Category talk:Wren-seq: Difference between revisions

→‎Source code: Now uses Wren S/H lexer.
(→‎Source code: Added Lst.reverse and Lst.removeBy, removed Lst.toMap (going to new MapUtil module).)
m (→‎Source code: Now uses Wren S/H lexer.)
(16 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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===Source code===
<langsyntaxhighlight ecmascriptlang="wren">/* Module "seq.wren" */
import "./trait" for Cloneable, CloneableSeq
Line 17:
return true
// Returns true if any adjacent elements of the sequence are duplicates, false otherwise.
static hasAdjDup(s) {
var iter = s.iterate(null)
if (!iter) return false
var prev = s.iteratorValue(iter)
while (iter = s.iterate(iter)) {
var next = s.iteratorValue(iter)
if (next == prev) return true
prev = next
return false
Line 28 ⟶ 42:
count = s.count - count
if (count <= 0) count = 0
return sSkipSequence.skipnew(s, count)
Line 38 ⟶ 52:
Fiber.abort("Count must be a non-negative integer.")
count = as.count - count
if (count <= 0) count = 0
return aTakeSequence.takenew(s, count)
// Returns a new 'lazy' sequence that iterates the elements of
// the original sequence only while they continue to satisfy a predicate.
static takeWhile(s, pred) {
if (!((pred is Fn) && pred.arity == 1)) {
Fiber.abort("Predicate must be a function which takes a single argument.")
var count = 0
for (e in s) {
if (! break
count = count + 1
return, count)
// Returns a new 'lazy' sequence that skips the elements of
// the original sequence only while they continue to satisfy a predicate.
static skipWhile(s, pred) {
if (!((pred is Fn) && pred.arity == 1)) {
Fiber.abort("Predicate must be a function which takes a single argument.")
var count = 0
for (e in s) {
if (! break
count = count + 1
return, count)
// Returns the first element of a sequence without removing it.
// Returns null if the sequence is empty.
static peek(s) {
for (value in s) {
return value
return null
// Writes a sequence in list format to stdout
// but without having to convert it to a list first.
static write(s) {
for (e in s) System.write("%(e), ")
// As 'write' followed by a new line.
static print(s) {
Line 122 ⟶ 191:
static refill(a, filler, copier) {
for (c in 0...a.count) a[c] = !copier ? filler :
return a
Line 147 ⟶ 216:
static refill2(a, filler) { refill2(a, filler, null) }
static refill3(a, filler) { refill3(a, filler, null) }
// Creates a new list of size 'size' and copies all the elements (or the first 'size' elements)
// of 'a' into it starting from index 0. Any remaining slots are filled by a copy of 'filler'.
// 'copier' is a function which takes a single argument and returns a copy of that argument.
static resize(a, size, filler, copier) {
if (size.type != Num || !size.isInteger || size < 0) {
Fiber.abort("'size' must be a non-negative integer.")
var res = List.filled(size, null)
var rc = a.count.min(size)
for (i in 0...rc) res[i] = !copier ? a[i] :[i])
if (size > a.count) {
for (i in rc...size) res[i] = !copier ? filler :
return res
// Overloads of above method where elements/filler are immutable, not needed or null.
static resize(a, size, filler) { resize (a, size, filler, null) }
static resize(a, size) { resize (a, size, null, null) }
// Creates a list and fills it with a series of numbers starting from 'start'
Line 341 ⟶ 431:
// Returns true if 'a' contains ANY of the values, false otherwise.
static containsAny(a, values) { indexOfAny(a., values) >= 0 }
// Returns true if 'a' contains NONE of the values, false otherwise.
static containsNone(a, values) { !contains.anycontainsAny(a, values) }
// Groups each individual element of a list by count and indices, preserving order.
Line 471 ⟶ 561:
// Returns true if all elements of a list are the same, false otherwise.
static allSame(a) { distinct(a).count == 1 }
// Returns whether two lists a, b are the same length
// and contain 'equal' elements (using the '==' operator)
// in the same order.
static areEqual(a, b) {
if (a == b) return true
var ac = a.count
var bc = b.count
if (ac != bc) return false
for (i in {
if (a[i] != b[i]) return false
return true
// Splits a list into chunks of not more than 'size' elements.
Line 564 ⟶ 670:
// Removes all elements of 'a' from index 'start' to the end and returns it.
static truncate(a, start) { clearPart(a, start, -1) }
// Expands a list 'a' in place to a length of 'newCount'
// by adding 'element' the required number of times to it.
// If the list's length is already >= newCount, does nothing.
// Returns 'a'.
static expand(a, newCount, element) {
if (newCount.type != Num || !newCount.isInteger || newCount < 0) {
Fiber.abort("newCount must be a non-negative integer.")
if (a.count >= newCount) return a
for (i in a.count...newCount) a.add(element)
return a
// Returns a clone of 'a' by recursively cloning any elements which are
Line 612 ⟶ 732:
// and the result of applying a function to that element.
static associate(a, af) { { |e| [e,] } }
// Returns a list of all elements which are in 'a1' but are not in 'a2'.
static except(a1, a2) {
var a3 = a1.toList
for (e in a2) {
var ix = a3.indexOf(e)
if (ix >= 0) a3.removeAt(ix)
return a3
// Returns a list of all elements which are in both 'a1' and 'a2'.
static intersect(a1, a2) { Lst.except(a1, Lst.except(a1, a2)) }
// Returns a list of two element lists consisting of each element of 'a1' and
Line 650 ⟶ 785:
// As 'sortPart' above but uses the default comparer: {|i, j| i < j }.
static sortPart(a, start, end) { sortPart(a, start, end) {|i, j| i < j } }
// Returns a list of numbers between 'start' and 'end' inclusive
// having a positive step of 'step' between successive numbers.
// If 'ascend' is true, the numbers are incremented by 'step'
// otherwise they are decremented by 'step'.
// If `ascend' is true and start > end, an empty list is returned.
// If 'ascend' is false and start < end, an empty list is returned.
static between(start, end, step, ascend) {
if (step <= 0) Fiber.abort("Step must be a positive number.")
if ((start > end && ascend) || (start < end && !ascend)) return []
var lst = []
var i = start
if (ascend) {
while (i <= end) {
i = i + step
} else {
while (i >= end) {
i = i - step
return lst
// Convenience versions of the above method which use default values for some parameters.
static between(start, end, step) { between(start, end, step, start <= end) }
static between(start, end) { between(start, end, 1, start <= end) }
// Generates and returns a list of 'n' numbers starting from and including 'first'
// where each term is found by multiplying the previous one by 'multiplier'.
static multiples(first, n, multiplier) {
if (!(first is Num)) Fiber.abort("'first' must be a number.")
if (!(n is Num) || !n.isInteger || n < 1) {
Fiber.abort("'n' must be a positive integer.")
if (!(multiplier is Num)) Fiber.abort("'multiplier' must be a number.")
var lst = List.filled(n, 0)
lst[0] = first
if (n == 1) return lst
for (i in 1...n) {
first = first * multiplier
lst[i] = first
return lst
// As 'multiples' but where 'first' and 'multiplier' are the same.
static powers(first, n) { multiples(first, n, first) }
// Builds and returns a list of corresponding columns from a non-empty list 'a'
// of rows, where each row is a non-empty list of any element type. The number
// of columns in each row must be the same.
static columns(a) {
var nr = a.count
if (nr == 0) Fiber.abort("List must contain at least one row.")
var nc = a[0].count
if (nc == 0) Fiber.abort("Rows must have at least one column.")
if (a.skip(1).any { |e| e.count != nc }) {
Fiber.abort("Rows must all have the same number of columns.")
var cols = List.filled(nc, null)
for (j in {
cols[j] = List.filled(nr, 0)
for (i in cols[j][i] = a[i][j]
return cols
Line 715 ⟶ 919:
pop() {
var item = peek()
if (!(item !=is nullNull)) {
Line 896 ⟶ 1,100:
// Returns the string representation of the view.
toString { "[" + _lst.skip(_start).take(_count).join(", ") + "]" }
