Chess player: Difference between revisions

Added Wren
(Chess player en QBASIC)
(Added Wren)
Line 954:
There is a 3D-Chess-Board in the [ VPython contributed section].
<lang ecmascript>import "/trait" for Stepped
import "/fmt" for Fmt
import "/ioutil" for Input, Output
import "/str" for Str
var Board = List.filled(8, null)
// initialize Board
var starting = [
[-500, -270, -300, -900, -7500, -300, -270, -500],
[-100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100],
[ 500, 270, 300, 900, 5000, 300, 270, 500]
for (x in 0..7) {
Board[x] = List.filled(8, 0)
for (y in 0..7) Board[x][y] = starting[x][y]
// best moves
var BestA = List.filled(8, 0)
var BestB = List.filled(8, 0)
var BestX = List.filled(8, 0)
var BestY = List.filled(8, 0)
// current Levels
var Cflag = false
var Level = 0
var MaxLevel = 5
var Score = 0
var End = false
// helper classes
class Terminal {
static clear() {
locate(1, 1)
static locate(r, c) {
class Color {
static set(fore, back) {
fore = (fore < 8) ? fore + 30 : fore + 82
back = (back < 8) ? back + 40 : back + 92
static reset() {
class Chess {
// generate list of moves for bishop
static bishop(a, b, xx, yy, ndx) {
var id = Board[b][a].sign
var f = { |x, y|
// make sure no piece of same color
if (id != Board[y][x].sign) {
ndx = ndx + 1
xx[ndx] = x
yy[ndx] = y
// work out diagonal moves in each of four directions
for (dxy in 1..7) {
var x = a - dxy
var y = b + dxy
// stop if go off the board
if (x < 0 || x > 7 || y < 0 || y > 7) break, y)
// stop when hit a piece
if (Board[y][x] != 0) break
for (dxy in 1..7) {
var x = a + dxy
var y = b + dxy
if (x < 0 || x > 7 || y < 0 || y > 7) break, y)
if (Board[y][x] != 0) break
for (dxy in 1..7) {
var x = a - dxy
var y = b - dxy
if (x < 0 || x > 7 || y < 0 || y > 7) break, y)
if (Board[y][x] != 0) break
for (dxy in 1..7) {
var x = a + dxy
var y = b - dxy
if (x < 0 || x > 7 || y < 0 || y > 7) break, y)
if (Board[y][x] != 0) break
return ndx
// evaluate possible moves
static evaluate(id, prune) {
var xx = List.filled(27, 0)
var yy = List.filled(27, 0)
Level = Level + 1 // update recursion level
var bestScore = 10000 * id
for (b in 7..0) { // loop through each square
for (a in 7..0) {
// if square doesn't have right color piece, go to next square
if (Board[b][a].sign != id) {
if (Level == 1) showman(a, b, 0)
if (Level == 1) showman(a, b, 8) // show move currently being tried
var ndx = 0
ndx = moveList(a, b, xx, yy, ndx) // get list of moves for current piece
for (i in Stepped.ascend(0..ndx)) { // loop through each possible move
var x = xx[i]
var y = yy[i]
if (Level == 1) {
Terminal.locate(1, 1)
Fmt.print("Trying: $c$d-$c$d", 65+a, 8-b, 65+x, 8-y)
showman(x, y, 8)
var oldScore = Score
var mover = Board[b][a] // store these locations
var target = Board[y][x] // so we can set the move back
makeMove(a, b, x, y) // make the move so we can evaluate
if (Level < MaxLevel) {
var p = bestScore - target + id*(8 - (4-x).abs - (4-y).abs)
Score = Score + evaluate(-id, p)
// work out score for move
Score = Score + target - id*(8 - (4-x).abs - (4-y).abs)
if ((id < 0 && Score > bestScore) || (id > 0 && Score < bestScore)) {
// update current best score
BestA[Level] = a
BestB[Level] = b
BestX[Level] = x
BestY[Level] = y
bestScore = Score
if ((id < 0 && bestScore >= prune) ||
(id > 0 && bestScore <= prune)) {
// prune to avoid wasting time
Board[b][a] = mover // restore position prior to modification
Board[y][x] = target
Score = oldScore
if (Level == 1) showman(x, y, 0)
if (Level == 1) showman(a, b, 0)
Level = Level - 1
return bestScore
Board[b][a] = mover
Board[y][x] = target
Score = oldScore
if (Level == 1) showman(x, y, 0)
if (Level == 1) showman(a, b, 0)
Level = Level - 1
return bestScore
// determine whether 'in check' or not
static inCheck() {
var xx = List.filled(27, 0)
var yy = List.filled(27, 0)
var ndx = 0
for (b in 0..7) {
for (a in 0..7) {
if (Board[b][a] >= 0) continue
ndx = moveList(a, b, xx, yy, ndx)
for (i in Stepped.ascend(0..ndx)) {
var x = xx[i]
var y = yy[i]
if (Board[y][x] == 5000) {
System.print("You are in check!\n\n")
return true
return false
// get player move
static io(a, b, x, y, result) {
var xx = List.filled(27, 0)
var yy = List.filled(27, 0)
if (a >= 0) {
if (result < -2500) {
System.print("I resign")
End = true
var piece = Board[y][x]
makeMove(a, b, x, y)
// show computer move
Fmt.print("My move: $c$d-$c$d", 65+a, 8-b, 65+x, 8-y)
if (piece != 0) {
System.write("I took your ")
System.print( (piece == 100) ? "pawn" :
(piece == 270) ? "knight" :
(piece == 300) ? "bishop" :
(piece == 500) ? "rook" :
(piece == 900) ? "queen" :
(piece == 5000) ? "king" : "")
while (true) {
Terminal.locate(24, 1)
var inp = Str.upper(Input.text("Your move (ex: E2-E4): "))
if (inp == "QUIT") {
End = true
// castling, kingside rook
if (inp == "O-O" || inp == "0-0") {
if (Cflag || Board[7][7] != 500 ||
Board[7][6] != 0 || Board[7, 5] != 0) {
Board[7][6] = 5000
Board[7][4] = 0
Board[7][5] = 500
Board[7][7] = 0
Cflag = true
// castling, queenside rook
if (inp == "O-O-O" || inp == "0-0-0") {
if (Cflag || Board[7][0] != 500 ||
Board[7][1] != 0 || Board[7, 2] != 0 || Board[7][3] != 0) {
Board[7][2] = 5000
Board[7][4] = 0
Board[7][3] = 500
Board[7][0] = 0
Cflag = true
if (inp.count < 5) {
b = 8 - (inp[1].bytes[0] - 48)
a = inp[0].bytes[0] - 65
x = inp[3].bytes[0] - 65
y = 8 - (inp[4].bytes[0] - 48)
if (b > 7 || b < 0 || a > 7 || a < 0 || x > 7 ||
x < 0 || y > 7 || y < 0 || Board[b][a] <= 0) {
var ndx = 0
ndx = moveList(a, b, xx, yy, ndx)
// validate move
for (k in Stepped.ascend(0..ndx)) {
if (x == xx[k] && y == yy[k]) {
var mover = Board[b][a]
var target = Board[y][x]
makeMove(a, b, x, y)
Terminal.locate(1, 1)
// make sure move out of check
if (!inCheck()) return
Board[b][a] = mover // otherwise move out of check and reset board
Board[y][x] = target
// generate list of moves for king
static king(a, b, xx, yy, ndx) {
var id = Board[b][a].sign
// go through each of 8 possible moves, checking for same color and off board
for (dy in -1..1) {
if (b + dy < 0 || b + dy > 7) continue
for (dx in -1..1) {
if (a + dx < 0 || a + dx > 7) continue
if (id != Board[b+dy][a+dx].sign) {
ndx = ndx + 1
xx[ndx] = a + dx
yy[ndx] = b + dy
return ndx
// generate list of moves for knight
static knight(a, b, xx, yy, ndx) {
var id = Board[b][a].sign // get color
var f = { |x, y|
// make sure on board
if (x < 0 || x > 7 || y < 0 || y > 7) return
// make sure no piece of same color
if (id != Board[y][x].sign) {
ndx = ndx + 1
xx[ndx] = x
yy[ndx] = y
// work out each of the knight's eight moves - 1, b - 2) - 2, b - 1) + 1, b - 2) + 2, b - 1) - 1, b + 2) - 2, b + 1) + 1, b + 2) + 2, b + 1)
return ndx
// make a move on the board
static makeMove(a, b, x, y) {
Board[y][x] = Board[b][a] // move piece to target square
Board[b][a] = 0 // old square now empty
if (y == 0 && Board[y][x] == 100) Board[y][x] = 900 // pawn promoted
if (y == 7 && Board[y][x] == -100) Board[y][x] = -900
// generate list of moves for current piece
static moveList(a, b, xx, yy, ndx) {
var piece = Board[b][a].abs.truncate // get value corresponding to piece
ndx = -1
// call proper move listing routine depending on piece
if (piece == 100) {
ndx = pawn(a, b, xx, yy, ndx)
} else if (piece == 270) {
ndx = knight(a, b, xx, yy, ndx)
} else if (piece == 300) {
ndx = bishop(a, b, xx, yy, ndx)
} else if (piece == 500) {
ndx = rook(a, b, xx, yy, ndx)
} else if (piece == 900) {
ndx = queen(a, b, xx, yy, ndx)
} else {
ndx = king(a, b, xx, yy, ndx)
return ndx
// generate list of moves for pawn
static pawn(a, b, xx, yy, ndx) {
var id = Board[b][a].sign // get color
if (a - 1 >= 0 && a - 1 <= 7 && b - id >= 0 && b - id <= 7) {
// if there's a piece to capture, do so
if (Board[b-id][a-1].sign == -id) {
ndx = ndx + 1
xx[ndx] = a - 1
yy[ndx] = b - id
if (a + 1 >= 0 && a + 1 <= 7 && b - id >= 0 && b - id <= 7) {
if (Board[b-id][a+1].sign == -id) {
ndx = ndx + 1
xx[ndx] = a + 1
yy[ndx] = b - id
if (a >= 0 && a <= 7 && b - id >= 0 && b - id <= 7) {
// make sure square is empty
if (Board[b-id][a] == 0) {
ndx = ndx + 1
xx[ndx] = a
yy[ndx] = b - id
if ((id < 0 && b == 1) || (id > 0 && b == 6)) {
// if it's empty move two squares forward
if (Board[b-id-id][a] == 0) {
ndx = ndx + 1
xx[ndx] = a
yy[ndx] = b - 2*id
return ndx
// generate list of moves for queen
static queen(a, b, xx, yy, ndx) {
// queen's move = bishop + rook
ndx = bishop(a, b, xx, yy, ndx)
ndx = rook(a, b, xx, yy, ndx)
return ndx
// generate list of moves for rook
static rook(a, b, xx, yy, ndx) {
var id = Board[b][a].sign
// work out vert/horiz moves in each direction
for (x in Stepped.descend(a-1..0)) {
if (id != Board[b][x].sign) {
// if no piece of same color
ndx = ndx + 1
xx[ndx] = x
yy[ndx] = b
if (Board[b][x] != 0) break
for (x in Stepped.ascend(a+1..7)) {
if (id != Board[b][x].sign) {
ndx = ndx + 1
xx[ndx] = x
yy[ndx] = b
if (Board[b][x] != 0) break
for (y in Stepped.descend(b-1..0)) {
if (id != Board[y][a].sign) {
ndx = ndx + 1
xx[ndx] = a
yy[ndx] = y
if (Board[y][a] != 0) break
for (y in Stepped.ascend(b+1..7)) {
if (id != Board[y][a].sign) {
ndx = ndx + 1
xx[ndx] = a
yy[ndx] = y
if (Board[y][a] != 0) break
return ndx
// show board
static showbd() {
Terminal.locate(3, 30)
Color.set(7, 0)
System.print("A B C D E F G H")
for (k in 0..25) {
Terminal.locate(4, 28 + k)
Color.set(3, 0)
for (b in 0..7) {
Terminal.locate(2*b + 5, 26)
Color.set(7, 0)
System.print(String.fromCodePoint(56 - b))
Terminal.locate(2*b + 5, 28)
Color.set(3, 0)
Terminal.locate(2*b + 6, 28)
Color.set(3, 0)
for (a in 0..7) {
var colour = (((a + b) % 2) != 0) ? 8 : 9
square(3*a + 31, 2*b + 5, colour)
Terminal.locate(2*b + 5, 53)
Color.set(3, 0)
Terminal.locate(2*b + 6, 53)
Color.set(3, 0)
Terminal.locate(2*b + 6, 55)
Color.set(7, 0)
System.print(String.fromCodePoint(56 - b))
for (k in 0..25) {
Terminal.locate(21, 28 + k)
Color.set(3, 0)
Terminal.locate(22, 30)
Color.set(7, 0)
System.print("A B C D E F G H")
for (b in 0..7) {
for (a in 0..7) showman(a, b, 0)
Color.set(7, 0)
// show piece
static showman(a, b, flag) {
var back = (Board[b][a] <= 0) ? 0 : 7
var fore = 7 - back + flag
if (Board[b][a] == 0) {
back = (((a + b) & 1) != 0) ? 8 : 9
fore = back + (-1) * ((flag > 0) ? -1 : 0)
var piece = Board[b][a].abs.truncate
var n = (piece == 0) ? String.fromCodePoint(0x2588) :
(piece == 100) ? "P" :
(piece == 270) ? "N" :
(piece == 300) ? "B" :
(piece == 500) ? "R" :
(piece == 900) ? "Q" :
(piece == 5000) ? "K" :
(piece == 7500) ? "K" : " "
Terminal.locate(2*b + 5 - ((Board[b][a] > 0) ? -1 : 0), 3*a + 30)
Color.set(fore, back)
Terminal.locate(1, 1)
Color.set(7, 0)
// display a square
static square(a, b, c) {
var mt = String.fromCodePoint(0x2588) * 3
Terminal.locate(b, a - 2)
Color.set(c, c)
Terminal.locate(b + 1, a - 2)
Color.set(c, c)
Color.set(7, 0)
// start a game
static start() {
var a = -1
var b = 0
var x = 8
var y = 8
var result = 0
while (true) {
Score = 0
io(a, b, x, y, result) // get white's move
if (End) {
showbd() // update board to show white's move
result = evaluate(-1, 10000) // get black's move
a = BestA[1] // start column for black's move
b = BestB[1] // start row for black's move
x = BestX[1] // end column for black's move
y = BestY[1] // end row for black's move
