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{{language|Locomotive Basic
'''Locomotive BASIC''' is a variant of BASIC that is built into the ROM of the [[wp:Amstrad CPC|Amstrad CPC]] series of Z80-based home computers introduced in 1984. In the 1980s, CPCsthe CPC werewas a popular, slightly more expensive alternative to the Commodore C64/C128. andIt werewas not just suited for games but also office work because of theirits high resolution displaysdisplay and [[wp:CP/M|CP/M]] support. They came with a built-in cassette deck (CPC 464 and 664) or 3" disk drive (CPC 6128) as storage devices and a "green screen" or color monitor which also housed the power supply. Sales were particularly strong in the UK, Germany, France, and Spain. Today, Locomotive BASIC can be used via CPC emulators such as [ WinAPE] or [ JavaCPC]—which is perfectly legal because Amstrad has given their permission for distributing CPC ROM images with emulators.
The easiest way to use Locomotive BASIC today is [ CPCBasic], a very fast implementation in JavaScript which also allows easy pasting of code from Rosetta Code. Note that programs will run much faster in CPCBasic than on a real CPC. To slow down a program, add an extra delay loop to the main loop, e.g. <code>for delay=1 to 5:frame:next</code>which will pause for five frames or 0.1 seconds.
[ CPCBox] is another option for the web browser, a whole-machine JavaScript CPC emulator mainly for games which has good compatibility but which lacks copy and paste support.
Locomotive BASIC was comparatively advanced for its time (with e.g. software interrupts and comprehensive graphics and audio commands) and is very cleanly implemented, just like the rest of the Amstrad CPC ROM. No doubt this was partly because the CPC debuted relatively late during the era of 8-bit machines, so Locomotive Software had more of an opportunity to consider the good and bad software design decisions in existing home computers. System calls are made with <tt>CALL</tt> via dedicated jump blocks in RAM, so they are unaffected by changes to the ROM between CPC models. This makes software very compatible between the original three CPC models and ''mostly'' compatible for the later, considerably less popular "Plus" models that came out in 1990. Together with AMSDOS, the '''Ams'''trad '''D'''isk '''O'''perating '''S'''ystem, Locomotive BASIC is also used for disk and tape operations. (Some commands however, e.g. <tt>disckit3</tt> for formatting disks, are only available under CP/M.)
Locomotive BASIC can also be used via native CPC emulators such as [ WinAPE] (Windows) or [ JavaCPC] (Windows/macOS/Linux). All these CPC emulators are also perfectly legal because Amstrad has given their permission for distributing CPC ROM images with emulators.
==Getting started with Locomotive BASIC==
Either use the CPCBasic browser-based Locomotive Basic emulator ( or download a native CPC emulator binary for your platform. A list of emulators is available at JavaCPC ( or WinAPE ( are particularly recommended.
In CPCBasic, enter your program, e.g.
<code>10 print "Hello World!"</code>
into the "CPC Basic" text box at the top and then press the Run button below it. Output goes to the blue CPC screen below. You can also interact with the CPC screen directly if you first click on it with the mouse. The Reset button stops a running program and returns you to the Ready prompt.
In a native emulator, just type
<code>10 print "Hello World!"
to run your first Locomotive BASIC program.
==CPC Features==
The CPC was based on a Zilog Z80 CPU running at 4 MHz and came with a built-in cassette deck (CPC 464) or 3" disk drive (CPC 664 and
6128) as storage devices and a green screen or color monitor which also housed its power supply. Amstrad CPC sales were particularly strong in the UK, Germany, France, and Spain.
Locomotive BASIC was comparatively advanced for its time (with e.g. software interrupts and comprehensive graphics and audio commands) and is very cleanly implemented, just like the rest of the Amstrad CPC ROM. No doubt this was partly because the CPC debuted relatively late during the era of 8-bit machines, so Locomotive Software had more of an opportunity to consider the good and bad software design decisions in existing home computers.
Locomotive BASIC was comparatively advanced for its time (with e.g. software interrupts and comprehensive graphics and audio commands) and is very cleanly implemented, just like the rest of the Amstrad CPC ROM. No doubt this was partly because the CPC debuted relatively late during the era of 8-bit machines, so Locomotive Software had more of an opportunity to consider the good and bad software design decisions in existing home computers. System calls are made with <tt>CALL</tt> via dedicated jump blocks in RAM, so they are unaffected by changes to the ROM between CPC models. This makes software very compatible between the original three CPC models and ''mostly'' compatible for the later, considerably less popular "Plus" models that came out in 1990. Together with AMSDOS, the '''Ams'''trad '''D'''isk '''O'''perating '''S'''ystem, Locomotive BASIC is also used for disk and tape operations. (Some commands however, e.g. <tt>disckit3</tt> for formatting disks, are only available under CP/M.)
===Screen modes===
*mode 0: 160x200 pixels, 16 colors, 20x25 characters
*mode 1: 320x200 pixels, 4 colors, 40x25 characters
*mode 2: 640x200 pixels, 2 colors, 80x25 characters
*mode 3 (CPCBasic only!): 640x400 pixels, 16 colors, 80x50 characters
Pixels are addressed in physical units from BASIC, i.e. the center of the screen is always at 320, 200 and the top right corner is always at 639, 399, regardless of selected mode.
==Z80 Extensions==
As on many other 8-bit machines of the era, BASIC programs are often extended with [[Z80 Assembly|Z80]] machine code which is <tt>READ</tt> from <tt>DATA</tt> statements, <tt>[[wp:PEEK and POKE|POKE]]</tt>-d to RAM, and then <tt>CALL</tt>-ed—an approach that was especially popular with type-in games in CPC magazines. The CPC also has a more convenient form of BASIC extensions, RSX<ref></ref> commands ('''r'''esident '''s'''ystem e'''x'''tensions). They are easily recognized by being prefixed with a pipe character and have the advantage of being freely relocatable in memory. Some RSX commands, such as "|ren" to rename files, are part of the AMSDOS ROM, but RSX routines can also reside in RAM, e.g. to provide new graphics primitives or other new capabilities to BASIC.
==Memory management==
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Memory on the CPC 464 and 664 is subdivided into four 16 kB blocks (0 to 3), with block 3 at &c000 normally reserved for the screen. The CPC 6128 features a second 64 kB bank (blocks 4 to 7) which can be accessed from BASIC with [[wp:Bank switching|bank switching]] in block 1 (&4000 and &7fff), e.g.
<lang locobasiccode>out &7fff,&x11000100</langcode>
would make block 4 accessible in the address space of block 1.<ref></ref> This way, the entire 128 kB of memory can be used by BASIC. Alternatively, RSX commands for bank switching and copying between banks are included on the system discs and discussed in chapter 8 of the CPC user manual.<ref></ref> Even on the 64 kB models, it is possible to do [[wp:Multiple buffering|double buffering]] in BASIC by reserving another RAM block for the screen, drawing into the hidden screen, and then setting the CRTC screen address to the currently hidden screen with the BASIC [[wp:I/o port|port I/O]] command <tt>OUT</tt>.
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==See Also==
* [[wp:Locomotive BASIC|Locomotive BASIC]] at Wikipediadocumentation:
** [[wp:Locomotive BASIC|Locomotive BASIC]] at Wikipedia
** [ Locomotive BASIC command reference with code examples] (based on the official documentation)
** [ Scanned CPC user manuals]
* [ JavaCPC emulator]
* [ List of CPC emulators] and* [ Locomotive BASIC] at the [ Amstrad CPC Wiki]
* [ Amstrad CPC emulator in JavaScript] (best performance in Google Chrome, but sound only works in Firefox right now)
* CPC emulators:
* [ List of CPC emulators] and [ Locomotive BASIC] at the [ Amstrad CPC Wiki]
** [ JavaCPC emulator]
** [ List of CPC emulators]
