Category talk:Wren-seq

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Source code

<lang ecmascript>/* Module "seq.wren" */

import "/trait" for Cloneable, CloneableSeq

/* Seq supplements the Sequence class with some other operations on sequences. */ class Seq {

   // Private helper method to check that 's' is a sequence and throw an error otherwise.
   static isSeq_(s) { (s is Sequence) ? true : Fiber.abort("Argument must be a sequence.") }
   // Returns true if a sequence contains ALL the elements of a sequence, false otherwise.
   static containsAll(s, elements) {
       for (element in elements) {
           if (!s.contains(element)) return false
       return true
   // Returns a new 'lazy' sequence that iterates only the last 'count' elements of
   // the original sequence.
   static takeLast(s, count) {
       if (!(count is Num) || !count.isInteger || count < 0) {
           Fiber.abort("Count must be a non-negative integer.")
       count = s.count - count
       if (count <= 0) count = 0
       return  s.skip(count)
   // Returns a new 'lazy' sequence that skips the last 'count' elements of
   // the original sequence.
   static skipLast(s, count) {
       if (!(count is Num) || !count.isInteger || count < 0) {
           Fiber.abort("Count must be a non-negative integer.")
       count = a.count - count
       if (count <= 0) count = 0
       return  a.take(count)


/* Lst supplements the List class with various other operations on lists. */ class Lst {

   // Private helper method to check that 'a' is a list and throw an error otherwise.
   static isList_(a) { (a is List) ? true : Fiber.abort("Argument must be a list.") }
   // Searches an unsorted list linearly for a particular value from a start index.
   // If the start index is negative, the list is searched in reverse order.
   // Returns a list of three items:
   // The first item is a Bool indicating whether the value was found.
   // The second item is the number of times the value was found.
   // The third item is a list of indices at which the value was found.
   static indicesOf(a, value, start) {
       var count = a.count
       var indices = []
       if (count == 0) return [false, indices]
       if (start >= 0) {
           if (start >= count) return [false, indices]
           for (i in start...count) {
               if (a[i] == value) indices.add(i)
       } else {
           start = count + start
           if (start < 0) return [false, indices]
           for (i in start..0) {
               if (a[i] == value) indices.add(i)
       if (indices.isEmpty) return [false, indices]
       return [true, indices]
   // Works similarly to 'indicesOf' but only returns the index of the first match
   // or -1 if there were no matches at all.
   static indexOf(a, value, start) {
       var count = a.count
       if (count == 0) return -1
       if (start >= 0) {
           if (start >= count) return -1
           for (i in start...count) {
               if (a[i] == value) return i
       } else {
           start = count + start
           if (start < 0) return -1
           for (i in start..0) {
               if (a[i] == value) return i
       return -1
   // Works similarly to 'indexOf' but returns the index of the first match
   // of ANY of a sequence of values or -1 if none of them matched.
   static indexOfAny(a, values, start) {
       var i
       for (value in values) {
           if ((i = indexOf(a, value, start)) >= 0) return i
       return -1
   // Convenience versions of the above which use a value for 'start' of 0.
   static indicesOf(a, value)   { indicesOf(a, value, 0)   }
   static indexOf(a, value)     { indexOf(a, value, 0)     }
   static indexOfAny(a, values) { indexOfAny(a, values, 0) }
   // Returns true if 'a' contains ALL the values of a sequence, false otherwise.
   static containsAll(a, values) {
       return Seq.containsAll(a, values)
   // Returns true if 'a' contains ANY of the values, false otherwise.
   static containsAny(a, values) { indexOfAny(a.values) >= 0 }
   // Returns true if 'a' contains NONE of the values, false otherwise.
   static containsNone(a, values) { !contains.any(a, values) }
   // Groups each individual element of a list by count and indices, preserving order.
   // Returns a list of three element lists, one for each individual element.
   // The content of each three element list is as follows:
   // The first item is the individual element itself.
   // The second item is the number of times the individual element was found.
   // The third item is a list of indices at which the individual element was found.
   static individuals(a) {
       var c = a.count
       var m = {}
       var g = []
       var ix = 0
       for (i in 0...c) {
           if (!m[a[i]]) {
               g.add([a[i], 1, [i]])
               m[a[i]] = ix
               ix = ix + 1
           } else {
               var v = g[m[a[i]]]
               v[1] = v[1] + 1
       return g
   // Groups each element of a list by the result of applying a function to it preserving order.
   // Returns a two element list for each distinct result as follows:
   // The first element is the result itself.
   // The second element is a list of three element lists consisting of:
   // A distinct element in the group.
   // The number of times that element occurs.
   // The indices at which it occurs.
   static groups(a, fn) {
       var c = a.count
       var m = {}
       var g = []
       var ix = 0
       for (i in 0...c) {
           var k =[i])
           if (!m[k]) {
               g.add([k, [[a[i], 1, [i]]]])
               m[k] = ix
               ix = ix + 1
           } else {
               var v = g[m[k]]
               var existing = false
               for (e in v[1]) {
                  if (e[0] == a[i]) {
                       e[1] = e[1] + 1
                       existing = true
               if (!existing) v[1].add([a[i], 1, [i]])
       return g
   // Splits a list into two partitions depending on whether an element 
   // satisfies a predicate function or not and preserving order.
   // Returns a two element list of these partitions, the 'true' partition first.
   static partitions(a, pf) {
       var res = [[], []]
       a.each { |e| ? res[0].add(e) : res[1].add(e) }
       return res
   // Finds those elements of a list which occur the most times, preserving order.
   // Returns a list of three element lists, one for each such element.
   // The format of each three element list is similar to the 'lowest' method.
   static modes(a) {
       var gr = individuals(a)
       var max = gr.reduce(0) { |acc, g| (g[1] > acc) ? g[1] : acc }
       var res = []
       for (g in gr) {
           if (g[1] == max) res.add(g)
       return res
   // Finds all distinct elements of a list, preserving order.
   // Similar to 'individuals' but only returns a list of the distinct elements.
   static distinct(a) {
       var gr = individuals(a)
       var res = []
       for (g in gr) res.add(g[0])
       return res
   // Returns true if all elements of a list are the same, false otherwise.
   static allSame(a) { distinct(a).count == 1 }
   // Splits a list into chunks of not more than 'size' elements.
   // Returns a list of these chunks, preserving order.
   static chunks(a, size) {
       var c = a.count
       if (!(size is Num && size.isInteger &&  size > 0)) {
           Fiber.abort("Size must be a positive integer.")
       if (size >= c) return a
       var res = []
       var n = (c/size).floor
       var final = c % size
       var first = 0
       var last  = first + size - 1
       for (i in 0...n) {
           first = last + 1
           last  = first + size - 1
       if (final > 0) res.add(a[first..-1])
       return res
   // Replaces all occurrences of 'old' by 'swap' in 'a' and returns ['old', 'swap'].
   static replace(a, old, swap) {
       for (i in 0...a.count) {
           if (a[i] == old) a[i] = swap
       return [old, swap]
   // Returns a clone of 'a' by recursively cloning any elements which are
   // themselves lists. However, at the scalar level elements cannot be deeply cloned
   // unless they are either immutable or inherit from the Cloneable trait.
   static clone(a) {
       var res = []
       clone_(res, a)
       return res
   // Private worker method for 'clone' method.
   static clone_(res, a) {
       for (e in a) {
           res.add ((e is List) ? clone(e) :
                    (e is Cloneable || e is CloneableSeq) ? e.clone() : e)
   // Creates and returns a new FrozenList from 'a'.
   static freeze(a) { }
   // Returns a list of scalar elements by recursively flattening any elements
   // which are themselves lists.
   static flatten(a) {
       var res = []
       flatten_(res, a)
       return res
   // Private worker method for 'flatten' method.
   static flatten_(res, a) {
       for (e in a) {
           if (e is List) flatten_(res, e) else res.add(e)
   // Applies a function to each element of a list and then flattens and returns the results.
   static flatMap(a, fn) {
       var res = { |e| }
       return res
   // Returns a list of two element lists consisting of each element of a list
   // and the result of applying a function to that element.
   static associate(a, af) { { |e| [e,] } }
   // Returns a list of two element lists consisting of each element of 'a1' and
   // the corresponding element of 'a2' with the same index. If the two lists are of
   // unequal length, then only pairs which have a common index are returned.
   static zip(a1, a2) {
       var c1 = a1.count
       var c2 = a2.count
       var len = (c1 < c2) ? c1 : c2
       var res = []
       for (i in 0...len) res.add([a1[i], a2[i]])
       return res
   // Performs the reverse operation to 'zip' returning the two unzipped lists.
   static unzip(a) {
       var a1 = []
       var a2 = []
       for (t in e) {
       return [a1, a2]


/* FrozenList represents a List which cannot be changed after it has been constructed

  provided the underlying scalar type(s) are immutable or inherit from the Cloneable trait.
  • /

class FrozenList is CloneableSeq {

   // Constructs a new frozen list from a List.
   construct new(a) {
       if (!(a is List)) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a list.")
       _a = Lst.clone(a) // clone it so it (hopefully) cannot be mutated externally
   // Returns the number of elements in the frozen list.
   count { _a.count }
   // Clones this frozen list.
   clone() { Lst.freeze(_a) }
   // Private helper method which clones an element before allowing access to it.
   cloned_(e) { (e is List) ? Lst.clone(e) :
                (e is Cloneable || e is CloneableSeq) ? e.clone() : e }
   // Gets the element at 'index.' If index is negative, it counts backwards from the end of
   // the frozen list where -1 is the last element.
   [index] { cloned_(_a[index]) }
   // Iterator protocol methods.
   iterate(iterator) { _a.iterate(iterator) }
   iteratorValue(iterator) { cloned_(_a.iteratorValue(iterator)) }
   // Returns the string representation of the underlying list.
   toString { _a.toString }


/* Stack represents a LIFO list of values. */ class Stack is CloneableSeq {

   // Constructs a new empty stack.
   construct new() { _stack = [] }
   // Returns the number of elements in the stack.
   count { _stack.count }
   // Removes all elements from the stack.
   clear() { _stack.clear() }
   // Returns the last item on the stack without removing it.
   peek() { (!isEmpty) ? _stack[-1] : null }
   // Adds 'item' to the stack and returns it.
   push(item) { _stack.add(item) }
   // Adds 'items' (in order) to the stack and returns them.
   pushAll(items) { _stack.addAll(items) }
   // Removes the last item from the stack and returns it.
   pop() {
       var item = peek()
       if (item != null) {
       return item
   // Clones the stack.
   clone() {
       var n =
       return n
   // Iterator protocol methods.
   iterate(iterator) { _stack.iterate(iterator) }
   iteratorValue(iterator) { _stack.iteratorValue(iterator) }
   // Returns the string representation of the underlying list.
   toString { _stack.toString }


// Type aliases for classes in case of any name clashes with other modules. var Seq_Seq = Seq var Seq_Lst = Lst var Seq_FrozenList = FrozenList var Seq_Stack = Stack var Seq_Cloneable = Cloneable // in case imported indirectly var Seq_CloneableSeq = CloneableSeq // ditto</lang>

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