Chemical calculator: Difference between revisions

J draft
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(J draft)
Line 2,076:
invalid atom name starting here
This could be done a bit more concisely, but it's not clear that that would be an advantage here.
<syntaxhighlight lang=J>do{{)n
H: 1.008, He: 4.002602, Li: 6.94, Be: 9.0121831,
B: 10.81, C: 12.011, N: 14.007, O: 15.999,
F: 18.998403163, Ne: 20.1797, Na: 22.98976928, Mg: 24.305,
Al: 26.9815385, Si: 28.085, P: 30.973761998, S: 32.06,
Cl: 35.45, K: 39.0983, Ar: 39.948, Ca: 40.078,
Sc: 44.955908, Ti: 47.867, V: 50.9415, Cr: 51.9961,
Mn: 54.938044, Fe: 55.845, Ni: 58.6934, Co: 58.933194,
Cu: 63.546, Zn: 65.38, Ga: 69.723, Ge: 72.63,
As: 74.921595, Se: 78.971, Br: 79.904, Kr: 83.798,
Rb: 85.4678, Sr: 87.62, Y: 88.90584, Zr: 91.224,
Nb: 92.90637, Mo: 95.95, Ru: 101.07, Rh: 102.9055,
Pd: 106.42, Ag: 107.8682, Cd: 112.414, In: 114.818,
Sn: 118.71, Sb: 121.76, I: 126.90447, Te: 127.6,
Xe: 131.293, Cs: 132.90545196, Ba: 137.327, La: 138.90547,
Ce: 140.116, Pr: 140.90766, Nd: 144.242, Pm: 145,
Sm: 150.36, Eu: 151.964, Gd: 157.25, Tb: 158.92535,
Dy: 162.5, Ho: 164.93033, Er: 167.259, Tm: 168.93422,
Yb: 173.054, Lu: 174.9668, Hf: 178.49, Ta: 180.94788,
W: 183.84, Re: 186.207, Os: 190.23, Ir: 192.217,
Pt: 195.084, Au: 196.966569, Hg: 200.592, Tl: 204.38,
Pb: 207.2, Bi: 208.9804, Po: 209, At: 210,
Rn: 222, Fr: 223, Ra: 226, Ac: 227,
Pa: 231.03588, Th: 232.0377, Np: 237, U: 238.02891,
Am: 243, Pu: 244, Cm: 247, Bk: 247,
Cf: 251, Es: 252, Fm: 257, Ubn: 299,
Uue: 315
}} rplc ':';'=:'; ',';'['; LF;''
NB. 0: punctuation, 1: numeric, 2: upper case, 3: lower case
ctyp=: e.&'0123456789' + (2*]~:tolower) + 3*]~:toupper
tokenize=: (0;(0 10#:10*do;._2{{)n
1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 NB. start here
1.2 2.2 3.2 4.2 NB. punctuation is 1 character per word
1.2 2 3.2 4.2 NB. numeric characters are word forming
1.2 2.2 3.2 4 NB. upper case always begins a word
1.2 2.2 3.2 4 NB. lower case always continues a word
}});ctyp a.)&;:
molar_mass=: {{
W=.,0 NB. weight stack
M=.,1 NB. multiplier stack
digit=. (1=ctyp a.)#<"0 a.
alpha=. (2=ctyp a.)#<"0 a.
for_t.|.tokenize y do. select. {.;t
case. '(' do. W=. (M #.&(2&{.) W), 2}.W
M=. 1,2}.M
case. ')' do. W=. 0,W
M=. 1,M
case. digit do.
M=. (do;t),}.M
case. alpha do. W=. (({.W)+({.M)*do;t),}.W
M=. 1,}.M
case. do. NB. ignore irrelevant whitespace
end. end. assert. 1=#W
assert 1.008 = molar_mass('H') NB. hydrogen
assert 2.016 = molar_mass('H2') NB. hydrogen gas
assert 18.015 = molar_mass('H2O') NB. water
assert 34.014 = molar_mass('H2O2') NB. hydrogen peroxide
assert 34.014 = molar_mass('(HO)2') NB. hydrogen peroxide
assert 142.036 = molar_mass('Na2SO4') NB. sodium sulfate
assert 84.162 = molar_mass('C6H12') NB. cyclohexane
assert 186.295 = molar_mass('COOH(C(CH3)2)3CH3') NB. butyric or butanoic acid
assert 176.124 = molar_mass('C6H4O2(OH)4') NB. vitamin C
assert 386.664 = molar_mass('C27H46O') NB. cholesterol
assert 315 = molar_mass('Uue') NB. ununennium
Line 2,272 ⟶ 2,347:
C27H46O -> 386.664
Uue -> 315.000</pre>
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