Cipolla's algorithm: Difference between revisions

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<lang racket></lang>
<lang racket></#lang> racket
(require math/number-theory)
;; math/number-theory allows us to parameterize a "current-modulus"
;; which obviates the need for p to be passed around constantly
(define (Cipolla n p) (with-modulus p (mod-Cipolla n)))
(define (mod-Legendre a)
(modexpt a (/ (sub1 (current-modulus)) 2)))
;; Arithmetic in Fp²
(struct Fp² (x y))
(define-syntax-rule (Fp²-destruct* (a a.x a.y) ...)
(begin (match-define (Fp² a.x a.y) a) ...) )
;; a + b
(define (Fp²-add a b ω2)
(Fp²-destruct* (a a.x a.y) (b b.x b.y))
(Fp² (mod+ a.x b.x) (mod+ a.y b.y)))
;; a * b
(define (Fp²-mul a b ω2)
(Fp²-destruct* (a a.x a.y) (b b.x b.y))
(Fp² (mod+ (* a.x b.x) (* ω2 a.y b.y)) (mod+ (* a.x b.y) (* a.y b.x))))
;; a * a
(define (Fp²-square a ω2)
(Fp²-destruct* (a a.x a.y))
(Fp² (mod+ (sqr a.x) (* ω2 (sqr a.y))) (mod* 2 a.x a.y)))
;; a ^ n
(define (Fp²-pow a n ω2)
(Fp²-destruct* (a a.x a.y))
((= 0 n) (Fp² 1 0))
((= 1 n) a)
((= 2 n) (Fp²-mul a a ω2))
((even? n) (Fp²-square (Fp²-pow a (/ n 2) ω2) ω2))
(else (Fp²-mul a (Fp²-pow a (sub1 n) ω2) ω2))))
;; x^2 ≡ n (mod p) ?
(define (mod-Cipolla n)
;; check n is a square
(unless (= 1 (mod-Legendre n)) (error 'Cipolla "~a not a square (mod ~a)" n (current-modulus)))
;; iterate until suitable 'a' found
(define a (for/first ((t (in-range 2 (current-modulus))) ;; t = tentative a
#:when (= (sub1 (current-modulus))
(mod-Legendre (- (* t t) n))))
(define ω2 (- (* a a) n))
;; (Fp² a 1) = a + ω
(define r (Fp²-pow (Fp² a 1) (/ (add1 (current-modulus)) 2) ω2))
(define x (Fp²-x r))
(unless (zero? (Fp²-y r)) (error 'Cipolla "ω has not vanished")) ;; hope that ω has vanished
(unless (mod= n (* x x)) (error 'Cipolla "result check failed")) ;; checking the result
(values x (mod- (current-modulus) x)))
(define (report-Cipolla n p)
(with-handlers ((exn:fail? (λ (x) (eprintf "Caught error: ~s~%" (exn-message x)))))
(define-values (r1 r2) (Cipolla n p))
(printf "Roots of ~a are (~a,~a) (mod ~a)~%" n r1 r2 p)))
(module+ test
(report-Cipolla 10 13)
(report-Cipolla 56 101)
(report-Cipolla 8218 10007)
(report-Cipolla 8219 10007)
(report-Cipolla 331575 1000003)
(report-Cipolla 665165880 1000000007)
(report-Cipolla 881398088036 1000000000039)
(report-Cipolla 34035243914635549601583369544560650254325084643201
<pre>Roots of 10 are (6,7) (mod 13)
Roots of 56 are (37,64) (mod 101)
Roots of 8218 are (9872,135) (mod 10007)
Caught error: "Cipolla: 8219 not a square (mod 10007)"
Roots of 331575 are (855842,144161) (mod 1000003)
Roots of 665165880 are (524868305,475131702) (mod 1000000007)
Roots of 881398088036 are (208600591990,791399408049) (mod 1000000000039)
Roots of 34035243914635549601583369544560650254325084643201 are (17436881171909637738621006042549786426312886309400,82563118828090362261378993957450213573687113690751) (mod 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000151)</pre>
