Combinations and permutations: Difference between revisions

Combinations and permutations en FreeBasic
m (→‎{{header|C++}}: new flags)
(Combinations and permutations en FreeBasic)
Line 721:
1000 10 nCk . ! 263409560461970212832400
1000 10 nPk . ! 955860613004397508326213120000</lang>
{{trans|Visual Basic .NET}}
<lang freebasic>Function PermBig(x As Long, y As Long) As ULongint
Dim As Long i
Dim As Longint z = 1
For i = x - y + 1 To x
z = z * i
Next i
Return (z)
End Function
Function FactBig(x As Long) As ULongint
Dim As Long i
Dim As Longint z = 1
For i = 2 To x
z = z * i
Next i
Return (z)
End Function
Function CombBig(Byval x As Long, Byval y As Long) As Double
If y > x Then
Return (0)
Elseif x = y Then
Return (1)
If x - y < y Then y = x - y
Return (PermBig(x, y) / FactBig(y))
End If
End Function
Dim As Long i, j
Print "-- Long Integer - Permutations - from 1 to 12"
For i = 1 To 12
For j = 1 To i
Print "P(" & i & "," & j & ")=" & Str(PermBig(i, j)) & " ";
Next j
Print ""
Next i
Print Chr(10) & "-- Float integer - Combinations from 10 to 60"
For i = 10 To 60 Step 10
For j = 1 To i Step i \ 5
Print "C(" & i & "," & j & ")=" & Str(CombBig(i, j)) & " ";
Next j
Print ""
Next i
Print Chr(10) & "-- Float integer - Permutations from 5000 to 15000"
For i = 5000 To 15000 Step 5000
For j = 10 To 50 Step 20
Print "P(" & i & "," & j & ")=" & Str(PermBig(i, j)) & " ";
Next j
Print ""
Next i
Print Chr(10) & "-- Float integer - Combinations from 200 to 1000"
For i = 200 To 1000 Step 200
For j = 20 To 100 Step 20
Print "C(" & i & "," & j & ")=" & Str(CombBig(i, j)) & " ";
Next j
Print ""
Next i
