Category:Wart: Difference between revisions

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[ Wart] is an experimental, dynamic, [ batshit-liberal] language designed to eventually be used by small teams of [ intrinsically-motivated] programmers. Wart is based on [ lispLisp], but with a cleaner syntax and more powerful primitives to help non-lispers appreciate the power of lisp. Wart was designed with several questions in mind:
* How far can we change the syntax of lispLisp without compromising the power of lispLisp macros? Wart has several features to help make codebases more pleasurable to read and easier to ramp up on.
*# While lispers can continue to write fully-parenthesized lispLisp, wartWart provides a whitespace-sensitive syntax that is easy to get used to and eliminates most parentheses for the convenience of non-lisp readers.<pre style='margin-left:3.5em'>if (odd 3) "odd"</pre>
*# Wart provides infix operators in an elegant way without compromising homoiconicity or macros. Infix operations provide only one precedence rule: operators without whitespace are evaluated before operators with whitespace.<pre style='margin-left:3.5em'>(n * n-1) # does what you think</pre>The catch: infix characters like dashes can't be used in names, unlike traditional lispsLisps.
*# All functions can be called with keyword arguments as needed, using ''aliases'' so both caller and callee can use the right name for them.
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* What would a language ecosystem be like without any backwards-compatibility guarantees, super easy to change and fork promiscuously? Wart has no version numbers, and new versions and forks are free to change all semantics to their hearts' desire. Instead of a spec or frozen interfaces, we rely on automated tests. Wart is thoroughly tested, and wartWart programs are expected to be thoroughly tested as well, and to buy in to the investment of needing to make changes during upgrades. The hope is that upgrade effort might be higher than the best-case scenario in other languages, but the worst-case time will remain tightly bounded because clients of libraries will be more likely to understand how they're implemented, and so be more empowered. (More info:
* What would a language look like with an emphasis on a parsimonious and harmonious system of names? This is only possible if the language has no reserved words, and even primitives can be overloaded in arbitrary ways. So you never end up with constructions like 'my_if' or 'append2' or 'queue_length'. (More info:
