Category talk:Wren-date: Difference between revisions

→‎Source code: Clarified position re non-integral increments when using 'add' methods.
(→‎Source code: Improved parsing, added time zone support.)
(→‎Source code: Clarified position re non-integral increments when using 'add' methods.)
(8 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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===Source code===
<langsyntaxhighlight ecmascriptlang="wren">/* Module "date.wren" */
import "./trait" for Comparable
Line 469:
// Private constructorConstructor for creating a Date object directly from a number of milliseconds.
construct fromNum_fromNumber(num, tz) {
if (num < 0 || num > Date.maximum.number) Fiber.abort("Number is out of range.")
if (!(tz = Date.isValidTz_(tz))) Fiber.abort("Invalid time zone designator.")
_num = num.floor
_tz = tz
Line 483:
static new(y, mo, d) {, mo, d, 0, 0, 0, 0, "UTC") }
static new(y) {, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "UTC") }
static fromNumber(num) { Date.fromNumber(num, "UTC") }
// Returns the Gregorian Proleptic date equivalent to a Julian date given in y/m/d format.
// If 'ay' is 1582, the first omitted date is 5th October 1582 or, if 'ay' is 1752,
// 3rd September 1752. Years are always assumed to begin on 1st January and leap years
// to contain 29th February. Omitted Julian dates map respectively to 15th October 1582 or
// 14th September 1752. Subsequent dates are returned unchanged as Gregorian dates.
// If 'ay' is 2200, conversions continue up to 14th February 2200 but no further.
static fromJulian(y, m, d, ay) {
var dt =, m, d)
if (ay != 1582 && ay != 1752 && ay != 2200) Fiber.abort("Invalid adoption year.")
if (dt <= 1, 1, 2)) Fiber.abort("Unsupported Julian date.")
if (dt <= 100, 3, 1)) return dt.addDays(-2)
if (dt <= 200, 2, 29)) return dt.addDays(-1)
if (dt <= 300, 2, 28)) return dt
if (dt <= 500, 2, 27)) return dt.addDays(1)
if (dt <= 600, 2, 26)) return dt.addDays(2)
if (dt <= 700, 2, 25)) return dt.addDays(3)
if (dt <= 900, 2, 24)) return dt.addDays(4)
if (dt <=, 2, 23)) return dt.addDays(5)
if (dt <=, 2, 22)) return dt.addDays(6)
if (dt <=, 2, 21)) return dt.addDays(7)
if (dt <=, 2, 20)) return dt.addDays(8)
if (dt <=, 2, 19)) return dt.addDays(9)
if (dt <=, 10, 4)) return dt.addDays(10)
if (dt <=, 10, 14)) return ay == 1582 ?, 10, 15) : dt.addDays(10)
if (ay == 1582) return dt
if (dt <=, 2, 18)) return dt.addDays(10)
if (dt <=, 9, 2)) return dt.addDays(11)
if (dt <=, 9, 13)) return ay == 1752 ?, 9, 14) : dt.addDays(11)
if (ay == 1752) return dt
if (dt <=, 2, 17)) return dt.addDays(11)
if (dt <=, 2, 16)) return dt.addDays(12)
if (dt <=, 2, 15)) return dt.addDays(13)
if (dt <=, 2, 14)) return dt.addDays(14)
Fiber.abort("Unsupported Julian date.")
// As above method but always uses a 1582 adoption year.
static fromJulian(y, m, d) { fromJulian(y, m, d, 1582) }
// Gets the component parts of this date, as a list, from its number
Line 537 ⟶ 578:
millisec { parts[6] }
// Return a new Date object after adding positive (or negative) integral increments.
addYears(y) { + y, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisec, _tz) }
Line 554 ⟶ 595:
// Increments for these methods need not be integral
addWeeks(w) { Date.fromNum_(_num + w * 86400000 * 7, _tz) }
// but will be rounded to the lower millisecond where necessary.
addDays(d) { Date.fromNum_(_num + d * 86400000, _tz) }
addHoursaddWeeks(hw) { Date.fromNum_fromNumber(_num + hw * 360000086400000 * 7, _tz) }
addMinutesaddDays(mid) { Date.fromNum_fromNumber(_num + mid * 6000086400000, _tz) }
addSecondsaddHours(sh) { Date.fromNum_fromNumber(_num + sh * 10003600000, _tz) }
addMillisecsaddMinutes(msmi) { Date.fromNum_fromNumber(_num + msmi * 60000, _tz) }
addWeeksaddSeconds(ws) { Date.fromNum_fromNumber(_num + ws * 86400000 * 71000, _tz) }
addMillisecs(ms) { Date.fromNumber(_num + ms, _tz) }
// Returns the day of the year in which this date falls.
Line 581 ⟶ 624:
// Returns a new date object with the new time zone. Doesn't adjust the time.
changeZone(newZone) { Date.fromNum_fromNumber(_num, newZone) }
// Attempts to adjust the time to a new time zone. If successful, returns a
Line 594 ⟶ 637:
var newOffset
if (hasName && !(newOffset = __tzs[newZone])) return null
if (oldOffset == newOffset) return Date.fromNum_fromNumber(_num, newZone) // no time adjustment needed
var ohm = Date.parseOffset_(oldOffset)
var nhm = Date.parseOffset_(newOffset)
var d = Date.fromNum_fromNumber(_num, newZone).addHours(nhm[0]).addMinutes(nhm[1])
return d.addHours(-ohm[0]).addMinutes(-ohm[1])
Line 603 ⟶ 646:
// The inherited 'clone' method just returns 'this' as Date objects are immutable.
// If you need an actual copy use this method instead.
copy() { Date.fromNum_fromNumber(_num, _tz) }
// Compares this date with another one to enable comparison operators via Comparable trait.
Line 700 ⟶ 743:
// Maximum safe integer (2^53 - 1) and hence duration
static maximum { 9007199254740991 }
// Blocks the current fiber for a given number of milliseconds.
static wait(ms) {
if (ms.type != Num || ms < 0) {
Fiber.abort("Argument must be a non-negative number of milliseconds.")
var finish = System.clock + ms/1000
while (System.clock <= finish) {}
// Constructs a new Duration object by passing it a number (positive or negative) of:
Line 736 ⟶ 788:
/* Stopwatch enables one to easily time events. */
class Stopwatch {
// Times the execution of a fumctionfunction returning the duration it took to execute.
static time(fn) {
var sw =
Line 757 ⟶ 809:
stop() { _start = null }
// Type aliases for classes in case of any name clashes with other modules.
var Date_Date = Date
var Date_Duration = Duration
var Date_Stopwatch = Stopwatch
var Date_Comparable = Comparable // in case imported indirectly
// Initialize Date tables.
