Check if two polygons overlap: Difference between revisions

Added Python implementation for the "Check if two polygons overlap" task
m (→‎{{header|Wren}}: Changed to Wren S/H)
(Added Python implementation for the "Check if two polygons overlap" task)
Line 649:
poly2 and poly3 overlap? true
<syntaxhighlight lang="python3">
# overlapping polygons by xing216
from math import inf
class Vector2:
def __init__(self, x: float, y: float) -> None:
self.x = x
self.y = y
def dot(self, other: 'Vector2') -> float:
return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'({self.x}, {self.y})'
class Projection:
min: float
max: float
def overlaps(self, proj2: 'Projection') -> bool:
if self.max < proj2.min or proj2.max < self.min: return False
return True
class Polygon:
def __init__(self, vertices: list[Vector2]) -> None:
self.vertices = vertices
self.axes = self.get_axes()
def get_axes(self) -> list[Vector2]:
axes = []
for i, vertex1 in enumerate(self.vertices):
if i + 1 == len(self.vertices): vertex2 = self.vertices[0]
else: self.vertices[i + 1]
edge = (vertex1.x - vertex2.x, vertex1.y - vertex2.y)
axes.append(Vector2(-edge[1], edge[0]))
return axes
def projection_on_axis(self, axis: Vector2) -> Projection:
projection = Projection()
projection.min = inf
projection.max = -inf
for vertex in self.vertices:
p =
if p < projection.min:
projection.min = p
if p > projection.max:
projection.max = p
return projection
def overlaps(self, other: 'Polygon') -> bool:
for axes in [self.axes, other.axes]:
for axis in axes:
proj1 = self.projection_on_axis(axis)
proj2 = other.projection_on_axis(axis)
if not proj1.overlaps(proj2): return False
return True
poly1 = [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 2.0), (1.0, 4.0), (2.0, 2.0), (2.0, 0.0)]
poly2 = [(4.0, 0.0), (4.0, 2.0), (5.0, 4.0), (6.0, 2.0), (6.0, 0.0)]
poly3 = [(1.0, 0.0), (1.0, 2.0), (5.0, 4.0), (9.0, 2.0), (9.0, 0.0)]
polygons = (poly1, poly2, poly3)
polygons = [Polygon([Vector2(*vertex) for vertex in polygon]) for polygon in polygons]
for i, polygon in enumerate(polygons):
print(f'poly{i+1} = {polygon.vertices}')
print(f'poly1 and poly2 overlap? {polygons[0].overlaps(polygons[1])}')
print(f'poly1 and poly3 overlap? {polygons[0].overlaps(polygons[2])}')
print(f'poly2 and poly3 overlap? {polygons[1].overlaps(polygons[2])}')
poly1 = [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 2.0), (1.0, 4.0), (2.0, 2.0), (2.0, 0.0)]
poly2 = [(4.0, 0.0), (4.0, 2.0), (5.0, 4.0), (6.0, 2.0), (6.0, 0.0)]
poly3 = [(1.0, 0.0), (1.0, 2.0), (5.0, 4.0), (9.0, 2.0), (9.0, 0.0)]
poly1 and poly2 overlap? False
poly1 and poly3 overlap? True
poly2 and poly3 overlap? True
