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==How to run Emacs Lisp code==
A simple way to run Emacs code is to switch to the scratch buffer (Buffers -> *scratch*), type in or paste some Lisp code, and then move to the end of the Lisp expression and press Control-J to evaluate ite.g.[]
<pre>(+ 1 2 3)</pre>
Then (with the cursor behind the closing parenthesis of the Lisp form) press Control-J to evaluate it.[] The result appears directly below the evaluated code:
<pre>(+ 1 2 3)<Ctrl-J>
Of course you can also change your code and evaluate it again. To evaluate ''all'' code in the current buffer, use "M-x eval-buffer".
Emacs will highlight matching parentheses.
If the debugger window appears, it can be dismissed with File -> Close like any other buffer.
If your code has an error and the debugger window appears, it can be dismissed withby placing the cursor in it and then File -> Close like any other buffer.
Lisp code can also be added to the user's ~/.emacs file, which is evaluated at startup.
==Customizing Emacs==
Lisp code can also be added to the user's ~/.emacs file, which is evaluated at startup.
"M-x (=Alt-x) customize" will bring up a menu for customizing default Emacs settings, which will be added to the ~/.emacs file in its Custom section: "Faces -> Basic Faces -> Region" in that menu for example sets the background color of selections. It is a good idea to change this, e.g. to "LightSteelBlue1", because the default setting is a very light gray that is hard to see.
Another useful setting is enabling "Emacs -> Convenience -> Cua -> Cua mode" for the standard Ctrl-X/C/V/Z key bindings that are known from most other applications.
There are also color themes for Emacs, e.g. if you prefer dark mode.
You can also set a different font for Emacs:[] Evaluate "(font-family-list)" in the scratch buffer. (This may cause some slowness of the editor if you have many fonts installed.) Then search backwards (Ctrl-r) for the font you want, to see its exact name. And finally put the font name and size into your ~/.emacs and restart Emacs, e.g.:
<pre>(set-frame-font "Courier Prime-20" nil t)</pre>
And finally, if you would like to suppress the welcome screen, put this in your .emacs:
<pre>(setq inhibit-startup-screen t)</pre>
==External links==
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