Colour bars/Display: Difference between revisions

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The task is to display a series of vertical color bars across the width of the display. The color bars should either use the system palette, or the sequence of colors: Black, Red, Green, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, Yellow, White.
=={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}==
The procedure below is generalized to take a description of a ''test card'' and display it.
<lang Icon>link graphics,printf
procedure main() # generalized colour bars
procedure DrawTestCard(TC)
size := sprintf("size=%d,%d",TC.width,TC.height)
&window := TC.window := open(,"g","bg=black",size) |
stop("Unable to open window")
every R := TC.bands[r := 1 to *TC.bands -1] do
every C := R.bars[c := 1 to *R.bars - 1] do {
FillRectangle( C.left,,
R.bars[c+1].left-C.left, TC.bands[r+1] )
return TC
record testcard(window,id,width,height,bands)
record band(top,bars)
record bar(left,colour)
procedure Simple_TestCard() #: return structure simple testcard
return testcard(,"Simple Test Card",width := 800,height := 600,
[ band( 1, [ bar( 1, "black"),
bar(114, "red"),
bar(228, "green"),
bar(342, "blue"),
bar(456, "magenta"),
bar(570, "cyan"),
bar(684, "yellow"),
bar(width) ] ),
band(height) ])
The following example is a wee tiny bit more interesting.
<lang Icon>procedure SMPTE_TestCard() #: return structure with 480i(ish) testcard
return testcard(,"SMPTE TV Test Card",width := 672,height := 504,
[ band( 1, [ bar( 1, "#c0c0c0"),
bar( 95, "#c0c000"),
bar(191, "#00c0c0"),
bar(288, "#00c000"),
bar(383, "#c000c0"),
bar(480, "#c00000"),
bar(575, "#0000c0"),
bar(width) ] ),
band(335, [ bar( 1, "#0000c0"),
bar( 95, "#131313"),
bar(191, "#c000c0"),
bar(288, "#131313"),
bar(383, "#00c0c0"),
bar(480, "#131313"),
bar(575, "#c0c0c0"),
bar(width) ] ),
band(378, [ bar( 1, "#00214c"),
bar(120, "#ffffff"),
bar(240, "#32006a"),
bar(360, "#131313"),
bar(480, "#090909"),
bar(512, "#131313"),
bar(544, "#1d1d1d"),
bar(576, "#131313"),
bar(width) ] ),
band(height) ])
{{libheader|Icon Programming Library}}
[ graphics.icn provides graphics]
[ printf.icn provides sprintf]
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