Compare sorting algorithms' performance: Difference between revisions

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Consider at least two different sorting function (different algorithms or/and different implementation of the same algorithm).
Consider at least two different sorting function (different algorithms or/and different implementation of the same algorithm).
For example, consider [[Bubble Sort]], [[Insertion Sort]], [[Quick Sort]] or/and implementations of [[Quick Sort]] with different pivot selection mechanisms.
For example, consider [[Bubble Sort]], [[Insertion sort]], [[Quick sort]] or/and implementations of [[Quick sort]] with different pivot selection mechanisms.
Where possible, use existing implementations.
Where possible, use existing implementations.

Preliminary subtask:
Preliminary subtask:
* [[Bubble Sort]], [[Insertion Sort]], [[Quick Sort]], [[Radix Sort]], [[Shell Sort]]
* [[Bubble Sort]], [[Insertion sort]], [[Quick sort]], [[Radix sort]], [[Shell sort]]
* [[Query Performance]]
* [[Query Performance]]
* [[Write float arrays to a text file]]
* [[Write float arrays to a text file]]
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# Plot timings.
# Plot timings.
# What conclusions about relative performance of the sorting routines could be made based on the plots?
# What conclusions about relative performance of the sorting routines could be made based on the plots?
'''Interpreter:''' [[Python]] 2.5
===Sequence generators===

def ones(n):
return [1]*n

def reversedrange(n):
x = range(n)
return x

def shuffledrange(n):
x = range(n)
return x
===Write timings===
def write_timings(npoints=10, maxN=10**4, sort_functions=(builtinsort,insertion_sort, qsort), sequence_creators = (ones, range, shuffledrange)):
"""`npoints' and `maxN' are recomendations that may be ignored by implementation"""
Ns = range(2, maxN, maxN//npoints)
for sort in sort_functions:
for make_seq in sequence_creators:
Ts = map(lambda n: usec(sort, (make_seq(n),)), Ns)
writedat('%s-%s-%d-%d.xy' % (sort.__name__, make_seq.__name__, len(Ns), max(Ns)),
Ns, Ts)
Where ''writedat()'' is defined in the [[Write float arrays to a text file]] subtask, ''usec()'' is defined in the [[Query Performance]] subtask.
===Plot timings===
import pylab
def plotdd(dictplotdict):
"""See ``plot_timings()`` below."""
symbols = ('o', '^', 'v', '<', '>', 's', '+', 'x', 'D', 'd',
'1', '2', '3', '4', 'h', 'H', 'p', '|', '_')
colors = map(None, 'bgrcmyk')
for npoints, plotdict in dictplotdict.iteritems():
for ttle, lst in plotdict.iteritems():
for i, (label, polynom, x, y) in enumerate(sorted(lst,key=operator.itemgetter(0))):
pylab.plot(x, y, colors[i % len(colors)] + symbols[i % len(symbols)],
label='%s %s' % (polynom, label))
y = numpy.polyval(polynom, x)
pylab.plot(x, y, colors[i % len(colors)], label= '_nolegend_')
pylab.legend(loc='upper left')
pylab.ylabel('log2( time in microseconds )')
pylab.title(ttle, verticalalignment='bottom')
figname = '_%(npoints)03d%(ttle)s' % vars()
print figname
See [[Plot x, y arrays]] and [[Polynomial Fitting]] subtask for basic usage of ''pylab.plot()'' and ''numpy.polyfit()''.

import numpy
def plot_timings():
makedict = lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(list))
df = makedict()
ds = makedict()
# populate plot dictionaries
for filename in glob.glob('*.xy'):
m = re.match(r'([^-]+)-([^-]+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\.xy', filename)
print filename
assert m, filename
funcname, seqname, npoints, maxN = m.groups()
npoints, maxN = int(npoints), int(maxN)
a = numpy.fromiter(itertools.imap(float, open(filename).read().split()), dtype='f')
Ns = a[::2] # sequences lengths
Ts = a[1::2] # corresponding times
assert len(Ns) == len(Ts) == npoints
assert max(Ns) <= maxN
logsafe = logical_and(Ns>0, Ts>0)
Ts = numpy.log2(Ts[logsafe])
Ns = numpy.log2(Ns[logsafe])
coeffs = numpy.polyfit(Ns, Ts, deg=1)
poly = numpy.poly1d(coeffs, variable='log2(N)')
df[npoints][funcname].append((seqname, poly, Ns, Ts))
ds[npoints][seqname].append((funcname, poly, Ns, Ts))
# actual plotting
plotdd(ds) # see ``plotdd()`` above