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{{encyclopedic}}'''Cocoa''' is Apple Computer's native object-oriented application programming environment for the Mac OS X operating system. It is one of five major APIs available for Mac OS X; the others are Carbon, Toolbox (for the Classic environment), POSIX (for the BSD environment), and Java. (Environments such as Perl and Python are considered minor environments because they are not generally used for full-fledged application programming.)
Cocoa applications are typically developed using the development tools provided by Apple, specifically Xcode (formerly Project Builder) and Interface Builder, using the [[Objective-C]] language. However, the Cocoa programming environment can be accessed using other tools, such as Python, with the aid of a bridging mechanism such as PyObjC. It is also possible to write Objective-C Cocoa programs in a simple text editor and build it manually with GCC or even [[GNUstep]]'s makefile scripts.