UBASIC is an implementation of BASIC.
Other implementations of BASIC.
UBASIC is a freeware BASIC interpreter written by Yuji Kida at Rikkyo University in Japan, specialized for mathematical computing.
More information and links can be found at its Wikipedia article.
Sample Program
This simple program approximates specific derivatives:
10 Point 6 'Sets decimal display to 28 places (0+.1^27) 20 rf=#pi/180 'Degree -> Radian Conversion 30 Dc=20 100 Q=73*rf:?Chr(2):?" F'(Q): Approximation"," Actual Value":N=1:GoSub 1000:?Using(,Dc),cos(Q):N=2:GoSub 1000:?Using(,Dc),1/Q:N=3:GoSub 1000:?Using(,Dc),#pi*Q^(#pi-1) 999 End 1000 '*** Print Sub *** 1010 ?Using(,Dc),.Fp(Q);" ";:Return 59999 End 60000 '*** Function Assignment *** 60100 .F(N,Q):If N=1 Then Return(sin(Q)) 'Fp=cos(Q) 60102 If N=2 Then Return(log(Q)) 'Fp=1/Q 60104 If N=3 Then Return(Q^#pi) 'Fp=pi*Q^(pi-1) 60105 ?"Invalid Function Code: N must be '1' or '2' or '3'" 60109 End 60210 .Fp(Q):dQ=#eps^0.3:Return((.F(N,Q+0.5*dQ)-.F(N,Q-0.5*dQ))/dQ)
Running as written gives:
Run 0.29237170472273672804 0.29237170472273672810 0.78487369196003179303 0.78487369196003179283 5.27771467407719816786 5.27771467407719816637 OK