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* '''C++98''' is the version of C++ standardized by ISO in 1998. It is the most commonly used and supported version of the language. The term "C++" usually refers to C++98.
* '''C++03''' is a minor improvement to C++98, standardized by ISO in 2003.
* '''TR1''' (Technical Report 1) is a proposal for extensions to the C++ standard library. It was published in 2007. Many of its proposals made it into C++11. Many compilers support it, but put its headers in a different directory.
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* '''C++14''' (formerly called '''C++1y''') is a minor improvement to C++11, standardized by ISO in 2014. Most of its features are available in [[Clang]] [] and [[GCC]] [].
* '''C++17''' (formerly called '''C++1z''') is a minor improvement to C++14, standardized by ISO in 2017. Most of its features are available in [[Clang]] [] and [[GCC]] [].
* '''C++20''' (formerly called '''C++2a''') is a major upcoming improvement to C++17, firststandardized draftedby inISO Julyin 20172020. What proposed features it will have is currently partially implemented by [[Clang]] [] and [[GCC]] []
{{language programming paradigm|Imperative}}