Cartesian product of two or more lists: Difference between revisions

(Ada version)
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This implementation is hard to extend to n-ary products but it is simple and works well for binary products of lists of any length.
<lang fortran>
! Created by simon on 29/04/2021.
! ifort -o cartesian_product cartesian_product.f90 -check all
module tuple
implicit none
public :: tuple_t, operator(*), print
type tuple_t(n)
integer, len :: n
integer, private :: v(n)
procedure, public :: print => print_tuple_t
generic, public :: assignment(=) => eq_tuple_t
procedure, public :: eq_tuple_t
end type tuple_t
interface print
module procedure print_tuple_a_t
end interface print
interface operator(*)
module procedure tup_times_tup
end interface
subroutine eq_tuple_t(this, src)
class(tuple_t(*)), intent(inout) :: this
integer, intent(in) :: src(:)
this%v = src
end subroutine eq_tuple_t
pure function tup_times_tup(a, b) result(r)
type(tuple_t(*)), intent(in) :: a
type(tuple_t(*)), intent(in) :: b
type(tuple_t(2)), allocatable :: r(:)
integer :: i, j, k
k = 0
do i=1,a%n
do j=1,b%n
k = k + 1
r(k)%v = [a%v(i),b%v(j)]
end do
end do
end function tup_times_tup
subroutine print_tuple_t(this)
class(tuple_t(*)), intent(in) :: this
integer :: i
write(*,fmt='(a)',advance='no') '{'
do i=1,size(this%v)
write(*,fmt='(i0)',advance='no') this%v(i)
if (i < size(this%v)) write(*,fmt='(a)',advance='no') ','
end do
write(*,fmt='(a)',advance='no') '}'
end subroutine print_tuple_t
subroutine print_tuple_a_t(r)
type(tuple_t(*)), intent(in) :: r(:)
integer :: i
write(*,fmt='(a)',advance='no') '{'
do i=1,size(r)
call r(i)%print
if (i < size(r)) write(*,fmt='(a)',advance='no') ','
end do
write(*,fmt='(a)') '}'
end subroutine print_tuple_a_t
end module tuple
program cartesian_product
use tuple
implicit none
type(tuple_t(2)) :: a, b
type(tuple_t(0)) :: z
a = [1,2]
b = [3,4]
call print_product(a, b)
call print_product(b, a)
call print_product(z, a)
call print_product(a, z)
subroutine print_product(s, t)
type(tuple_t(*)), intent(in) :: s
type(tuple_t(*)), intent(in) :: t
call s%print
write(*,fmt='(a)',advance='no') ' x '
call t%print
write(*,fmt='(a)',advance='no') ' = '
call print(s*t)
end subroutine print_product
end program cartesian_product
{1,2} x {3,4} = {{1,3},{1,4},{2,3},{2,4}}
{3,4} x {1,2} = {{3,1},{3,2},{4,1},{4,2}}
{1,2} x {} = {}
{} x {1,2} = {}
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