Colour pinstripe/Display: Difference between revisions

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Added PicoLisp
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close DISPLAY ;
<lang PicoLisp>(de *Colors # Black Red Green Blue Magenta Cyan Yellow White
((0 0 0) (255 0 0) (0 255 0) (0 0 255)
(255 0 255) (0 255 255) (255 255 0) (255 255 255) .) )
(let Ppm # Create PPM of 384 x 288 pixels
(for N 4
(let L
(do (/ 384 N)
(let C (pop *Colors)
(do N (link C)) ) ) )
(do 72 (link L)) ) ) )
(out '(display) # Pipe to ImageMagick
(prinl "P6") # NetPBM format
(prinl (length (car Ppm)) " " (length Ppm))
(prinl 255)
(for Y Ppm (for X Y (apply wr X))) ) )</lang>