Commatizing numbers: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Perl}}: slight simplification)
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$-140,000±100 millions.
6/9/1946 was a good year for some.</pre>
<lang julia>input = [
["pi=3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459231", " ", 5],
[raw"The author has two Z$100000000000000 Zimbabwe notes (100 trillion).", "."],
[raw"-in Aus$+1411.8millions"],
[raw"===US$0017440 millions=== (in 2000 dollars)"],
["123.e8000 is pretty big."],
["The land area of the earth is 57268900(29% of the surface) square miles."],
["Ain\'t no numbers in this here words, nohow, no way, Jose."],
["James was never known as 0000000007"],
["Arthur Eddington wrote: I believe there are 15747724136275002577605653961181555468044717914527116709366231425076185631031296 protons in the universe."],
[raw" $-140000±100 millions."],
["5/9/1946 was a good year for some."]]
function commatize(tst)
grouping = (length(tst) == 3) ? tst[3] : 3
sep = (length(tst) > 1) ? tst[2] : ","
rmend(s) = replace(s, Regex("$sep\\Z") =>"")
greg = Regex(".{$grouping}")
cins(str) = reverse(rmend(replace(reverse(str), greg => s -> s * sep)))
mat = match(Regex("(?<![eE\\/])([1-9]\\d{$grouping,})"), tst[1])
if mat != nothing
return replace(tst[1], mat.match => cins)
return tst[1]
for tst in input
old = tst[1]
new = commatize(tst)
if old != new
</lang> {{output}} <pre>
pi=3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59231
The author has two Z$100000000000000 Zimbabwe notes (100 trillion).
The author has two Z$ Zimbabwe notes (100 trillion).
-in Aus$+1411.8millions
-in Aus$+1,411.8millions
===US$0017440 millions=== (in 2000 dollars)
===US$0017,440 millions=== (in 2000 dollars)
The land area of the earth is 57268900(29% of the surface) square miles.
The land area of the earth is 57,268,900(29% of the surface) square miles.
Arthur Eddington wrote: I believe there are 15747724136275002577605653961181555468044717914527116709366231425076185631031296 protons in the universe.
Arthur Eddington wrote: I believe there are 15,747,724,136,275,002,577,605,653,961,181,555,468,044,717,914,527,116,709,366,231,425,076,185,631,031,296 protons in the universe.
$-140000±100 millions.
$-140,000±100 millions.