Combinations with repetitions: Difference between revisions

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6 combos
pick 3 out of 10: 220 combos</lang>
<lang jq>def pick(n):
def pick(n; m): # pick n, from m onwards
if n == 0 then []
elif m == length then empty
elif n == 1 then (.[m:][] | [.])
else ([.[m]] + pick(n-1; m)), pick(n; m+1)
pick(n;0) ;</lang>
'''The task''':
<lang jq> "Pick 2:",
(["iced", "jam", "plain"] | pick(2)),
([[range(0;10)] | pick(3)] | length) as $n
| "There are \($n) ways to pick 3 objects with replacement from 10."
<lang sh>$ jq -n -r -c -f pick.jq
Pick 2:
There are 220 ways to pick 3 objects with replacement from 10.</lang>