Color quantization: Difference between revisions

Go solution
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Line 294:
const imq = colorQuantize(im, nCols);
A very basic median cut algorithm.
<lang go>package main
import (
func main() {
f, err := os.Open("Quantum_frog.png")
if err != nil {
img, err := png.Decode(f)
if err != nil {
fq, err := os.Create("frog256.png")
if err != nil {
err = png.Encode(fq, quant(img, 256))
if err != nil {
// Organize quatization in some logical steps.
func quant(img image.Image, nq int) image.Image {
qz := newQuantizer(img, nq) // set up a work space
qz.cluster() // cluster pixels by color
return qz.Paletted() // generate paletted image from clusters
// A workspace with members that can be accessed by methods.
type quantizer struct {
img image.Image // original image
cs []cluster // len is the desired number of colors
px []point // list of all points in the image
ch chValues // buffer for computing median
eq []point // additional buffer used when splitting cluster
type cluster struct {
px []point // list of points in the cluster
widestCh int // rx, gx, bx const for channel with widest value range
chRange uint32 // value range (vmax-vmin) of widest channel
index int // heap index
type point struct{ x, y int }
type chValues []uint32
type queue []*cluster
const (
rx = iota
func newQuantizer(img image.Image, nq int) *quantizer {
b := img.Bounds()
npx := (b.Max.X - b.Min.X) * (b.Max.Y - b.Min.Y)
// Create work space.
qz := &quantizer{
img: img,
ch: make(chValues, npx),
cs: make([]cluster, nq),
// Populate initial cluster with all pixels from image.
c := &qz.cs[0]
px := make([]point, npx)
c.px = px
i := 0
for y := b.Min.Y; y < b.Max.Y; y++ {
for x := b.Min.X; x < b.Max.X; x++ {
px[i].x = x
px[i].y = y
return qz
func (qz *quantizer) cluster() {
// Cluster by repeatedly splitting clusters.
// Use a heap as priority queue for picking clusters to split.
// The rule will be to spilt the cluster with the most pixels.
// Terminate when the desired number of clusters has been populated
// or when clusters cannot be further split.
pq := new(queue)
// Initial cluster. populated at this point, but not analyzed.
c := &qz.cs[0]
for i := 1; ; {
// Cluster cannot be split if all pixels are the same color.
// Only enqueue clusters that can be split.
if c.chRange > 0 {
heap.Push(pq, c) // add new cluster to queue
// If no clusters have any color variation, mark the end of the
// cluster list and quit early.
if len(*pq) == 0 {
qz.cs = qz.cs[:i]
s := heap.Pop(pq).(*cluster) // get cluster to split
c = &qz.cs[i] // set c to new cluster
m := qz.Median(s)
qz.Split(s, c, m) // split s into c and s
// If that was the last cluster, we're done.
if i == len(qz.cs) {
if s.chRange > 0 {
heap.Push(pq, s) // return to queue
func (q *quantizer) setColorRange(c *cluster) {
// Find extents of color values in each channel.
var maxR, maxG, maxB uint32
minR := uint32(math.MaxUint32)
minG := uint32(math.MaxUint32)
minB := uint32(math.MaxUint32)
for _, p := range c.px {
r, g, b, _ := q.img.At(p.x, p.y).RGBA()
if r < minR {
minR = r
if r > maxR {
maxR = r
if g < minG {
minG = g
if g > maxG {
maxG = g
if b < minB {
minB = b
if b > maxB {
maxB = b
// See which channel had the widest range.
s := gx
min := minG
max := maxG
if maxR-minR > max-min {
s = rx
min = minR
max = maxR
if maxB-minB > max-min {
s = bx
min = minB
max = maxB
c.widestCh = s
c.chRange = max - min // also store the range of that channel
func (q *quantizer) Median(c *cluster) uint32 {
px := c.px
ch :=[:len(px)]
// Copy values from appropriate channel to buffer for computing median.
switch c.widestCh {
case rx:
for i, p := range c.px {
ch[i], _, _, _ = q.img.At(p.x, p.y).RGBA()
case gx:
for i, p := range c.px {
_, ch[i], _, _ = q.img.At(p.x, p.y).RGBA()
case bx:
for i, p := range c.px {
_, _, ch[i], _ = q.img.At(p.x, p.y).RGBA()
// Median algorithm.
half := len(ch) / 2
m := ch[half]
if len(ch)%2 == 0 {
m = (m + ch[half-1]) / 2
return m
func (q *quantizer) Split(s, c *cluster, m uint32) {
px := s.px
var v uint32
i := 0
lt := 0
gt := len(px) - 1
eq := q.eq[:0] // reuse any existing buffer
for i <= gt {
// Get pixel value of appropriate channel.
r, g, b, _ := q.img.At(px[i].x, px[i].y).RGBA()
switch s.widestCh {
case rx:
v = r
case gx:
v = g
case bx:
v = b
// Categorize each pixel as either <, >, or == median.
switch {
case v < m:
px[lt] = px[i]
case v > m:
px[gt], px[i] = px[i], px[gt]
eq = append(eq, px[i])
// Handle values equal to the median.
if len(eq) > 0 {
copy(px[lt:], eq) // move them back between the lt and gt values.
// Then, if the number of gt values is < the number of lt values,
// fix up i so that the split will include the eq values with
// the gt values.
if len(px)-i < lt {
i = lt
q.eq = eq // squirrel away (possibly expanded) buffer for reuse
// Split the pixel list.
s.px = px[:i]
c.px = px[i:]
func (qz *quantizer) Paletted() *image.Paletted {
cp := make(color.Palette, len(qz.cs))
pi := image.NewPaletted(qz.img.Bounds(), cp)
for i := range qz.cs {
px := qz.cs[i].px
// Average values in cluster to get palette color.
var rsum, gsum, bsum int64
for _, p := range px {
r, g, b, _ := qz.img.At(p.x, p.y).RGBA()
rsum += int64(r)
gsum += int64(g)
bsum += int64(b)
n64 := int64(len(px))
cp[i] = color.NRGBA64{
uint16(rsum / n64),
uint16(gsum / n64),
uint16(bsum / n64),
// set image pixels
for _, p := range px {
pi.SetColorIndex(p.x, p.y, uint8(i))
return pi
// Implement sort.Interface for sort in median algorithm.
func (c chValues) Len() int { return len(c) }
func (c chValues) Less(i, j int) bool { return c[i] < c[j] }
func (c chValues) Swap(i, j int) { c[i], c[j] = c[j], c[i] }
// Implement heap.Interface for priority queue of clusters.
func (q queue) Len() int { return len(q) }
// Less implements rule to select cluster with greatest number of pixels.
func (q queue) Less(i, j int) bool {
return len(q[j].px) < len(q[i].px)
func (q queue) Swap(i, j int) {
q[i], q[j] = q[j], q[i]
q[i].index = i
q[j].index = j
func (pq *queue) Push(x interface{}) {
c := x.(*cluster)
c.index = len(*pq)
*pq = append(*pq, c)
func (pq *queue) Pop() interface{} {
q := *pq
n := len(q) - 1
c := q[n]
*pq = q[:n]
return c
