Category:Web 68: Difference between revisions

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Several Web 68 include files have been prepared which provide access to some C library functions, general procedures such as
sub-string operators, sorts and the binary chop (implemented as a macro so that it can be used for multiples of any mode).
A Web 68 binding to the Xforms library has been in use now for several years. A regular expression library is also available.
whichIt cancannot be used to matchreplace UTF-8 character strings. A Unicode regular expression library is under development.
The Xforms forms designer '''fdesign''' will output a form definition file. The program '''fdtow68''' will read the form definition
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A new file and directory selector has been written in Web 68 as a compilable module. It uses the Xforms library and is meant to
replace the standard file selector provided by that library.
--[[User:Phoenix2275|Sian Mountbatten]] 0208:2058, 22 September 2012 (UTC)