Colour pinstripe/Display: Difference between revisions

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→‎Tcl: Added implementation
→‎{{header|Tcl}}: Added PureBasic
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After filling the top quarter of the, we switch to a wider 2 pixel wide pinstripe pattern. Halfway down the display we switch to 3 pixel wide pinstripe and then finally to a 4 pixels wide pinstripe for the last quarter of the display.
<lang PureBasic>;Create a Pinstripe image with a pattern of vertical stripe colors
Procedure PinstripeDisplay(width, height, Array psColors(1), numColors = 0)
Protected x, imgID, psHeight = height / 4, psWidth = 1, psTop, horzBand, curColor
If numColors < 1: numColors = ArraySize(psColors()) + 1: EndIf
imgID = CreateImage(#PB_Any, width, height)
If imgID
x = 0
curColor = 0
Box(x, psTop, psWidth, psHeight, psColors(curColor))
curColor = (curColor + 1) % numColors
x + psWidth
Until x >= width
psWidth + 1
horzBand + 1
psTop = horzBand * height / 4 ;move to the top of next horizontal band of image
Until psTop >= height
ProcedureReturn imgID
;Open a window and display the pinstripe
If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 1, 1,"PureBasic Pinstripe", #PB_Window_Maximize | #PB_Window_SystemMenu)
Dim psColors(7)
psColors(0) = RGB($00, $00, $00) ;black
psColors(1) = RGB($FF, $00, $00) ;red
psColors(2) = RGB($00, $FF, $00) ;green
psColors(3) = RGB($00, $00, $FF) ;blue
psColors(4) = RGB($FF, $00, $FF) ;magenta
psColors(5) = RGB($00, $FF, $FF) ;cyan
psColors(6) = RGB($FF, $FF, $00) ;yellow
psColors(7) = RGB($FF, $FF, $FF) ;white
PicID = PinstripeDisplay(WindowWidth(0), WindowHeight(0), psColors())
ImageGadget(0, 0, 0, WindowWidth(0), WindowHeight(0), ImageID(PicID))
While WaitWindowEvent() <> #PB_Event_CloseWindow