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(→‎Unimplemented programming tasks: Replaced out-of-date list with a link to the unimplemented tasks page)
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==Unimplemented programming tasks==
==Unimplemented programming tasks==
[[Tasks not implemented in Lua]]
Output from [[Find_unimplemented_tasks]] :

Lua has 355 unimplemented programming tasks:
15 puzzle solver
4-rings or 4-squares puzzle
9 billion names of God the integer
AKS test for primes
Abbreviations, automatic
Abbreviations, easy
Abbreviations, simple
Active Directory/Connect
Active Directory/Search for a user
Active object
Address of a variable
Aliquot sequence classifications
Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
Append a record to the end of a text file
Apply a digital filter (direct form II transposed)
Arbitrary-precision integers (included)
Archimedean spiral
Arena storage pool
Arithmetic-geometric mean/Calculate Pi
Atomic updates
Average loop length
Balanced ternary
Best shuffle
Bitcoin/address validation
Bitcoin/public point to address
Bitmap/Bresenham's line algorithm
Bitmap/Bézier curves/Cubic
Bitmap/Bézier curves/Quadratic
Bitmap/Flood fill
Bitmap/Midpoint circle algorithm
Bitmap/PPM conversion through a pipe
Bitmap/Read an image through a pipe
Bitwise IO
Brace expansion
Break OO privacy
Bulls and cows/Player
Call a function in a shared library
Canny edge detector
Carmichael 3 strong pseudoprimes
Casting out nines
Catmull–Clark subdivision surface
Chat server
Check Machin-like formulas
Checkpoint synchronization
Chinese zodiac
Cholesky decomposition
Church Numerals
Circles of given radius through two points
Closest-pair problem
Color of a screen pixel
Color quantization
Colour bars/Display
Colour pinstripe/Display
Colour pinstripe/Printer
Combinations and permutations
Commatizing numbers
Compare sorting algorithms' performance
Compile-time calculation
Compiler/AST interpreter
Compiler/code generator
Compiler/lexical analyzer
Compiler/syntax analyzer
Compiler/virtual machine interpreter
Conjugate transpose
Constrained genericity
Constrained random points on a circle
Continued fraction
Continued fraction/Arithmetic/Construct from rational number
Convert decimal number to rational
Create a file on magnetic tape
Create an object at a given address
Cut a rectangle
Death Star
Define a primitive data type
Determine if only one instance is running
Digital root/Multiplicative digital root
Dining philosophers
Discordian date
Distributed programming
Doubly-linked list/Definition
Doubly-linked list/Element definition
Doubly-linked list/Element insertion
Doubly-linked list/Traversal
Draw a cuboid
Draw a pixel
Draw a rotating cube
Dutch national flag problem
EKG sequence convergence
Egyptian division
Egyptian fractions
Element-wise operations
Elementary cellular automaton
Enforced immutability
Equilibrium index
Euler's identity
Extend your language
Extensible prime generator
Factors of a Mersenne number
Find common directory path
Find largest left truncatable prime in a given base
Find palindromic numbers in both binary and ternary bases
Floyd-Warshall algorithm
Four is magic
Four is the number of letters in the ...
Function frequency
GUI component interaction
GUI enabling/disabling of controls
GUI/Maximum window dimensions
Galton box animation
Gaussian elimination
Generate random chess position
Go Fish
Greyscale bars/Display
Handle a signal
Hash join
Hello world/Line printer
Hello world/Web server
Hickerson series of almost integers
History variables
Hofstadter Figure-Figure sequences
Hofstadter Q sequence
Horizontal sundial calculations
Host introspection
Hough transform
Hunt The Wumpus
Image convolution
Image noise
Index finite lists of positive integers
Integer overflow
Inverted index
Inverted syntax
Jaro distance
Jewels and Stones
Joystick position
Julia set
K-d tree
K-means++ clustering
Keyboard input/Flush the keyboard buffer
Keyboard input/Keypress check
Keyboard input/Obtain a Y or N response
Keyboard macros
Knapsack problem/0-1
Knapsack problem/Bounded
Knapsack problem/Continuous
Knuth's algorithm S
Knuth's power tree
Kolakoski sequence
LU decomposition
Largest number divisible by its digits
Last letter-first letter
Law of cosines - triples
Long multiplication
Long primes
Loops/Increment loop index within loop body
Loops/Wrong ranges
Lucas-Lehmer test
Lucky and even lucky numbers
Lychrel numbers
Machine code
Mad Libs
Main step of GOST 28147-89
Maze solving
Median filter
Memory allocation
Memory layout of a data structure
Metered concurrency
Miller–Rabin primality test
Mind boggling card trick
Minesweeper game
Modular exponentiation
Modular inverse
Mouse position
Multiple regression
Multiplicative order
Natural sorting
Nautical bell
Negative base numbers
Nested templated data
Non-continuous subsequences
Nonogram solver
Numeric error propagation
OLE Automation
Object serialization
Odd word problem
OpenWebNet Password
Parallel Brute Force
Parallel calculations
Parametric polymorphism
Parametrized SQL statement
Parse an IP Address
Parsing/RPN to infix conversion
Parsing/Shunting-yard algorithm
Partition an integer X into N primes
Pascal's triangle/Puzzle
Pathological floating point problems
Pattern matching
Percentage difference between images
Percolation/Bond percolation
Percolation/Mean cluster density
Percolation/Mean run density
Percolation/Site percolation
Permutation test
Permutations/Rank of a permutation
Pig the dice game/Player
Play recorded sounds
Plot coordinate pairs
Polymorphic copy
Polynomial long division
Polynomial regression
Pragmatic directives
Primes - allocate descendants to their ancestors
Primorial numbers
Problem of Apollonius
Pythagoras tree
Pythagorean quadruples
Pythagorean triples
QR decomposition
RPG Attributes Generator
RSA code
Ramer-Douglas-Peucker line simplification
Random number generator (device)
Ranking methods
Rate counter
Ray-casting algorithm
Recaman's sequence
Record sound
Reflection/Get source
Reflection/List methods
Reflection/List properties
Resistor mesh
Retrieve and search chat history
Rosetta Code/Count examples
Rosetta Code/Find bare lang tags
Rosetta Code/Rank languages by popularity
Runge-Kutta method
SQL-based authentication
Safe addition
Sailors, coconuts and a monkey problem
Same Fringe
Scope modifiers
Scope/Function names and labels
Sequence of primorial primes
Set consolidation
Set of real numbers
Set puzzle
Shortest common supersequence
Sierpinski carpet
Sierpinski pentagon
Sierpinski triangle
Simple database
Simulate input/Keyboard
Simulate input/Mouse
Singly-linked list/Element definition
Singly-linked list/Element insertion
Singly-linked list/Traversal
Solve a Hidato puzzle
Solve a Hopido puzzle
Solve a Numbrix puzzle
Solve the no connection puzzle
Sorting algorithms/Heapsort
Sorting algorithms/Radix sort
Sorting algorithms/Strand sort
Sparkline in unicode
Speech synthesis
Spelling of ordinal numbers
Spinning rod animation/Text
Square but not cube
Start from a main routine
State name puzzle
Stream Merge
Subtractive generator
Sum and Product Puzzle
Sum to 100
Superpermutation minimisation
Taxicab numbers
Terminal control/Coloured text
Terminal control/Cursor movement
Terminal control/Cursor positioning
Terminal control/Dimensions
Terminal control/Hiding the cursor
Terminal control/Inverse video
Terminal control/Positional read
Terminal control/Preserve screen
Terminal control/Unicode output
Ternary logic
The ISAAC Cipher
The Name Game
Thiele's interpolation formula
Topic variable
Topological sort
Total circles area
Tree traversal
Truth table
Twelve statements
URL parser
Ulam spiral (for primes)
Unicode strings
Update a configuration file
Use another language to call a function
User input/Graphical
Vampire number
Variable size/Get
Variable size/Set
Variable-length quantity
Verify distribution uniformity/Chi-squared test
Verify distribution uniformity/Naive
Video display modes
Vigenère cipher/Cryptanalysis
Visualize a tree
Vogel's approximation method
Walk a directory/Recursively
Water collected between towers
Window creation/X11
Window management
Word search
World Cup group stage
Write to Windows event log
Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm
Yahoo! search interface
Yin and yang
Zebra puzzle
Zeckendorf arithmetic

See also [[Reports:Tasks_not_implemented_in_Lua]]