Commatizing numbers: Difference between revisions

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The function commatize is a solution. The function commatizeSpec adds extra features, to detect all formats in the examples in one function call.
<lang d>import std.stdio, std.regex, std.range, std.array, std.algorithm, std.typecons;
<lang d>import std.stdio, std.regex, std.range, std.typecons;

auto commatize(bool smart=false)(in char[] txt, in uint start=0, uint step=3,
// A decimal integer field begins with zero then no digit, or a non-zero digit.
string ins=",", string[string] specials=null)
auto decIntField = ctRegex!("0(?![0-9])|[1-9][0-9]*");
// A decimal fractional field is joined by only a point, and is only digits.
auto decFracField = ctRegex!("(?<=^\\.)[0-9]+");

auto commatize(in char[] txt, in uint start=0, in uint step=3,
in string ins=",")
in {
in {
assert(step > 0);
assert(step > 0);
Line 245: Line 251:
if (start > txt.length || step > txt.length)
if (start > txt.length || step > txt.length)
return txt;
return txt;
auto matchInt = matchFirst(txt[start .. $], decIntField);

if (!matchInt)
auto preSpan = txt[0 .. start];
auto scanSpan = txt[start .. $];

// The first number field begins with zero then no digit, or non-zero.
auto numField = ctRegex!("0(?![0-9])|[1-9][0-9]*");
auto matchNum = matchFirst(scanSpan, numField);

if (!matchNum)
return txt;
return txt;
return txt[0 .. start] ~ matchInt.pre ~
.replace!(m => m.hit.retro.chunks(step).join(ins).retro)(decIntField) ~
.replace!(m => m.hit.chunks(step).join(ins))(decFracField);

// The following function can be called with the same arguments as commatize,
// Pass only a point and capture a decimal fractional field, if any.
// or with more optional arguments as well, for an overcomplicated file task,
auto decField = ctRegex!("(?<=^\\.)[0-9]+");
// such as writing only one call to meet this task's minimal requirements.

auto commatizeSpec(bool extraSpecial=false, // extra special treatments:
static if (smart) {
// A fractional part over 33 digits needs a word for less than a
// 36 digits allows decillions (US size). Integer parts long enough
// decillionth (to read aloud in US number names).
// for undecillions will use the alternate separator at least.
// The task's Wikipedia reference uses spaces in Eddington number.
// Group by 5 with spaces to read like scientific notation instead.
uint sepAltDigitLen=36, string sepAlt=" ",
auto matchDec = matchFirst(, decField);
// 33 digits allows decillionths. Decimal fractions long enough
if (matchDec && matchDec.hit.length > 33) {
// for undecillionths will use the alternate separator and step.
step = 5;
ins = " ";
uint stepAltDigitLen=33, uint stepAlt=5,)
(in char[] txt, in uint start=0, in uint step=3,
in string sep=",", string[string] sepByPrefix=null) {
// A whole part over 36 digits needs a word for more than a decillion
uint stepAdj = step;
// (to read aloud in US number names).
string sepAdj = sep;
// Group anyway, with spaces as in the task's Wikipedia reference.
else if (matchNum.hit.length > 36) {
if (sepByPrefix !is null) {
ins = " ";
auto preAnyDigit = matchFirst(txt[start .. $], ctRegex!"[0-9]").pre;
// A longer prefix match will override a shorter match length.
ulong matchLength = 0;
Tuple!(string, string)[] pairs; // These lines quote a std
foreach (pair; sepByPrefix.byPair) { // library example, with
pairs ~= pair; // the substitution of
} // `sepByPrefix`.
foreach (pair; pairs) {
auto prefix = pair[0];
if (preAnyDigit.length >= prefix.length &&
prefix.length > matchLength &&
prefix == preAnyDigit[$ - prefix.length .. $])
sepAdj = pair[1];
matchLength = pair[0].length;
if (extraSpecial) {

auto wholeDig = matchFirst(txt[start .. $], decIntField);
if (specials != null) {
auto fracDig = matchFirst(, decFracField);
// There may be special prefixed formats that use different separators.
if (wholeDig && fracDig && fracDig.hit.length > stepAltDigitLen) {
// Any format with a longer prefix should override a shorter one.
Tuple!(string, string)[] pairs;
sepAdj = sepAlt;
stepAdj = stepAlt;
foreach (pair; specials.byPair) {
} else if (wholeDig && wholeDig.hit.length > sepAltDigitLen) {
pairs ~= pair;
sepAdj = sepAlt;
std.algorithm.sort!("a[0].length < b[0].length")(pairs);
auto preAnyDigit = matchNum.pre.stripRight('0');
foreach (symbol; pairs) {
if (preAnyDigit.length >= symbol[0].length &&
symbol[0] == preAnyDigit[$ - symbol[0].length .. $])
ins = symbol[1];
return sep == "" ? txt : commatize(txt, start, stepAdj, sepAdj);

return preSpan ~ matchNum.pre ~ matchNum.hit
.replace!(m => m.hit.retro.chunks(step).join(ins).retro)(numField)
.replace!(m => m.hit.chunks(step).join(ins))(decField);

void main() {
void main() {
// Current New Zealand dollar format overrides old Zimbabwe dollar format.
foreach (const line; "commatizing_numbers_data.txt".File.byLine)
foreach (const line; "commatizing_numbers_data.txt".File.byLine)
line.commatize!true(0, 3, ",", ["Z$":".", "NZ$":","]).writeln;
line.commatizeSpec!true(0, 3, ",", ["Z$":"."]).writeln;

unittest {
unittest {
assert("0.0123456".commatize == "0.012,345,6");
assert("0.0123456".commatize == "0.012,345,6");
assert("1. NZ$300000".commatize(1, 3, " ", ["Z$":".", "NZ$":","]) ==
"1. NZ$300,000");
assert("1000 2.3000".commatize == "1,000 2.3000");
assert("1000 2.3000".commatize == "1,000 2.3000");
assert("0001123.456789".commatize == "0001,123.456,789");
assert("0001123.456789".commatize == "0001,123.456,789");
// tests of the special prefix switch:
assert("Z$01000".commatize(0, 3, ",", ["Z$":" "]) == "Z$01 000");
assert("Z$01000".commatizeSpec(0, 3, ",", ["Z$":" "]) == "Z$01 000");
assert("1. NZ$300000".commatizeSpec(1, 3, " ", ["Z$":".", "NZ$":","]) ==
"1. NZ$300,000");
// tests of the extra special switch on exceeding some number of digits:
assert("100000".commatizeSpec!(true, 6, " ", 10)() == "100,000");
assert("1000000".commatizeSpec!(true, 6, " ", 10)() == "1 000 000");
assert("0.000001".commatizeSpec!(true, 10, " ", 6)() == "0.000,001");
assert("0.0000001".commatizeSpec!(true, 10, " ", 6)() == "0.00000 01");