Category talk:Wren-fmt: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Source code: Bug fix.)
(→‎Source code: Several improvements including support for formatting a sequence of values.)
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// Centers a string or value 'v' within a field of minimum width 'w'. Pads with spaces.
// Centers a string or value 'v' within a field of minimum width 'w'. Pads with spaces.
static c(w, v) { cjust(w, v) }
static c(w, v) { cjust(w, v) }

// Embeds a string or value 'v' in 'cc', a string with no more than two characters.
// If it has none, no embedding takes place. If has one, it's doubled.
// The first character is added at the left and the second at the right.
static q(v, cc) {
var len
if (!(cc is String && (len = cc.count) < 3)) {
Fiber.abort("Second argument must be a string with no more than 2 characters.")
if (len == 0) return (v is String) ? v : "%(v)"
if (len == 1) cc = cc + cc
return "%(cc[0])%(v)%(cc[1])"
// Embeds a string or value 'v' in double quotes.
// Convenience version of the above which uses double quotes as the embedding characters.
static q(v) { "\"%(v)\"" }
static q(v) { "\"%(v)\"" }
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static fz(w, n, p) { (w >= 0) ? zfill(w, f(w, n, p).trimStart()) : f(w, n, p) }
static fz(w, n, p) { (w >= 0) ? zfill(w, f(w, n, p).trimStart()) : f(w, n, p) }
static gz(w, n, p) { (w >= 0) ? zfill(w, g(w, n, p).trimStart()) : g(w, n, p) }
static gz(w, n, p) { (w >= 0) ? zfill(w, g(w, n, p).trimStart()) : g(w, n, p) }

// Formats the integer part of 'n' in commatized form, space padded,
// using ',' as the separator. The decimal part is not affected.
static fc(w, n, p) {
var f = f(w, n, p)
if (f.contains("infinity") || f == "nan" || f.contains("e")) return f
var ix = f.indexOf(".")
var dp = (ix >= 0) ? f[ix..-1] : ""
var c = dp.count
w = (w >= 0) ? w - c : w + c
if (w < 0) w = 0
return dc(w, n.truncate) + dp

// Works like 'fc' except replaces any trailing zeros after the decimal point with spaces.
// If the resulting string would end with a decimal point, a zero is first added back.
static gc(w, n, p) {
var f = fc(w, n, p)
if (f.contains(".") && f[-1] == "0") {
var l1 = f.count
f = f.trimEnd("0")
if (f[-1] == ".") f = f + "0"
f = f + (" " * (l1 - f.count))
return f

// Convenience versions of the above methods which use the default precision.
// Convenience versions of the above methods which use the default precision.
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static fz(w, n) { fz(w, n, precision) }
static fz(w, n) { fz(w, n, precision) }
static gz(w, n) { gz(w, n, precision) }
static gz(w, n) { gz(w, n, precision) }
static fc(w, n) { fc(w, n, precision) }
static gc(w, n) { gc(w, n, precision) }

// Applies a 'short' formatting method to each element of a list or sequence 'seq'.
// The method to be applied is specified (as a string) in 'fn'.
// The parameters to be passed to the method are specified in 'w' and 'p'
// 'p' is needed for 'f', 'g', 'fz' or 'gz' but is ignored otherwise.
// The resulting strings are then joined together using the separator 'sep'.
// having first applied the 'q' method, with parameter 'cc', to each of them.
// Finally, the 'q' method is applied again, with parameter 'bb', to the whole
// string, if a prefix/suffix is needed.
static v(fn, w, seq, p, sep, bb, cc) {
var l = List.filled(seq.count, "")
for (i in 0...seq.count) {
var e = seq[i]
l[i] = (fn == "d") ? d(w, e) :
(fn == "b") ? b(w, e) :
(fn == "o") ? o(w, e) :
(fn == "x") ? x(w, e) :
(fn == "X") ? Fmt.X(w, e) :
(fn == "s") ? s(w, e) :
(fn == "c") ? c(w, e) :
(fn == "f") ? f(w, e, p) :
(fn == "g") ? g(w, e, p) :
(fn == "dz") ? dz(w, e) :
(fn == "bz") ? bz(w, e) :
(fn == "oz") ? oz(w, e) :
(fn == "xz") ? xz(w, e) :
(fn == "Xz") ? Fmt.Xz(w, e) :
(fn == "fz") ? fz(w, e, p) :
(fn == "gz") ? gz(w, e, p) :
(fn == "dp") ? dp(w, e) :
(fn == "dm") ? dm(w, e) :
(fn == "dc") ? dc(w, e) :
(fn == "fc") ? fc(w, e, p) :
(gn == "gc") ? gc(w, e, p) : Fiber.abort("Method not recognized.")
l[i] = q(l[i], cc)
return q(l.join(sep), bb)

// Convenience versions of the above method which use default values
// for some parameters.
static v(fn, w, seq, p, sep, bb) { v(fn, w, seq, p, sep, bb, "") }
static v(fn, w, seq, p) { v(fn, w, seq, p, ", ", "[]", "") }
static v(fn, w, seq) { v(fn, w, seq, precision, ", ", "[]", "") }

// Type aliases for classes in case of any name clashes with other modules.
// Type aliases for classes in case of any name clashes with other modules.
var Fmt_Conv = Conv
var Fmt_Conv = Conv