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Talk:Holidays related to Easter

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 14:40, 29 June 2010 by Rdm (talk | contribs) (spec please)
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Whose Easter are we calculating here? Or, more specifically, which calendars are we using? (And, when do we switch from Gregorian to Julian?) According to Wikipedia, depending on the answers to these questions we can have easter in March, April or May. The sample output from the Algol 68 program makes me think that we are supposed to calculate what wikipedia calls the "Western Christianity"'s Easter, but that was just one of the issues which cause different people to assign different dates to easter in the same year. I think a full specification would be appropriate here. (Easter is apparently the first sunday after the 14th of the month where it occurs, but I am confused about how you unambiguously determine which month it occurs in. But I am also having problems reconciling this "first sunday after the 14th of the month" rule with easters which occur in the first week of April.) --Rdm 14:40, 29 June 2010 (UTC)

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