Catalan numbers/Pascal's triangle: Difference between revisions

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As required by the task this implementation extracts the Catalan numbers from Pascal's triangle, rather
than calculating them directly. Also, note that it (correctly) produces [1, 1] as the first two numbers.
<lang haskell>import System.Environment (getArgs)
-- Pascal's triangle.
pascal :: [[Integer]]
pascal = [1] : map (\row -> 1 : zipWith (+) row (tail row) ++ [1]) pascal
-- The Catalan numbers from Pascal's triangle. This uses a method from
-- (see "Grimaldi").
catalan :: [Integer]
catalan = map (diff . uncurry drop) $ zip [0..] (alt pascal)
where alt (x:_:zs) = x : alt zs -- every other element of an infinite list
diff (x:y:_) = x - y
diff (x:_) = x
main :: IO ()
main = do
ns <- fmap (map read) getArgs :: IO [Int]
mapM_ (print . flip take catalan) ns</lang>
./catalan 15