ by -1; kp= k + 1
if @.k> then do; _=@.k;;; beg$$=k; end
end /*k*/
beg$= beg$$ + 1
end /*while*/; return
comb: procedure expose @.; parse arg n /*N: is the number of @ elements. */
g= n-1 /*G: is the gap between the sort COMBs*/
do until g<=1 & done; done= 1 /*assume sort is done (so far). */
g= g * 0.8 % 1 /*equivalent to: g= trunc( g / 1.25) */
if g==0 then g= 1 /*handle case of the gap is too small. */
do j=1 until $>=n; $= j + g /*$: a temporary index (pointer). */
if @.j>@.$ then do; _= @.j; @.j= @.$; @.$= _; done= 0; end
end /*j*/ /* [↑] swap two elements in the array.*/
end /*until*/; return
gnome: procedure expose @.; parse arg n; k= 2 /*N: is number items. */
do j=3 while k<=n; p= k - 1 /*P: is previous item.*/
if @.p<<=@.k then do; k= j; iterate; end /*order is OK so far. */
_= @.p; @.p= @.k; @.k= _ /*swap two @ entries. */
k= k - 1; if k==1 then k= j; else j= j-1 /*test for 1st index. */
end /*j*/; return
heap: procedure expose @.; arg n; do j=n%2 by -1 to 1; call heapS j,n; end /*j*/
do n=n by -1 to 2; _= @.1; @.1= @.n; @.n= _; call heapS 1,n-1
end /*n*/; return /* [↑] swap two elements; and shuffle.*/
heapS: procedure expose @.; parse arg i,n; $= @.i /*obtain parent.*/
do while i+i<=n; j= i+i; k= j+1; if k<=n then if @.k>@.j then j= k
if $>=@.j then leave; @.i= @.j; i= j
end /*while*/; @.i= $; return /*define lowest.*/
insertion: procedure expose @.; parse arg n
do i=2 to n; $= @.i; do j=i-1 by -1 to 1 while @.j>$
_= j + 1; @._= @.j
end /*j*/
_= j + 1; @._= $
end /*i*/; return
merge: procedure expose @. !.; parse arg n, L; if L=='' then do; !.=; L= 1; end
if n==1 then return; h= L + 1
if n==2 then do; if @.L>@.h then do; _=@.h; @.h=@.L; @.L=_; end; return; end
m= n % 2 /* [↑] handle case of two items.*/
call merge n-m, L+m /*divide items to the left ···*/
call merger m, L, 1 /* " " " " right ···*/
i= 1; j= L + m
do k=L while k<j /*whilst items on right exist ···*/
if j==L+n | !.i<=@.j then do; @.k= !.i; i= i + 1; end
else do; @.k= @.j; j= j + 1; end
end /*k*/; return
merger: procedure expose @. !.; parse arg n,L,T
if n==1 then do; !.T= @.L; return; end
if n==2 then do; h= L + 1; q= T + 1; !.q= @.L; !.T= @.h; return; end
m= n % 2 /* [↑] handle case of two items.*/
call merge m, L /*divide items to the left ···*/
call merger n-m, L+m, m+T /* " " " " right ···*/
i= L; j= m + T
do k=T while k<j /*whilst items on left exist ···*/
if j==T+n | @.i<=!.j then do; !.k= @.i; i= i + 1; end
else do; !.k= !.j; j= j + 1; end
end /*k*/; return
pancake: procedure expose @.; parse arg n .; if inOrder(n) then return
do n=n by -1 for n-1
!= @.1; ?= 1; do j=2 to n; if @.j<=! then iterate
!= @.j; ?= j
end /*j*/
call panFlip ?; call panFlip n
end /*n*/; return
panFlip: parse arg y; do i=1 for (y+1)%2; yi=y-i+1; _=@.i; @.i=@.yi; @.yi=_; end; return
quick: procedure expose @.; a.1=1; parse arg b.1; $= 1 /*access @.; get #; define pivot.*/
if inOrder(b.1) then return
do while $\==0; L= a.$; t= b.$; $= $-1; if t<2 then iterate
H= L+t-1; ?= L+t%2
if @.H<@.L then if @.?<@.H then do; p=@.H; @.H=@.L; end
else if @.?>@.L then p=@.L
else do; p=@.?; @.?=@.L; end
else if @.?<@.L then p=@.L
else if @.?>@.H then do; p=@.H; @.H=@.L; end
else do; p=@.?; @.?=@.L; end
j= L+1; k=h
do forever
do j=j while j<k & @.j<=p; end /*a tinie─tiny loop.*/
do k=k by -1 while j<k & @.k>=p; end /*another " " */
if j>=k then leave /*segment finished? */
_= @.j; @.j= @.k; @.k= _ /*swap J&K elements.*/
end /*forever*/
$= $+1; k= j-1; @.L= @.k; @.k= p
if j<=? then do; a.$= j; b.$= H-j+1; $= $+1; a.$= L; b.$= k-L; end
else do; a.$= L; b.$= k-L; $= $+1; a.$= j; b.$= H-j+1; end
end /*while $¬==0*/; return
radix: procedure expose @.; parse arg size,w; mote= c2d(' '); #= 1; !.#._n= size
!.#._b= 1; if w=='' then w= 8
!.#._i= 1; do i=1 for size; y=@.i; @.i= right(abs(y), w, 0); if y<0 then @.i= '-'@.i
end /*i*/ /* [↑] negative case.*/
do while #\==0; ctr.= 0; L= 'ffff'x; low= !.#._b; n= !.#._n; $= !.#._i; H=
#= #-1 /* [↑] is the radix. */
do j=low for n; parse var @.j =($) _ +1; ctr._= ctr._ + 1
if ctr._==1 & _\=='' then do; if _<<L then L=_; if _>>H then H=_
end /* ↑↑ */
end /*j*/ /* └┴─────◄─── << is a strict comparison.*/
_= /* ┌──◄─── >> " " " " */
if L>>H then iterate /*◄─────┘ */
if L==H & ctr._==0 then do; #= #+1; !.#._b= low; !.#._n= n; !.#._i= $+1; iterate
L= c2d(L); H= c2d(H); ?= ctr._ + low; top._= ?; ts= mote
max= L
do k=L to H; _= d2c(k, 1); c= ctr._ /* [↓] swap 2 item radices.*/
if c>ts then parse value c k with ts max; ?= ?+c; top._= ?
end /*k*/
piv= low /*set PIVot to the low part of the sort*/
do while piv<low+n
it= @.piv
do forever; parse var it =($) _ +1; c= top._ -1
if piv>=c then leave; top._= c; ?= @.c; @.c= it; it= ?
end /*forever*/
top._= piv; @.piv= it; piv= piv + ctr._
end /*while piv<low+n */
i= max
do until i==max; _= d2c(i, 1); i= i+1; if i>H then i= L; d= ctr._
if d<=mote then do; if d<2 then iterate; b= top._
do k=b+1 for d-1; q= @.k
do j=k-1 by -1 to b while q<<@.j; jp= j+1; @.j
end /*j*/
jp= j+1; q
end /*k*/
#= #+1; !.#._b= top._; !.#._n= d; !.#._i= $ + 1
end /*until i==max*/
end /*while #\==0 */
#= 0 /* [↓↓↓] handle neg. and pos. arrays. */
do i=size by -1 for size; if @.i>=0 then iterate; #= #+1; @@.#= @.i
end /*i*/
do j=1 for size; if @.j>=0 then do; #= #+1; @@.#= @.j; end; @.j= @@.j+0
end /*j*/ /* [↑↑↑] combine 2 lists into 1 list. */
selection: procedure expose @.; parse arg n
do j=1 for n-1; _= @.j; p= j
do k=j+1 to n; if @.k>=_ then iterate
_= @.k; p= k /*this item is out─of─order, swap later*/
end /*k*/
if p==j then iterate /*if the same, the order of items is OK*/
_= @.j; @.j= @.p; @.p= /*swap 2 items that're out─of─sequence.*/
end /*j*/; return
shell: procedure expose @.; parse arg N /*obtain the N from the argument list*/
i= N % 2 /*% is integer division in REXX. */
do while i\==0
do j=i+1 to N; k= j; p= k-i /*P: previous item*/
_= @.j
do while k>=i+1 & @.p>_;
@.k= @.p;
k= k-i;
p= k-i
end /*while k≥i+1*/
@.k= _
end /*j*/
if i==2 then i= 1
else i= i * 5 % 11
end /*while i¬==0*/; return</lang>
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the default inputs:}}
··· comparing various sorts for an array size of: 250
··· comparing various sorts for an array size of: 500
··· comparing various sorts for an array size of: 1,000
··· comparing various sorts for an array size of: 2,000
··· comparing various sorts for an array size of: 4,000
│ 250 numbers │ 500 numbers │ 1,000 numbers │ 2,000 numbers │ 4,000 numbers │
sort type │ allONES ascend random │ allONES ascend random │ allONES ascend random │ allONES ascend random │ allONES ascend random │
bubble │ 0.00 0.00 0.06 │ 0.02 0.00 0.27 │ 0.00 0.00 1.05 │ 0.00 0.00 4.30 │ 0.00 0.02 17.78 │
cocktail │ 0.00 0.00 0.08 │ 0.00 0.02 0.27 │ 0.00 0.00 1.05 │ 0.02 0.00 4.27 │ 0.02 0.00 17.86 │
cocktailSB │ 0.00 0.00 0.05 │ 0.00 0.00 0.22 │ 0.00 0.00 0.88 │ 0.00 0.02 3.47 │ 0.00 0.02 14.17 │
comb │ 0.00 0.02 0.02 │ 0.00 0.00 0.02 │ 0.03 0.03 0.03 │ 0.06 0.06 0.09 │ 0.16 0.16 0.20 │
gnome │ 0.00 0.05 0.05 │ 0.00 0.11 0.22 │ 0.00 0.16 0.86 │ 0.02 3.41 3.47 │ 0.02 8.70 14.34 │
heap │ 0.02 0.02 0.02 │ 0.00 0.03 0.03 │ 0.03 0.06 0.05 │ 0.03 0.11 0.13 │ 0.09 0.25 0.23 │
insertion │ 0.00 0.00 0.03 │ 0.00 0.00 0.11 │ 0.00 0.00 0.47 │ 0.00 0.00 1.83 │ 0.02 0.02 7.52 │
merge │ 0.00 0.00 0.00 │ 0.02 0.02 0.02 │ 0.03 0.03 0.03 │ 0.06 0.05 0.09 │ 0.11 0.11 0.19 │
pancake │ 0.00 0.00 0.08 │ 0.00 0.00 0.30 │ 0.00 0.00 1.17 │ 0.00 0.00 4.69 │ 0.00 0.02 19.22 │
quick │ 0.00 0.00 0.00 │ 0.00 0.00 0.00 │ 0.00 0.00 0.02 │ 0.00 0.02 0.05 │ 0.02 0.00 0.09 │
radix │ 0.02 0.02 0.02 │ 0.02 0.02 0.02 │ 0.03 0.03 0.03 │ 0.05 0.06 0.08 │ 0.09 0.13 0.14 │
selection │ 0.02 0.02 0.02 │ 0.08 0.08 0.09 │ 0.28 0.31 0.34 │ 1.25 1.30 1.47 │ 4.95 4.77 5.34 │
shell │ 0.00 0.00 0.00 │ 0.00 0.00 0.02 │ 0.03 0.02 0.05 │ 0.06 0.05 0.08 │ 0.13 0.11 0.20 │