Catmull–Clark subdivision surface

Revision as of 01:23, 7 January 2010 by rosettacode>Blue Prawn (→‎{{header|OCaml}}: some comments)

Implement the Catmull-Clark surface subdivision.

Catmull–Clark subdivision surface
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

(Description on Wikipedia.)


The implementation below only supports quad faces, but it does handle surfaces with holes.

This code uses a module called Dynar (for dynamic array) because it needs a structure similar to arrays but with which we can push a new element at the end. (The source of this module is given in the sub-page.)

In the sub-page there is also a program in OCaml+OpenGL which displays a cube subdivided 2 times with this algorythm.

<lang ocaml>open Dynar

let add3 (x1, y1, z1) (x2, y2, z2) (x3, y3, z3) =

 ( (x1 +. x2 +. x3),
   (y1 +. y2 +. y3),
   (z1 +. z2 +. z3) )

let mul m (x,y,z) = (m *. x, m *. y, m *. z)

let avg pts =

 let n, (x,y,z) =
     (fun (n, (xt,yt,zt)) (xi,yi,zi) ->
        succ n, (xt +. xi, yt +. yi, zt +. zi))
     (1, List.hd pts) ( pts)
 let n = float_of_int n in
 (x /. n, y /. n, z /. n)

let catmull ~points ~faces =

 let da_points = Dynar.of_array points in
 let new_faces = Dynar.of_array [| |] in
 let push_face face = Dynar.push new_faces face in
 let h1 = Hashtbl.create 43 in
 let h2 = Hashtbl.create 43 in
 let h3 = Hashtbl.create 43 in
 let h4 = Hashtbl.create 43 in
 let blg = Array.make (Array.length points) 0 in (* how many faces a point belongs to *)
 let f_incr p = blg.(p) <- succ blg.(p) in
 let eblg = Array.make (Array.length points) 0 in (* how many edges a point belongs to *)
 let e_incr p = eblg.(p) <- succ eblg.(p) in
 let edge a b = (min a b, max a b) in  (* suitable for hash-table keys *)
 let mid_edge p1 p2 =
   let x1, y1, z1 = points.(p1)
   and x2, y2, z2 = points.(p2) in
   ( (x1 +. x2) /. 2.0,
     (y1 +. y2) /. 2.0,
     (z1 +. z2) /. 2.0 )
 let mid_face p1 p2 p3 p4 =
   let x1, y1, z1 = points.(p1)
   and x2, y2, z2 = points.(p2)
   and x3, y3, z3 = points.(p3)
   and x4, y4, z4 = points.(p4) in
   ( (x1 +. x2 +. x3 +. x4) /. 4.0,
     (y1 +. y2 +. y3 +. y4) /. 4.0,
     (z1 +. z2 +. z3 +. z4) /. 4.0 )
 Array.iteri (fun i (a,b,c,d) ->
   f_incr a; f_incr b; f_incr c; f_incr d;
   let face_point = mid_face a b c d in
   let face_pi = pushi da_points face_point in
   Hashtbl.add h3 a face_point;
   Hashtbl.add h3 b face_point;
   Hashtbl.add h3 c face_point;
   Hashtbl.add h3 d face_point;
   let process_edge a b =
     let ab = edge a b in
     if not(Hashtbl.mem h1 ab)
     then begin
       let mid_ab = mid_edge a b in
       let index = pushi da_points mid_ab in
       Hashtbl.add h1 ab (index, mid_ab, [face_point]);
       Hashtbl.add h2 a mid_ab;
       Hashtbl.add h2 b mid_ab;
       Hashtbl.add h4 mid_ab 1;
     else begin
       let index, mid_ab, fpl = Hashtbl.find h1 ab in
       Hashtbl.replace h1 ab (index, mid_ab, face_point::fpl);
       Hashtbl.add h4 mid_ab (succ(Hashtbl.find h4 mid_ab));
   let mid_ab = process_edge a b
   and mid_bc = process_edge b c
   and mid_cd = process_edge c d
   and mid_da = process_edge d a in
   push_face (a, mid_ab, face_pi, mid_da);
   push_face (b, mid_bc, face_pi, mid_ab);
   push_face (c, mid_cd, face_pi, mid_bc);
   push_face (d, mid_da, face_pi, mid_cd);
 ) faces;
 Hashtbl.iter (fun (a,b) (index, mid_ab, fpl) ->
   e_incr a; e_incr b;
   if List.length fpl = 2 then <- avg (mid_ab::fpl)
 ) h1;
 Array.iteri (fun i old_vertex ->
   let n = blg.(i)
   and e_n = eblg.(i) in
   (* if the vertex doesn't belongs to as many faces than edges
      this means that this is a hole *)
   if n = e_n then
     let avg_face_points =
       let face_point_list = Hashtbl.find_all h3 i in
       (avg face_point_list)
     let avg_mid_edges = 
       let mid_edge_list = Hashtbl.find_all h2 i in
       (avg mid_edge_list)
     let n = float_of_int n in
     let m1 = (n -. 3.0) /. n
     and m2 = 1.0 /. n
     and m3 = 2.0 /. n in <-
         add3 (mul m1 old_vertex)
              (mul m2 avg_face_points)
              (mul m3 avg_mid_edges)
   else begin
     let mid_edge_list = Hashtbl.find_all h2 i in
     let mid_edge_list =
       (* only average mid-edges near the hole *)
       List.fold_left (fun acc mid_edge ->
         match Hashtbl.find h4 mid_edge with
         | 1 -> mid_edge::acc
         | _ -> acc
       ) [] mid_edge_list
     in <- avg (old_vertex :: mid_edge_list)
 ) points;
 (Dynar.to_array da_points,
  Dynar.to_array new_faces)