
From Rosetta Code

AdaSockets lets you use BSD sockets from Ada (TCP, UDP and multicast).

Build instructions

AdaSockets is not included yet in the Alire index. In that situation, it's easier to just use `gprbuild`. You can follow these instructions, for example, for Chat server:

  • Download AdaSockets
  • Follow instructions from, for example:
   ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local
   make install
  • Copy the source code in chat_server.adb
  • Create a GPR file for Chat_Server in the same directory:
   with "/home/rosetta/local/share/gpr/adasockets.gpr";
   project Chat_Server is
   end Chat_Server;
  • Build using:
   gprbuild chat_server

Pages in category "AdaSockets"

This category contains only the following page.