Category talk:Wren-date

Revision as of 18:03, 8 June 2020 by PureFox (talk | contribs) (→‎Source code: Improved parsing, added time zone support.)

Source code

<lang ecmascript>/* Module "date.wren" */

import "/trait" for Comparable


   Date represents a date (and the time within that date) as the number of milliseconds
   which have elapsed according to the Gregorian Proleptic calendar since midnight on 
   1st January, 0001. Dates before then or after the year 99,999 are not supported and leap
   seconds are ignored. It is also possible to store a time zone designator in a Date object even 
   though Wren currently has no direct way of detecting its locale or the current local time.
   A Date object is immutable and its 'number' property can be used as a map key.
  • /

class Date is Comparable {

   // Private method to initialize date tables and other static variables.
   static init_() {
       __diy  = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365]
       __diy2 = [0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366]
       __days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
       __mths = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August",
                 "September", "October", "November", "December"]
       __ords = ["First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth", "Sixth", "Seventh", "Eighth",
                 "Ninth", "Tenth", "Eleventh", "Twelfth", "Thirteenth", "Fourteenth",
                 "Fifteenth", "Sixteenth", "Seventeenth", "Eighteenth", "Nineteenth",
                 "Twentieth", "Twenty-first", "Twenty-second", "Twenty-third", "Twenty-fourth",
                 "Twenty-fifth", "Twenty-sixth", "Twenty-seventh", "Twenty-eighth",
                 "Twenty-ninth", "Thirtieth", "Thirty-first"]
       __caps12 = "ABCDEFGHIKLM" // First 12 excluding 'J'
       __digs = "0123456789"
       __default = standard
       __localZone = "UTC"
       // Just North America and Europe.
       __tzs  = { "HST": "-1000", "HDT" : "-0900", "AKST": "-0900", "AKDT": "-0800", "PST": "-0800", 
                  "PDT": "-0700", "MST" : "-0700", "MDT" : "-0600", "CST" : "-0600", "CDT": "-0500",
                  "EST": "-0500", "EDT" : "-0400", "AST" : "-0400", "ADT" : "-0300", "NST": "-0330", 
                  "NDT": "-0230", "PMST": "-0300", "PMDT": "-0200", "CVT" : "-0100", "UTC": "+0000",
                  "GMT": "+0000", "WET" : "+0000", "WEST": "+0100", "BST" : "+0100", "IST": "+0100",
                  "CET": "+0100", "CEST": "+0200", "EET" : "+0200", "EEST": "+0300", "MSK": "+0300" }
   // Constants.
   static zero      {, 1, 1) }
   static maximum   {, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999) }
   static unixEpoch {, 1, 1) }
   // Predefined formats.
   static standard { "yyyy|-|mm|-|dd| |hh|:|MM|:|ss|.|ttt" }       // readable & sortable format
   static isoFull  { "yyyy|-|mm|-|dd|T|hh|:|MM|:|ss|.|ttt|zzzzz" } // includes UTC offset
   static isoDate  { "yyyy|-|mm|-|dd" }
   static rawDate  { "yyyy|mm|dd"     }
   static usDate   { "mm|/|dd|/|yyyy" }
   static ukDate   { "dd|/|mm|/|yyyy" }
   static isoTime  { "hh|:|MM|:|ss"   }
   // Gets or sets the default format to be used by toString.
   static default { __default }
   static default=(fmt) { __default = (fmt is List || fmt is String) ? fmt : standard }
   // Gets or sets the local time zone.
   static localZone { __localZone }
   static localZone=(tz) { __localZone = (tz = isValidTz_(tz) && tz != "J") ? tz  :__localZone }
   // Determines whether a particular year is a leap year.
   static isLeapYear(y) {
       return y%4 == 0 && (y%100 != 0 || y%400 == 0)
   // Returns the year length for a given date.
   static yearLength(y) { isLeapYear(y) ? 366 : 365 }
   // Returns the month length for a given date.
   static monthLength(y, m) { isLeapYear(y) ? __diy2[m] - __diy2[m-1] : __diy[m] - __diy[m-1] }
   // Returns the year day for a given date.
   static yearDay(y, m, d) { d + (isLeapYear(y) ? __diy2[m-1]  : __diy[m-1]) }
   // private helper method for isoWeek method
   static isoWeekOne_(y) {
       var dt =, 1, 4)
       var dow = dt.dayOfWeek
       return dt.addDays(1 - dow) // first Monday <= 4 January
   // Returns the year and week number therein for a given date as per ISO 8601.
   // See
   static isoWeek(y, m, d) {
       var dt =, m, d)
       var week1
       if (dt >=, 12, 29)) { // ISO year might be next year
           week1 = isoWeekOne_(y + 1)
           if (dt < week1) {
               week1 = isoWeekOne_(y)  // it's this year
           } else {
               y = y + 1               // it's next year
       } else {                        // ISO year might be previous year
           week1 = isoWeekOne_(y)
           if (dt < week1) {
               y = y - 1               // it's previous year
               week1 = isoWeekOne_(y)
       return [y, ((dt - week1).days / 7).truncate + 1]
   // Private helper method to check a string is all digits and convert it to an integer.
   static int_(str) {
       for (c in str) { // make sure string only contains digits
           if (!__digs.contains(c)) return null
       return Num.fromString(str)
  // Private helper method to get the longest integer, up to maxLen, from the start of a string.
   static sint_(str, maxLen) {
       if (str == "" || maxLen < 1) return null
       var c = str.count
       if (c < maxLen) maxLen = c
       var n = null
       for (i in 1..maxLen) {
           var t = int_(str[0...i])
           if (t) n = t else return n
       return n
   // Private helper method which fills an integer with leading zeros up to a given length.
   static zeroFill_(length, n) {
       n = "%(n)"
       return (n.count < length) ? "0" * (length - n.count) + n : n
   // Private helper method to convert a single letter time zone designator to a UTC offset.
   static militaryToUtc_(letter) {
       if (letter == "J") return fmtTz_(__localZone, 4)
       if (letter == "Z") return "+0000"
       var ix = __caps12.indexOf(letter)
       if (ix >= 0) return "-" + zeroFill_(2, ix + 1) + "00"
       return "+" + zeroFill_(2, letter.bytes[0] - 77) + "00"
   // Private helper method to convert any time zone designator to a single letter zone.
   static zoneToMilitary_(tz) {
       var c = tz.count
       if (c <= 1) return tz
       var hasName = !(tz[0] == "+" || tz[0] == "-")
       var offset = (hasName) ? __tzs[tz] : tz
       if (!offset) return "?"
       offset = offset[0..2]
       var n = Num.fromString(offset[1..2])
       if (n == 0) return "Z"
       return (offset[0] == "-") ? __caps12[n-1] : __caps[12 + n]
   // Private helper method to check if a time zone is valid or potentially valid.
   // To be valid it must either be a name of between 1 and 5 consecutive capital letters
   // or be a UTC offset of the form ±hh:mm, ±hhmm or just ±hh. If it's an offset it will be
   // returned in ±hhmm format, otherwise as a name. If invalid, null will be returned.
   static isValidTz_(tz) {
       var c = tz.count
       if (c == 0) return null
       var hasName = !(tz[0] == "+" || tz[0] == "-")
       if (hasName) {
           if (c > 5) return null
           for (i in {
               if (!__caps.contains(tz[i])) return null
           return tz
       if (c < 3 || c == 4 || c > 6) return null
       if (c == 3) tz = tz + "00"
       if (c == 6) tz = tz.replace(":", "")
       if ((c = tz.count) != 5) return null
       for (i in 1...c) {
           if (!__digs.contains(tz[i])) return null
       return tz
   // Private helper method to format a time zone. Codes (number of 'z's) are:
   // 1 : Military (single capital letter)
   // 2 : Abbreviated name of a zone (2 to 5 capital letters)
   // 3 : Abbreviated UTC offset (±hh)
   // 4 : Raw offset (±hhmm)
   // 5 : Offset with colon separator (±hh:mm)
   static fmtTz_(tz, code) {
       if (code == 1) return (tz.count == 1) ? tz : zoneToMilitary_(tz)
       var hasName = !(tz[0] == "+" || tz[0] == "-")
       if (code == 2) return (hasName) ? tz : "??"
       var iso = hasName ? __tzs[tz] : tz
       if (!iso) iso = (tz.count == 1) ? militaryToUtc_(tz) : "+????"
       if (code == 3) return iso[0..2]
       if (code == 4) return iso
       return iso[0..2] + ":" + iso[3..4]
   // Private helper method to parse a UTC offset into hours and minutes.
   static parseOffset_(offset) {
       var sign = offset[0]
       var mins = Num.fromString(offset[1..-1])
       var hrs = (mins/100).truncate
       mins = mins % 100
       if (sign == "-") {
           hrs = -hrs
           mins = -mins
      return [hrs, mins]
   // Parses a 'full' IS0 8601 string into a Date object, provided that ANY single character
   // separator may be used in place of dash, space, colon or dot and the following parts
   // may be omitted: the UTC part, the UTC and time parts, the UTC and secs/msecs part or just 
   // the msecs part of the time. Any trailing literal or unparseable text is ignored.
   static parse(str) {
       str = str.trim()
       var c = str.count
       if (c < 10) Fiber.abort("Unparseable date format string.")
       var y  = int_(str[0..3])
       var mo = int_(str[5..6])
       var d  = int_(str[8..9])
       if (c < 16) return, mo, d)
       var h  = int_(str[11..12])
       var mi = int_(str[14..15])
       if (c < 19) return, mo, d, h, mi)
       var s  = int_(str[17..18])
       if (c < 23) return, mo, d, h, mi, s)
       var ms = int_(str[20..22])
       if (c < 29) return, mo, d, h, mi, s, ms)
       var tz = str[23..28]
       return, mo, d, h, mi, s, ms, tz)
   // Parses a date string into a Date object using the supplied format, provided that literal
   // text is only matched by length (not content) and trailing literal text is ignored altogether.
   // A default value is used for any missing constructor parameters. See 'format' for mask meanings.
   static parse(str, fmt) {
       if (fmt == Date.standard || fmt == Date.isoFull || fmt == Date.isoDate) return parse(str)
       str = str.trim()
       if (fmt is String) fmt = fmt.split("|")
       var y = 1
       var mo = 1
       var d = 1
       var h = 0
       var mi = 0
       var s = 0
       var ms = 0
       var tz = __localZone
       var used = 0
       for (i in 0...fmt.count) {
           var f = fmt[i]
           var c = str.count
           if (f == "y") {
               if (c < 1 || !(y = sint_(str, 5))) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse year.")
               used = "%(y)".count
           } else if (f == "yy") {
               if (c < 2 || !(y = int_(str[0..1]))) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse year.")
               y = y + 2000
               used = 2
           } else if (f == "yyy" || f == "yyyy" || f == "yyyyy") {
               var fc = f.count
               if (c < fc || !(y = int_(str[0...fc]))) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse year.")
               used = fc
           } else if (f == "m") {
               if (c < 1 || !(mo = sint_(str, 2))) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse month.")
               used = "%(mo)".count
           } else if (f == "mm") {
               if (c < 2 || !(mo = int_(str[0..1]))) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse month.")
               used = 2
           } else if (f == "mmm") {
               if (c < 3) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse abbreviated month name.")
               var t = str[0..2]
               var found = false
               for (i in 0..11) {
                   if (__mths[i].startsWith(t)) {
                       found = true
                       mo = i + 1
               if (!found) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse abbreviated month name.")
               used = 3
           } else if (f == "mmmm") {
               if (c < 3) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse month name.")
               var found = false
               for (i in 0..11) {
                   if (str.startsWith(__mths[i])) {
                       found = true
                       mo = i + 1
                       used = __mths[i].count
               if (!found) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse month name.")
           } else if (f == "d") {
               if (c < 1 || !(d = sint_(str, 2))) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse day.")
               used = "%(d)".count
            } else if (f == "dd") {
               if (c < 2 || !(d = int_(str[0..1]))) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse day.")
               used = 2
           } else if (f == "ddd") { // cannot deduce 'day' from this but check anyway
                 if (c < 3) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse abbreviated day name.")
                 var t = str[0..2]
                 var found = false
                 for (i in 0..6) {
                   if (__days[i].startsWith(t)) {
                       found = true
               if (!found) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse abbreviated day name.")
               used = 3
           } else if (f == "dddd") {
               if (c < 6) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse day name.")
               var found = false
               for (i in 0..6) {
                   if (str.startsWith(__days[i])) {
                       found = true
                       used = __days[i].count
               if (!found) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse day name.")
           } else if (f == "ooo") { // not worth checking that suffix ties in with day
               if (c < 3 || !(d = sint_(str, 2))) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse day ordinal.")
               used = "%(d)".count
               var sfx = str[used..used+1]
               if (!["th", "st", "nd", "rd"].contains(sfx)) {
                   Fiber.abort("Unable to parse day ordinal.")
           } else if (f == "oooo") {
               if (c < 5) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse day ordinal name.")
               var found = false
               for (i in 0..30) {
                   if (str.startsWith(__ords[i])) {
                       found = true
                       d = i + 1
                       used = __ords[i].count
               if (!found) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse day ordinal name.")      
           } else if (f == "h") {
               if (c < 1 || !(h = sint_(str, 2))) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse hour.")
               used = "%(h)".count
           } else if (f == "hh") {
               if (c < 2 || !(h = int_(str[0..1]))) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse hour.")
               used = 2
           } else if (f == "H") {
               if (c < 1 || !(h = sint_(str, 2))) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse hour.")
               used = "%(h)".count
               if (h == 12) h = 0
           } else if (f == "HH") {
               if (c < 2 || !(h = int_(str[0..1]))) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse hour.")
               if (h == 12) h = 0
               used = 2
           } else if (f == "M") {
               if (c < 1 || !(mi = sint_(str, 2))) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse minute.")
               used = "%(mi)".count
           } else if (f == "MM") {
               if (c < 2 || !(mi = int_(str[0..1]))) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse minute.")
               used = 2
           } else if (f == "s") {
               if (c < 1 || !(s = sint_(str, 2))) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse second.")
               used = "%(s)".count
           } else if (f == "ss") {
               if (c < 2 || !(s = int_(str[0..1]))) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse second.")
               used = 2
           } else if (f == "t") {
               if (c < 1 || !(ms = sint_(str, 3))) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse millisecond.")
               used = "%(ms)".count
           } else if (f == "ttt") {
               if (c < 3 || !(ms = int_(str[0..2]))) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse millisecond.")
               used = 3
           } else if (f == "am" || f == "AM") {
               if (h < 12) h = h + 12
               used = 2
           } else if (f == "z") {
               if (c < 1 || !__caps.contains(str[0])) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse military time zone.")
               used = 1
           } else if (f == "zz") {
               if (c < 2) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse time zone name.")
               tz = str[0]
               var maxLen = 5
               if (c < maxLen) maxLen = c
               for (i in 1...maxLen) {
                   if (!__caps.contains(str[i])) {
                       used = tz.count
                   tz = tz + str[i]
           } else if (f == "zzz" || f == "zzzz") {
               var fc = f.count + 2
               if (c < fc) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse time zone UTC offset.")
               tz = str[0...fc]
               used = fc
           } else if (i == fmt.count - 1) {
               break // not bothered about length of trailing literal text
           } else {
               f = f.replace("\f", "").replace("\v", "|")
               if (c < f.count) Fiber.abort("Unable to parse literal text.")
               used = f.count      
           str = str[used..-1]
       return, mo, d, h, mi, s, ms, tz)
   // Private helper method to get the number of days from up to the start of a year.
   static soyDays_(y) {
       if (y == 0) return 0
       y =  y - 1
       return y*365 + (y/4).floor - (y/100).floor + (y/400).floor
   // Private helper method which adds an ordinal suffix to a day number.
   static ord_(n) {
       var suffix = "th"
       if (n == 1 || n == 21 || n == 22) {
           suffix = "st"
       } else if (n == 2 || n == 22) {
           suffix = "nd"
       } else if (n == 3 || n == 23) {
           suffix = "rd"
       return "%(n)" + suffix
   // Constructs a new Date object by passing it: the year, month, day, hour, minute, second
   // and millisecond of an instance in time plus a time zone designator. It is a runtime error
   // to pass invalid values though, for convenience, if the number of days is more than the
   // month has, they will wrap around to the following month.
   construct new(y, mo, d, h, mi, s, ms, tz) {
       if (!(y is Num && y.isInteger && y >= 0 && y <= 99999)) {
           Fiber.abort("The year must be an integer in the range [0, 99999].")
       if (!(mo is Num && mo.isInteger && mo >= 1 && mo <= 12)) {
           Fiber.abort("The month must be an integer in the range [1, 12].")
       if (!(d is Num && d.isInteger && d >= 1 && d <= 31)) {
           Fiber.abort("The day must be an integer in the range [1, 31].")
       if (!(h is Num && h.isInteger && h >= 0 && h <= 23)) {
           Fiber.abort("The hour must be an integer in the range [0, 23].")
       if (!(mi is Num && mi.isInteger && mi >= 0 && mi <= 59)) {
           Fiber.abort("The minute must be an integer in the range [0, 59].")
       if (!(s is Num && s.isInteger && s >= 0 && s <= 59)) {
           Fiber.abort("The second must be an integer in the range [0, 59].")
       if (!(ms is Num && ms.isInteger && ms >= 0 && ms <= 999)) {
           Fiber.abort("The millisecond must be an integer in the range [0, 999].")
       if (!(tz = Date.isValidTz_(tz))) Fiber.abort("Invalid time zone designator.")
       var days = Date.soyDays_(y)
       days = days + d - 1 + (Date.isLeapYear(y) ? __diy2[mo-1] : __diy[mo-1])
       _num = days * 86400000 + h * 3600000 + mi * 60000 + s * 1000 + ms
       _tz = tz
   // Private constructor for creating a Date object directly from a number of milliseconds.
   construct fromNum_(num, tz) {
       if (num < 0 || num > Date.maximum.number) Fiber.abort("Number is out of range.")
       if (!(tz = Date.isValidTz_(tz))) Fiber.abort("Invalid time zone designator.")
       _num = num
       _tz = tz
   // Convenience methods to construct a Date object from a subset of its parameters.
   static new(y, mo, d, h, mi, s, ms) {, mo, d, h, mi, s, ms, "UTC") } 
   static new(y, mo, d, h, mi, s)     {, mo, d, h, mi, s,  0, "UTC") } 
   static new(y, mo, d, h, mi)        {, mo, d, h, mi, 0,  0, "UTC") } 
   static new(y, mo, d)               {, mo, d, 0,  0, 0,  0, "UTC") }
   static new(y)                      {,  1, 1, 0,  0, 0,  0, "UTC") }
   // Gets the component parts of this date, as a list, from its number
   // and in the same order as the constructor parameters above.
   parts {
       var days = (_num/86400000).floor
       var time = _num % 86400000
       var h = (time/3600000).floor
       time = time % 3600000
       var mi = (time/60000).floor
       time = time % 60000
       var s = (time/1000).floor
       var ms = time % 1000
       var y = (days/365).floor + 1 // approximate year
       while(true) {
           var soyd = Date.soyDays_(y)
           var diff = days - soyd
           if (diff >= 0) {
               if (!Date.isLeapYear(y) && diff <= 364) {
                   var mo = 0
                   for (i in 0..11) {
                       if (diff < __diy[i]) {
                           mo = i
                   if (mo == 0) mo = 12
                   var d = diff - __diy[mo-1] + 1
                   return [y, mo, d, h, mi, s, ms, _tz]
               } else if (Date.isLeapYear(y) && diff <= 365) {
                   var mo = 0
                   for (i in 0..11) {
                       if (diff < __diy2[i]) {
                           mo = i
                   if (mo == 0) mo = 12
                   var d = diff - __diy2[mo-1] + 1
                   return [y, mo, d, h, mi, s, ms, _tz]
           y = y - 1
   // Methods to get this date's basic properties.
   year     { parts[0] }
   month    { parts[1] }
   day      { parts[2] }
   hour     { parts[3] }
   minute   { parts[4] }
   second   { parts[5] }
   millisec { parts[6] }
   // Return a new Date object after adding positive (or negative) increments.
   addYears(y) { + y, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisec, _tz) }
   addMonths(mo) {
       var y = (mo/12).truncate
       if ((mo = mo%12) == 0) return addYears(y)
       var m = month
       if (mo >= 0) {
           if ((m + mo) <= 12) {
               return + y, m + mo, day, hour, minute, second, millisec, _tz)
           return + y + 1, m + mo - 12, day, hour, minute, second, millisec, _tz)
       if ((m + mo) >= 1) return + y, m + mo, day, hour, minute, second, millisec, _tz)
       return + y - 1, m + mo + 12, day, hour, minute, second, millisec, _tz)
   addWeeks(w)      { Date.fromNum_(_num + w * 86400000 * 7, _tz) }
   addDays(d)       { Date.fromNum_(_num + d * 86400000, _tz)     }
   addHours(h)      { Date.fromNum_(_num + h * 3600000, _tz)      }
   addMinutes(mi)   { Date.fromNum_(_num + mi * 60000, _tz)       }
   addSeconds(s)    { Date.fromNum_(_num + s * 1000, _tz)         }
   addMillisecs(ms) { Date.fromNum_(_num + ms, _tz)               }
   // Returns the day of the year in which this date falls.
   dayOfYear { day + (Date.isLeapYear(year) ? __diy2[month-1] : __diy[month-1]) }
   dayOfWeek { (_num/86400000).floor % 7 + 1 } // as an integer (1 to 7), Monday = 1
   weekDay  { __days[dayOfWeek-1] } // as a string
   monthName { __mths[month-1] }    // ditto
   number { _num } // gets the number of miiliseconds since
   unixTime { ((_num - Date.unixEpoch.number)/1000).truncate } // can be negative
   // Returns the ISO year and week in which this date falls.
   weekOfYear { Date.isoWeek(year, month, day) }
   // Returns the time zone designator for this date.
   zone { _tz }
   // Returns a new date object with the new time zone. Doesn't adjust the time.
   changeZone(newZone) { Date.fromNum_(_num, newZone) }
   // Attempts to adjust the time to a new time zone. If successful, returns a 
   // new Date object otherwise returns null.
   adjustTime(newZone) {
       if (newZone == _tz) return this // no adjustment needed
       var hasName = !(_tz[0] == "+" || _tz[0] == "-")
       var oldOffset
       if (hasName && !(oldOffset = __tzs[_tz])) return null
       if (!(newZone = Date.isValidTz_(newZone))) return null
       hasName = !(newZone[0] == "+" || newZone[0] == "-")
       var newOffset
       if (hasName && !(newOffset = __tzs[newZone])) return null
       if (oldOffset == newOffset) return Date.fromNum_(_num, newZone) // no time adjustment needed
       var ohm = Date.parseOffset_(oldOffset)
       var nhm = Date.parseOffset_(newOffset)
       var d = Date.fromNum_(_num, newZone).addHours(nhm[0]).addMinutes(nhm[1])
       return d.addHours(-ohm[0]).addMinutes(-ohm[1])
   // The inherited 'clone' method just returns 'this' as Date objects are immutable.
   // If you need an actual copy use this method instead.
   copy() { Date.fromNum_(_num, _tz) }

   // Compares this date with another one to enable comparison operators via Comparable trait.
   compare(other) { (_num - other.number).sign }
   // Constructs the string representation of this date from a 'fmt' list or string.
   // To treat a part of the format literally (and avoid a clash with a standard mask)
   // insert a '\f' within it which will otherwise be ignored.
   // If 'fmt' is a string then its components should be separated by '|'s. However, to use '|'
   // literally, replace it with a '\v' which will then be changed back during processing.
   format(fmt) {
       if (fmt is String) fmt = fmt.split("|")
       var str = ""
       for (f in fmt) {
           if (f == "y") {
               str = str + "%(parts[0])"                         // minimum digit year
           } else if (f == "yy") {
               str = str + Date.zeroFill_(2, parts[0] % 100)     // 2 digit year
           } else if (f == "yyy") {
               str = str + Date.zeroFill_(3, parts[0] % 1000)    // 3 digit year
           } else if (f == "yyyy") {
               str = str + Date.zeroFill_(4, parts[0] % 10000)   // 4 digit year
           } else if (f == "yyyyy") {
               str = str + Date.zeroFill_(5, parts[0])           // 5 digit year
           } else if (f == "m") {
               str = str + "%(parts[1])"                         // minimum digit month
           } else if (f == "mm") {
               str = str + Date.zeroFill_(2, parts[1])           // 2 digit month
           } else if (f == "mmm") {
               str = str + monthName[0..2]                       // abbreviated month name
           } else if (f == "mmmm") {
               str = str + monthName                             // full month name
           } else if (f == "d") {
               str = str + "%(parts[2])"                         // minimum digit day
            } else if (f == "dd") {
               str = str + Date.zeroFill_(2, parts[2])           // 2 digit day
           } else if (f == "ddd") {
               str = str + weekDay[0..2]                         // abbreviated day name
           } else if (f == "dddd") {
               str = str + weekDay                               // full day name
           } else if (f == "ooo") {
               str = str + Date.ord_(parts[2])                   // ordinal day number
           } else if (f == "oooo") {
               str = str + __ords[parts[2]-1]                    // full ordinal day name
           } else if (f == "h") {
               str = str + "%(parts[3])"                         // mimimum digit hour (24 hr)
           } else if (f == "hh") {
               str = str + Date.zeroFill_(2, parts[3])           // 2 digit hour (24 hr)
           } else if (f == "H") {
               var hr = parts[3] % 12
               if (hr == 0) hr = 12
               str = str + "%(hr)"                               // mimimum digit hour (12 hr)
           } else if (f == "HH") {
               var hr = parts[3] % 12
               if (hr == 0) hr = 12
               str = str + Date.zeroFill_(2, hr)                 // 2 digit hour (12 hr)
           } else if (f == "M") {
               str = str + "%(parts[4])"                         // minimum digit minute
           } else if (f == "MM") {
               str = str + Date.zeroFill_(2, parts[4])           // 2 digit minute
           } else if (f == "s") {
               str = str + "%(parts[5])"                         // minimum digit second
           } else if (f == "ss") {
               str = str + Date.zeroFill_(2, parts[5])           // 2 digit second
           } else if (f == "t") {
               str = str + "%(parts[6])"                         // minimum digit millisecond
           } else if (f == "ttt") {
               str = str + Date.zeroFill_(3, parts[6])           // 3 digit millisecond
           } else if (f == "am") {
               str = str + ((parts[3] < 12) ? "am" : "pm")       // am/pm designation
           } else if (f == "AM") {
               str = str + ((parts[3] < 12) ? "AM" : "PM")       // AM/PM designation
           } else if (f == "z" || f == "zz" || f == "zzz" ||
                      f == "zzzz" || f == "zzzzz") {             // time zone designations
               str = str + Date.fmtTz_(_tz, f.count)
           } else {
               f = f.replace("\f", "").replace("\v", "|")
               str = str + f                                     // literal string
       return str
   // Returns the string representation of this date using the default format.
   toString { format(Date.default) }
   // Returns the duration (positive or negative milliseconds) from this to another date.
   -(other) { - other.number) }



   Duration represents a time interval (positive or negative) measured in milliseconds.
   It is immutable and any of its properties can therefore be used as a map key.
  • /

class Duration is Comparable {

   // Maximum safe integer (2^53 - 1) and hence duration
   static maximum { 9007199254740991 }
   // Constructs a new Duration object by passing it a number (positive or negative) of:
   // days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.
   construct new(d, h, mi, s, ms) {
       ms = d*86400000 + h*3600000 + mi*60000 + s*1000 + ms
       if (ms.abs > Duration.maximum) Fiber.abort("Duration is out of safe range.")
       _ms = ms
   // Convenience method to construct a Duration object from just a number of milliseconds.
   static new(ms) {, 0, 0, 0, ms) }
   // Gets the duration in various time intervals (as a floating point number).
   millisecs { _ms }
   seconds   { _ms/1000 }
   minutes   { _ms/60000 }
   hours     { _ms/3600000 }
   days      { _ms/86400000 }
   // The inherited 'clone' method just returns 'this' as Duration objects are immutable.
   // If you need an actual copy use this method instead.
   copy() { }
   // Compares this duration with another one to enable comparison operators via Comparable trait.
   compare(other) { (_ms - other.millisecs).sign }
   // Duration arithmetic.
   +(other)  { + other.millisecs) }
   -(other)  { - other.millisecs) }
   // Returns the string representation of this duration.
   toString  { _ms.toString }


/* Stopwatch enables one to easily time events. */ class Stopwatch {

   // Times the execution of a fumction returning the duration it took to execute.
   static time(fn) {
       var sw =
       var dur = sw.duration
       return dur
   // Creates a new Stopwatch object and starts it, recording the time.
   construct new() { _start = System.clock }
   // Returns the duration since 'start'.
   duration { - _start)*1000).round) }
   // Returns the elapsed time since 'start' in milliseconds.
   elapsed  { duration.millisecs }
   // Prevents this Stopwatch object from being used again.
   stop() { _start = null }


// Type aliases for classes in case of any name clashes with other modules. var Date_Date = Date var Date_Duration = Duration var Date_Stopwatch = Stopwatch var Date_Comparable = Comparable // in case imported indirectly

// Initialize Date tables. Date.init_()</lang>

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