Category talk:Wren-rat

Revision as of 14:06, 10 August 2020 by PureFox (talk | contribs) (→‎Source code: Various changes or additions to make the Rat class more consistent with the new BigRat class.)

Source code

<lang ecmascript>/* Module "rat.wren" */

import "/trait" for Comparable

/* Rat represents a rational number as an integral numerator and (non-zero) denominator

  expressed in their lowest terms. Rat objects are immutable. 
  • /

class Rat is Comparable {

   // Maximum safe rational number = 2^53 - 1.
   static maxSafe { Rat.fromInt(9007199254740991) }
   // Private helper function to check that 'o' is a suitable type and throw an error otherwise.
   // Numbers and numeric strings are returned as rationals.
   static check_(o) {
       if (o is Rat) return o
       if (o is Num) return Rat.fromFloat(o)
       if (o is String) return (o.contains("_") && o.contains("/")) ? fromMixedString(o) :
                                o.contains("/") ? fromRationalString(o) : fromString(o)
       Fiber.abort("Argument must either be a rational number, a number or a numeric string.")
   // Private helper function which returns the greatest common divisor of 'n' and 'd'.
   static gcd_(n, d) {
       while (d != 0) {
           var t = d
           d = n % d
           n = t
       return n
   // Private helper method which constructs a Rat object from a non-integral numeric string.
   static fromDecimalString_(s) {
       if (s.contains("e")) Fiber.abort("Argument is out of range.")
       var ix = s.indexOf(".")
       var dp = s[ix+1..-1]
       var den = (10.pow(dp.count)).round
       var num = Num.fromString(s[0...ix] + dp)
       return, den)
   // Constants.
   static minusOne { -1,  1) }
   static zero     {  0,  1) }
   static one      {  1,  1) }
   static two      {  2,  1) }
   static ten      { 10,  1) }
   static half     {  1,  2) }
   static tenth    {  1, 10) }
   // Constructs a new Rat object by passing it a numerator and a denominator.
   construct new(n, d) {
       if (!(n is Num && n.isInteger)) Fiber.abort("Numerator must be an integer.")
       if (!(d is Num && d.isInteger && d != 0)) {
           Fiber.abort("Denominator must be a non-zero integer.")
       if (n.abs > 9007199254740991) Fiber.abort("Numerator is out of range.")
       if (d.abs > 9007199254740991) Fiber.abort("Denominator is out of range.")
       if (n == 0) {
           d = 1
       } else if (d < 0) {
           n = -n
           d = -d
       var g = Rat.gcd_(n, d).abs
       if (g > 1) {
           n = (n/g).truncate
           d = (d/g).truncate
       _n = n
       _d = d
   // Convenience method which constructs a new Rat object by passing it just a numerator.
   static new(n) {, 1) }
   // Constructs a rational number from an integer.
   static fromInt(i) {, 1) }
   // Constructs a rational number from a floating point number.
   static fromFloat(f) {
       if (!(f is Num)) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a number.")
       if (f.isInteger) return, 1)
       var s = "%(f)"
       return fromDecimalString_(s)
   // Constructs a rational number from a numeric string.
   static fromString(s) {
       var n
       if (!(n = Num.fromString(s))) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a numeric string.")
       if (n.isInteger) return, 1)
       return fromDecimalString_(s.trim().trimEnd("0"))
   // Constructs a rational number from a string of the form "n/d".
   // Improper fractions are allowed.
   static fromRationalString(s) {
       s = s.trim()
       var nd = s.split("/")
       if (nd.count != 2) Fiber.abort("Argument is not a suitable string.")
       var n = Num.fromString(nd[0])
       var d = Num.fromString(nd[1])
       if (!n || !d) Fiber.abort("Argument is not a suitable string.")
       return, d)
   // Constructs a rational number from a string of the form "i_n/d" where 'i' is an integer.
   // Improper and negative fractional parts are allowed.
   static fromMixedString(s) {
       var ind = s.split("_")
       if (ind.count != 2) Fiber.abort("Argument is not a suitable string.")
       var nd = fromRationalString(ind[1])
       var i = Rat.fromString(ind[0])
       var neg = i.isNegative || (i.isZero && ind[0][0] == "-")
       return neg ? i - nd : i + nd
   // Returns the greater of two rational numbers.
   static max(r1, r2) { (r1 < r2) ? r2 : r1 }
   // Returns the smaller of two rational numbers.
   static min(r1, r2) { (r1 < r2) ? r1 : r2 }
   // Private helper method to compare two integers.
   static compareInts_(i, j) { (i - j).sign }
   // Determines whether a Rat object is always shown as such or, if integral, as an integer.
   static showAsInt     { __showAsInt }
   static showAsInt=(b) { __showAsInt = b }
   // Basic properties.
   num       { _n }               // numerator
   den       { _d }               // denominator
   ratio     { [_n, _d] }         // a two element list of the above    
   isInteger { float.isInteger }  // checks if integral or not
   isPositive { _n > 0 }          // checks if positive
   isNegative { _n < 0 }          // checks if negative
   isUnit     { _n.abs == 1 }     // checks if plus or minus one
   isZero     { _n == 0 }         // checks if zero
   // Rounding methods (similar to those in Num class).
   ceil     { Rat.fromInt(toFloat.ceil) }      // higher integer
   floor    { Rat.fromInt(toFloat.floor) }     // lower integer
   truncate { Rat.fromInt(toFloat.truncate) }  // lower integer, towards zero
   round    { Rat.fromInt(toFloat.round) }     // nearer integer
   fraction { this - truncate }              // fractional part (same sign as this.num)
   // Reciprocal
   inverse  {, _n) }
   // Integer division.
   idiv(o)  { (this/o).truncate }
   // Negation.
   -{, _d) }
   // Arithmetic operators (work with numbers and numeric strings as well as other rationals).
   +(o) { (o = Rat.check_(o)) && * o.den + _d * o.num, _d * o.den) }
   -(o) { (o = Rat.check_(o)) && (this + (-o)) }
   *(o) { (o = Rat.check_(o)) && * o.num, _d * o.den) }
   /(o) { (o = Rat.check_(o)) && * o.den, _d * o.num) }
   %(o) { (o = Rat.check_(o)) && (this - idiv(o) * o) }
   // Computes integral powers.
   pow(i) {
       if (!((i is Num) && i.isInteger)) Fiber.abort("Argument must be an integer.")
       if (i == 0) return this
       var np = _n.pow(i).round
       var dp = _d.pow(i).round
       return (i > 0) ?, dp) :, np)
   // Returns the square of the current instance.
   square { * _n , _d *_d) }
   // Other methods.
   inc { this + }            // increment
   dec { this - }            // decrement
   abs { (_n >= 0) ? this : -this }  // absolute value
   sign { _n.sign }                  // sign
   // The inherited 'clone' method just returns 'this' as Rat objects are immutable.
   // If you need an actual copy use this method instead.
   copy() {, _d) }

   // Compares this Rat with another one to enable comparison operators via Comparable trait.
   compare(other) {
       if ((other is Num) && other.isInfinity) return -other.sign
       other = Rat.check_(other)
       if (_d == other.den) return Rat.compareInts_(_n, other.num)
       return Rat.compareInts_(_n * other.den, other.num * _d)
   // As above but compares the absolute values of the BigRats.
   compareAbs(other) { }
   // Converts the current instance to a Num.
   toFloat { _n/_d }
   // Converts the current instance to an integer with any fractional part truncated.
   toInt { this.toFloat.truncate }
   // Returns a string represenation of this instance in the form "i_n/d" where 'i' is an integer.
   toMixedString {
       var q = _n / _d
       var r = _n % _d
       if (r.isNegative) r = -r
       return q.toString + "_" + r.toString + "/" + _d.toString
   // Returns the string representation of this Rat object depending on 'showAsInt'.
   toString { (Rat.showAsInt && _d == 1) ? "%(_n)" : "%(_n)/%(_d)" }


/* Rats contains various routines applicable to lists of rational numbers */ class Rats {

   static sum(a)  { a.reduce( { |acc, x| acc + x } }
   static mean(a) { sum(a)/a.count }
   static prod(a) { a.reduce( { |acc, x| acc * x } }
   static max(a)  { a.reduce { |acc, x| (x > acc) ? x : acc } }
   static min(a)  { a.reduce { |acc, x| (x < acc) ? x : acc } }


// Type aliases for classes in case of any name clashes with other modules. var Rat_Rat = Rat var Rat_Rats = Rats var Rat_Comparable = Comparable // in case imported indirectly</lang>

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