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=={{header|M2000 Interpreter}}==
Module names and variables with same name may exist
Above and inside M2000 console layer there are 32 layers. These layers used for text/graphics and as sprites. We can make window forms above console window, any number of them and for forms 100 we can use background as layer too. Behind console layer is the background layer (the console window) and also there we can use it for printing. Also there is one more layer, the printer layer which hold a page.
For eedilayers as background, console and sprites we can use Input too. This command can't be used in user windows, we have to use controls and events.
Sprite layers have a priority number, so 32 is the top one. We can change priorities sending back any sprite
<lang M2000 Interpreter>
Module Pinstripe {
Smooth off ' use of GDI32
Dim colors(0 to 7)
Colors(0)=#000000,#FF0000, #00FF00, #0000FF, #FF00FF, #00FFFF, #FFFF00, #FFFFFF
Refresh 5000
For i=1 to 4 {
move 0, (i-1)*zoneheight
For j=1 to pixelsX/i {
Fill pinw, zoneheight, color(n)
Step 0, -zoneheight
n++:if n=8 then n=0
\\ now we make the refersh
Refresh 100
\\ draw to console window
\\ now we make a window and draw there
Layer 32 {
Window 12, 10000,10000
Motion 2000,2000
Declare Pinstripe Form
Layer Pinstripe {
Window 12, 10000,10000
Method Pinstripe, "Show", 1
Layer 32 {Hide}