Category talk:Wren-check

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Source code

<lang ecmascript>/* Module "check.wren" */


  Check is a class containing static methods to check that a particular value is
  of a given type or types and, where possible, within a given range of values.
  If it isn't, the fiber is aborted with an appropriate error message. 
  • /

class Check {

   /* Private helper methods. */
   static abort_(name, value, desc) {
       if (name == "" || name == null) name = "Value"
       Fiber.abort("'%(name)' must be %(desc), have '%(value)'.")
   static listType_(name, value, elementType, firstOnly) {
       var etype = elementType.toString
       var isInt = false
       if (elementType == "Int") {
           etype = "Num"
           isInt = true
       var ok
       var index = 0
       if (value.count == 0) {
           ok = true
       } else if (firstOnly) {
           ok = value[0].type.toString == etype && (isInt ? value[0].isInteger : true)
       } else {
           ok = true
           for (e in value) {
               if (e.type.toString != etype || (isInt && !e.isInteger)) {
                   ok = false
               index = index + 1
       if (!ok) abort_(name, value[index], "a List<%(elementType)> but, at index %(index)")
   static mapType_(name, value, keyType, valType, firstOnly) {
       listType_(name + ".keys", value.keys.toList, keyType, firstOnly)
       listType_(name + ".values", value.values.toList, valType, firstOnly)
   /* Methods to check if the value is a Num. */
   static num(name, value) {
       if (!(value is Num)) abort_(name, value, "a number")
   static num(name, value, min) {
       if (!((value is Num) && value >= min)) abort_(name, value, "a number >= %(min)")
   static num(name, value, min, max) {
       num("max", max, min)
       if (!((value is Num) && value >= min && value <= max)) {
           abort_(name, value, "a number between %(min) and %(max)")
   static nonZeroNum(name, value) {
       if (!((value is Num) && value != 0)) {
           abort_(name, value, "a non-zero number")
   static nonNegNum(name, value) { num(name, value, 0) }
   static numOpt(name, value, options) {
       if (!((value is Num) && options.any { |o| value == o })) {
           abort_(name, value, "a number within %(options)")
   /* Methods to check if the value is an an integer Num. */
   static int(name, value) {
       if (!((value is Num) && value.isInteger)) abort_(name, value, "an integer")
   static int(name, value, min) {
       if (!((value is Num) && value.isInteger && value >= min)) {
           abort_(name, value, "an integer >= %(min)")
   static nonZeroInt(name, value) {
       if (!((value is Num) && value.isInteger && value != 0)) {
           abort_(name, value, "a non-zero integer")
   static int(name, value, min, max) {
       int("max", max, min)
       if (!((value is Num) && value.isInteger && value >= min && value <= max)) {
           abort_(name, value, "an integer between %(min) and %(max)")
   static posInt(name, value)        { int(name, value, 1) }
   static nonNegInt(name, value)     { int(name, value, 0) }
   static safeInt(name, value)       { int(name, value, Num.minSafeInteger, Num.maxSafeInteger) }
   static posSafeInt(name, value)    { int(name, value, 1, Num.maxSafeInteger) }
   static nonNegSafeInt(name, value) { int(name, value, 0, Num.maxSafeInteger) }
   static nonZeroSafeInt(name, value) {
       if (!(safeInt(value) && value != 0)) abort_(name, value, "a non-zero 'safe' integer")
   static intOpt(name, value, options) {
       if (!((value is Num) && value.isInteger && options.any { |o| value == o })) {
           abort_(name, value, "an integer within %(options)")
   /* Methods to check if the value is a string or a single character. */
   static str(name, value) {
       if (!(value is String)) abort_(name, value, "a string")
   static str(name, value, minLen) {
       if (!((value is String) && value.count >= minLen)) {
           abort_(name, value, "a string of minimum length %(minLen)")
   static str(name, value, minLen, maxLen) {
       int("maximum length", maxLen, minLen)
       if (!((value is String) && value.count >= minLen && value.count <= maxLen)) {
           if (minLen != maxLen) {
               abort_(name, value, "a string betwen %(minLen) and %(maxLen) in length")
           } else if (minLen == 1) {
               abort_(name, value, "a character")
           } else {  
               abort_(name, value, "a string of length %(minLen)")
   static strOpt(name, value, options) {
       if (!((value is String) && options.any { |o| value == o })) {
           abort_(name, value, "a string within %(options)")
   static char(name, value) { str(name, value, 1, 1) }
   static char(name, value, min, max) {
        int("max", max, min)
        char(name, value)
        if (value.codePoints[0] < min.codePoints[0] || value.codePoints[0] > max.codePoints[0]) {
           abort_(name, value, "a character between '%(min)' and '%(max)'")
   static charOpt(name, value, optionStr) {
       char(name, value)
       if (!optionStr.contains(value)) abort_(name, value, "a character within '%(optionStr)'")
   /* Methods to check if the value is a list or a typed list. */
   static list(name, value) {
       if (!(value is List)) abort_(name, value, "a list")
   static list(name, value, minLen) {
       if (!((value is List) && value.count >= minLen)) {
           abort_(name, value, "a list of minimum length %(minLen)")
   static list(name, value, minLen, maxLen) {
       int("maximum length", maxLen, minLen)
       if (!((value is List) && value.count >= minLen && value.count <= maxLen)) {
           if (minLen != maxLen) {
               abort_(name, value, "a list betwen %(minLen) and %(maxLen) in length")
           } else {
               abort_(name, value, "a list of length %(minLen)")
   static typedList(name, value, elementType, firstOnly) {
       list(name, value)
       listType_(name, value, elementType, firstOnly)
   static typedList(name, value, elementType, firstOnly, minLen) {
       list(name, value, minLen)
       listType_(name, value, elementType, firstOnly)
   static typedList(name, value, elementType, firstOnly, minLen, maxLen) {
       int("maximum length", maxLen, minLen)
       list(name, value, minLen, maxLen)
       listType_(name, value, elementType, firstOnly)
   /* Methods to check if the value is a map or a typed map. */
   static map(name, value) {
       if (!(value is Map)) abort_(name, value, "a map")
   static map(name, value, minLen) {
       if (!((value is Map) && value.count >= minLen)) {
           abort_(name, value, "a map of minimum length %(minLen)")
   static map(name, value, minLen, maxLen) {
       int("maximum length", maxLen, minLen)
       if (!((value is Map) && value.count >= minLen && value.count <= maxLen)) {
           if (minLen != maxLen) {
               abort_(name, value, "a map betwen %(minLen) and %(maxLen) in length")
           } else {
               abort_(name, value, "a map of length %(minLen)")
   static typedMap(name, value, keyType, valType, firstOnly) {
       map(name, value)
       mapType_(name, value, keyType, valType, firstOnly)
   static typedMap(name, value, keyType, valType, firstOnly, minLen) {
       map(name, value, minLen)
       mapType_(name, value, keyType, valType, firstOnly)
   static typedMap(name, value, keyType, valType, firstOnly, minLen, maxLen) {
       int("maximum length", maxLen, minLen)
       map(name, value, minLen, maxLen)
       mapType_(name, value, keyType, valType, firstOnly)
   /* Methods to check if a value is of some other type. */  
   static bool(name, value) {
       if (!(value is Bool)) abort_(name, value, "a boolean")
   static range(name, value) {
       if (!(value is Range)) abort_(name, value, "a range")
   static func(name, value) {
       if (!(value is Fn)) abort_(name, value, "a function")
   static func(name, value, arity) {
       func(name, value)
       if (value.arity != arity) abort_(name, value.arity, "a function with arity %(arity)")
   static seq(name, value) {
       if (!(value is Sequence)) abort_(name, value, "a sequence")
   static cls(name, value) {
       if (!(value is Class)) abort_(name, value, "a class")
   static fiber(name, value) {
       if (!(value is Fiber)) abort_(name, value, "a fiber")
   static type(name, value, type) {
       if (value.type.toString != type.toString) abort_(name, value, "an object of type %(type)")
   static typeOpt(name, value, options) {
       if (!options.any { |o| value.type.toString == o.toString }) {
           abort_(name, value, "an object whose type is within %(options)")


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