Checkpoint synchronization: Difference between revisions

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m Slight simplification
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Worker 2 is ready
The perlipc man page details several approaches to interprocess communication. Here's one of my favourites: socketpair and fork. I've omitted some error-checking for brevity.
<lang perl>#!/usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use v5.10;
use Socket;
my $nr_items = 3;
sub short_sleep($) {
(my $seconds) = @_;
select undef, undef, undef, $seconds;
# This is run in a worker thread. It repeatedly waits for a character from
# the main thread, and sends a value back to the main thread. A short
# sleep introduces random timing, just to keep us honest.
sub be_worker($$) {
my ($socket, $value) = @_;
for (1 .. $nr_items) {
sysread $socket, my $dummy, 1;
short_sleep rand 0.5;
syswrite $socket, $value;
# This function forks a worker and sends it a socket on which to talk to
# the main thread, as well as an initial value to work with. It returns
# (to the main thread) a socket on which to talk to the worker.
sub fork_worker($) {
(my $value) = @_;
socketpair my $kidsock, my $dadsock, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC
or die "socketpair: $!";
if (fork // die "fork: $!") {
# We're the parent
close $dadsock;
return $kidsock;
else {
# We're the child
close $kidsock;
be_worker $dadsock, $value;
# Never returns
# Fork two workers, send them start signals, retrieve the values they send
# back, and print them
my $alpha_sock = fork_worker 'A';
my $digit_sock = fork_worker 1;
for (1 .. $nr_items) {
syswrite $_, 'x' for $alpha_sock, $digit_sock;
sysread $alpha_sock, my $alpha, 1;
sysread $digit_sock, my $digit, 1;
say $alpha, $digit;
# If the main thread were planning to run for a long time after the
# workers had terminate, it would need to reap them to avoid zombies:
wait; wait;
A sample run:
msl@64Lucid:~/perl$ ./checkpoint