Category talk:Programming Languages: Difference between revisions

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(Template:dialect, Template:works with)
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: I would be more comfortable grouping all such solutions under [[SQL]] (or perhaps [[PL/SQL]] or [[T-SQL]]) and then using the {works with} template to distinguish quirks that are specific to a particular implementation, such as [[MySQL]]. --[[User:IanOsgood|IanOsgood]] 17:22, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
: I would be more comfortable grouping all such solutions under [[SQL]] (or perhaps [[PL/SQL]] or [[T-SQL]]) and then using the {works with} template to distinguish quirks that are specific to a particular implementation, such as [[MySQL]]. --[[User:IanOsgood|IanOsgood]] 17:22, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
::I like this idea too. But the dialects would have to become implementations(?) rather than languages. --[[User:Mwn3d|Mwn3d]] 18:00, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
::I like this idea too. But the dialects would have to become implementations(?) rather than languages. --[[User:Mwn3d|Mwn3d]] 18:00, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
::: If we're going to start seriously distinguishing between dialects, I don't think we should lump them in with "implementation". Rather, [[Template:dialect]] ought to be created and used for the purpose. Different implementations can be absolutely code-compatible in the sense that each of a pair of implementations' support for a language has a one-to-one mapping with the other, with the same output. Clones and reverse engineering efforts are one place where this is strived for. When you start talking about dialects, you're explicitly making a distinction between the nature of inputs.
::: The only bit I'm worried about is how one draws the line between different dialects of a language and different languages. There is an SQL standard that came out in 1992, but many of today's SQL implementations which are equally compatible(No implementation that I'm aware of completely implements the standard) with that standard are incompatible with each other. I believe this is largely a result of different decisions in expressing the same syntax. (I don't like putting it that way, exactly, but consider the difference between building an SQL query for Access or MS SQL Server and building the same query for Oracle or MySQL.).
::: As a side-benefit, this allows us to identify language extensions as dialects of a language; Code that uses gcc extensions can be identified as using the GCC dialect of the language, while code that uses MSVC extension can be similarly categorized. the [[Template:works with|works with]] template is a horrible hack that resulted from needing to organize data without being able to properly define that organization. If we can obviate it without necessitating forty different templates per code example, I'd be really, really happy. --[[User:Short Circuit|Short Circuit]] 18:35, 28 April 2009 (UTC)