Category:68000 Assembly: Difference between revisions

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MOVE.L #0,D3 ;D3 = #$00000000</lang>
Loading immediate values into address registers is different. You can only move words or longer into address registers, and if you move a word, the value is sign-extended. This means that if the top nibble of the word is 8 or greater, the value gets padded to the left with Fs, and is padded with zeroes if the top nibble is 7 or less. ItIf you're adding a constant value less than 7FFF to an address, it's bestusually safe to alwaysuse movethe longsword intolength addressoperation, registers.and Thattakes wayless youbytes knowto whatencode you'rethan the long length gettingversion.
<lang 68000devpac>MOVEA.W #$8000,A4 ;A4 = #$FFFF8000. Remember the top byte is ignored so this is the same as #$00FF8000.
