Category:ARM Assembly Implementations

These are all of the implementations of ARM Assembly on Rosetta Code.

Arm Assembly 32 bits is running on raspberry pi 1,2 and 3.
For compiling, use as and link to ld.

Arm Assembly 32 bits is running on android os with application Termux (download to playstore).
Read the documentation to Termux site.
Install and config ssh to connect a pc.
Install package binutils in console Termux.

For compiling and link use as and ld strictly equal to raspberry pi.

Script example :

#compilation assembleur ARM raspberry or android
echo "Compilation 32 bits de "$1".s"
as -o $1".o"   $1".s" -a >listing.txt
#gcc -o $1 $1".o"  -e main
ld -o $1 $1".o"  -e main
ls -l $1*  
echo "Fin de compilation."

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