Category:PostScript: Difference between revisions

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'''PostScript''' is a concatenative, dynamically-typed language with abundant metalanguage facilities. It allows definition of new control structures at runtime, and supports reflection and reification of stack, scopes, and even continuations. With Display PostScript, the language even has facilities for multi-threaded execution. Since the language interpreter is essentially a stack machine, it is suitable for combinator-based programming, and all the higher-order combinators (initiated by joy language) are applicable in PostScript. The language also allows a form of prototype-based, object-orientated programming using dictionaries. See [[Category:Initlib|initlib]] for implementation of higher-order combinators.
'''PostScript''' originated as a printer definition language invented by the founders of '''Adobe'''. The language was necessitated by the increasing demands of printing and rendering jobs on the computers of the 70s1970s. These tasks were therefore pushed to the printers themselves, with the result that printers now had chips and built -in interpreters for PostScript. With the growth of printing complexity, some printers ended up having even more powerful processors than the master systems themselves.
Although now almost displaced by the '''Portable Document Format''' (PDF), also developed by Adobe, PostScript's USPunique selling proposition lies in it's being a '''Turing complete''' language with support for the basic data types and fundamental structures and concepts of Computercomputer Sciencescience. Many interpreters and viewers of PostScript are available, some even for free. Although primarily a language suited for 2D graphics, PostScript is complete as a language and able to hadlehandle normal computation tasks.
== See Also ==
* [ WPS] - PostScript interpreter written in JavaScript].
* [http://codewww.googlefeiri.comde/p/postcanvaspcan/ postcanvas] - Open-source PostScript interpreter written in JavaScript].
* [http GhostscriptGhostScript] opensource postscriptOpen-source PostScript interpreter with a lot of extensions. ]
* [ ''Object-Oriented Programming in NeWS''] — Paper describing single- and multiple-inheritance implementation using dictionary objects.
{{Language programming paradigm|Concatenative}}
Here is a library of functions tested in ghostscript. It is assumed to be loaded before startup with a command line such as
ghostscript -q -dNODISPLAY -c '( run'
<lang postscript>
% given [sym x y z] get sym and [x y z] separately
/getname {dup 0 get exch} bind def
/getbody {dup length 1 sub 1 exch getinterval} bind def
/rup {3 1 roll} bind def
/rdown {3 -1 roll} bind def
% convenience for binding.
/. {bind def} bind def
/' {load} bind def
% .makeoperator is ghostscript specific. But this gives us lexical binding.
/# {exch dup rdown .makeoperator bind def} bind def
% A few lispy words
/first {0 get}.
/car {first}.
/!first {dup first}.
/rest {dup length 1 sub 1 exch getinterval}.
/cdr {rest}.
/!rest {dup rest}.
/head {dup length 1 sub 0 exch getinterval}.
/!head {dup head}.
/tail {dup length 1 sub get}.
/!tail {dup tail}.
/cons {[rup aload pop] }.
/tadd {[rup aload length 1 add -1 roll] }.
/uncons {getname getbody}.
/concat {exch [ rup aload pop counttomark -1 roll aload pop ] }.
% higher order
/map {
[ rup forall ]
% [1 2 3 4] {1 add} map
/fold {rup exch rdown forall}.
% [1 2 3 4 5] 1 {add} fold
/let {dup length dict begin reverse {exch def} forall}.
/let* {reverse {exch def} forall}.
% [1 2 3 4] 0 {+} fold
% name - filter is taken so we are left with..
/find {
4 dict begin
/aif {0 /get /if}.
/atox { [ exch cvx {cvx} forall ] cvx}.
[ rup [ /dup rdown /exec /not [{pop}] aif ] atox forall ]
% ifs with stack invariant predicates.
/ift {
4 dict begin
[/.if /.then] let*
count array astore /.stack exch def
/_restore {clear .stack aload pop}.
.stack aload pop .if {
_restore .then
} {
} ifelse
% 2 {1 gt} {=} ift
/ifte {
4 dict begin
[/.if /.then /.else] let*
count array astore /.stack exch def
/_restore {count array astore pop .stack aload pop}.
.stack aload pop .if {
_restore .then
} {
_restore .else
} ifelse
% 1 {2 gt} {3 * =} {2 * =} ifte
/apply {exec}.
/i {cvx exec}.
% make a unit list.
/unit {1 array astore cvx}.
/succ {1 add}.
/pred {1 sub}.
% combinators
/linrec {
[/.if /.then /.rec /.join] let
.if {.then} {.rec /.if ' /.then ' /.rec ' /.join ' linrec . join } ifelse
% and convenience
/reverse {{} {exch cons} fold}.
/puts {print (\n) print flush}.
/, {(=============\n)
print pstack
(=============\n) print}.
% set the prompt
/prompt {(>| ) print flush} bind def
