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: Hm. [[:Category:BBC BASIC|BBC BASIC]] is marked as an implementation of [[:Category:BASIC|BASIC]]. If you use {{tmpl|Language}} instead of {{tmpl|implementation}} on [[:Category:BBC BASIC]], it would be removed from being listed as an implementation, and instead be listed as a language of its own. The distinction between language implementations and derivative languages is difficult to be objective about, and not entirely clear; that's why we wind up with strange data organization quirks like these. --[[User:Short Circuit|Michael Mol]] 11:00, 15 May 2011 (UTC)
:: I'm confused. If one looks at, for example, the [[:Category:Liberty BASIC]] page it also has {{tmpl|implementation}} yet that '''is''' indexed under [[:Category:Programming Languages]] as well as under [[:Category:Implementations]]. --Richard Russell 13:32, 15 May 2011 (UTC)
::: That's because [[:Category:Liberty BASIC]] has both {{tmpl|implementation}} and {{tmpl|language}}. I'm really not sure of the best way to go about indexing BBC BASIC, but if you want to follow the model demonstrated by Liberty BASIC, that's fine too. (So you would add {{tmpl|language}} to [[:Category:BBC BASIC]]). --[[User:Short Circuit|Michael Mol]] 11:38, 17 May 2011 (UTC)
== ... Z M M ==
At the end of this page one sees:
Z80 Assembly
ZX Spectrum Basic
What could (some)one do so that these languages appear under the capital M? --[[User:Walterpachl|Walterpachl]] ([[User talk:Walterpachl|talk]]) 13:35, 22 November 2013 (UTC)
: The &nbsp; '''M''' &nbsp; in the &nbsp; '''MC++''' &nbsp; is really a Greek micro &nbsp; ('''µ''') &nbsp; which has been translated/transcribed to a Latin &nbsp; '''M''' &nbsp; somewhere along the way by something along the way, and where does one sort a Greek micro among a Latin alphabet?
: The &nbsp; '''MK''' &nbsp; in the &nbsp; '''MK-61/52''' &nbsp; is really a Cyrillic &nbsp; ('''МК''') &nbsp; ... (like above).
: For a little more information, see the comments in the REXX (language) section header. -- [[User:Gerard Schildberger|Gerard Schildberger]] ([[User talk:Gerard Schildberger|talk]]) 22:41, 22 November 2013 (UTC)
:: I understand that, but in other pages MK... finds is proper place among the other M's. See, e.g..
* 48 M4 <#M4>
* 49 Maple <#Maple>
* 50 Mathematica <#Mathematica>
* 52 Maxima <#Maxima>
* 53 МК-61/52 <#.D0.9C.D0.9A-61.2F52>
* 54 MUMPS <#MUMPS></pre>
--[[User:Walterpachl|Walterpachl]] ([[User talk:Walterpachl|talk]]) 23:04, 22 November 2013 (UTC)
::: Well, I can't speak for Wiki (or whatever is formatting all this (and that), but for what I can tell (or remember), the first foray by MK-61/52 may have used Cyrillic or some other font which may have sorted correctly, and then appeared to use a meta-tag or whatever. &nbsp; I know about this as much as I know about beekeeping. &nbsp; Not a hill of beans. -- [[User:Gerard Schildberger|Gerard Schildberger]] ([[User talk:Gerard Schildberger|talk]]) 23:17, 22 November 2013 (UTC)
::: Also, the sorting code that arranges the category lists may be a different sort program (or a different algorithm) that sorts the list of languages for entries under a Rosetta Code task &nbsp; (just stumbling around in the dark). -- [[User:Gerard Schildberger|Gerard Schildberger]] ([[User talk:Gerard Schildberger|talk]]) 23:23, 22 November 2013 (UTC)
== adding a language ==
I want to add an entry to 99 bottles of beer on the wall, in Small Basic.
I think I need to add the Small Basic language first but don't know how.
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