Checksumcolor: Difference between revisions

added ocaml
(initial draft)
(added ocaml)
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Task: The task is to create this command line utility that we can use to pipe the output of the md5sum and shaXsum commands and that colors the checksum part of the output. Take each group of 3 or 6 hexadecimal characters and interpret it as if it was a color code and print it with the closest console color. Print with colors if the output is the terminal or print the input unchanged if the output of the utility is a pipe.
<lang ocaml>#load "unix.cma"
#load "str.cma"
let colors = [|
((15, 0, 0), "31");
(( 0, 15, 0), "32");
((15, 15, 0), "33");
(( 0, 0, 15), "34");
((15, 0, 15), "35");
(( 0, 15, 15), "36");
let square_dist (r1, g1, b1) (r2, g2, b2) =
let xd = r2 - r1 in
let yd = g2 - g1 in
let zd = b2 - b1 in
(xd * xd + yd * yd + zd * zd)
let print_color s =
let n = String.length s in
let k = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to pred (n / 3) do
let j = i * 3 in
let c1 = s.[j]
and c2 = s.[j+1]
and c3 = s.[j+2] in
k := j+3;
let rgb =
int_of_string (Printf.sprintf "0x%c" c1),
int_of_string (Printf.sprintf "0x%c" c2),
int_of_string (Printf.sprintf "0x%c" c3)
let m = ref 676 in
let color_code = ref "" in
Array.iteri (fun i (color, code) ->
let sqd = square_dist color rgb in
if sqd < !m then begin
color_code := code;
m := sqd;
) colors;
Printf.printf "\027[%s;1m%c%c%c\027[00m" !color_code c1 c2 c3;
for j = !k to pred n do
let c = s.[j] in
Printf.printf "\027[0;1m%c\027[00m" c;
let r = Str.regexp "^\\([A-Fa-f0-9]+\\)\\([ \t]+.+\\)$"
let color_checksum () =
try while true do
let line = input_line stdin in
if Str.string_match r line 0
then begin
let s1 = Str.matched_group 1 line in
let s2 = Str.matched_group 2 line in
print_color s1;
print_endline s2;
else print_endline line
done with End_of_file -> ()
let cat () =
try while true do
let line = input_line stdin in
print_endline line
done with End_of_file -> ()
let () =
if Unix.isatty Unix.stdout
then color_checksum ()
else cat ()</lang>
<pre>$ md5sum coreutils-* | ocaml
ab20d840e13adfebf2b6936a2dab071b coreutils-8.29.tar.gz
b259b2936bb46009be3f5cc06a12c32d coreutils-8.30.tar.gz
03cf26420de566c306d340df52f6ccd7 coreutils-8.31.tar.gz</pre>