Chinese zodiac: Difference between revisions

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Markjreed (talk | contribs)
Clarify origin of elements.
Markjreed (talk | contribs)
→‎{{header|APL}}: Add implementation.
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2017 Fire Rooster Yin
{{works with|Dyalog APL}}
{{works with|GNU APL}}
This simply creates a vector of the attributes of the year.
<syntaxhighlight lang="apl">hanzi ← '甲' '乙' '丙' '丁' '戊' '己' '庚' '辛' '壬' '癸' '子' '丑' '寅' '卯' '辰' '巳' '午' '未' '申' '酉' '戌' '亥'
pinyin ← 'jiă' 'yĭ' 'bĭng' 'dīng' 'wù' 'jĭ' 'gēng' 'xīn' 'rén' 'gŭi' 'zĭ' 'chŏu' 'yín' 'măo' 'chén' 'sì' 'wŭ' 'wèi' 'shēn' 'yŏu' 'xū' 'hài'
pinyinFor ← { pinyin /⍨ ⍵ ⍷ hanzi }
stems ← '甲' '乙' '丙' '丁' '戊' '己' '庚' '辛' '壬' '癸'
branches ← '子' '丑' '寅' '卯' '辰' '巳' '午' '未' '申' '酉' '戌' '亥'
animals ← 'Rat' 'Ox' 'Tiger' 'Rabbit' 'Dragon' 'Snake' 'Horse' 'Goat' 'Monkey' 'Rooster' 'Dog' 'Pig'
elements ← 'Wood' 'Fire' 'Earth' 'Metal' 'Water'
aspects ← 'yang' 'yin'
position ← { 1 + 60 | ⍵ - 4 }
item ← { ⍺ ⌷⍨ 1 + (≢⍺) | 1 -⍨ position ⍵ }
celestial ← { stems item ⍵ }
terrestrial ← { branches item ⍵ }
animal ← { animals item ⍵ }
aspect ← { aspects item ⍵ }
element ← { elements ⌷⍨ 1+⌊2÷⍨1×⍨10 | 1 -⍨ position ⍵ }
∇vec ← cz year ; cs ; tb
cs ← celestial year
tb ← terrestrial year
vec ← (position year), cs, tb, (pinyinFor cs), (pinyinFor tb), (element year), (animal year), (aspect year)
10 1 ⍴ cz ¨ 1935 1938 1941 1944 1947 1968 1972 1976 2003 2006</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>12 乙亥 yĭ hài Wood Pig yin
15 戊寅 wù yín Earth Tiger yang
18 辛巳 xīn sì Metal Snake yin
21 甲申 jiă shēn Wood Monkey yang
24 丁亥 dīng hài Fire Pig yin
45 戊申 wù shēn Earth Monkey yang
49 壬子 rén zĭ Water Rat yang
53 丙辰 bĭng chén Fire Dragon yang
20 癸未 gŭi wèi Water Goat yin
Line 683 ⟶ 727:
dīngyŏu huǒ jī yīn
34/60 fire rooster </pre>
Chinese Animal/Element/Yin/Yang Characters Copied From "AppleScript"