Canny edge detector

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Task: Write a program that performs so called Canny edge detection on an image.

Canny edge detector
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The algorithm consists of the following steps:

1) Noise reduction. May be performed by Gaussian filter.

2) Compute intensity gradient (matrices and ) and its magnitude . May be performed by convolution of an image with Sobel operators.

3) Non-maximum suppression.

For each pixel compute the orientation of intensity gradient vector: . Transform angle to one of four directions: 0, 45, 90, 135 degrees. Compute new array : if


where - current pixel, - two neighbour pixels in the direction of gradient, then , otherwise . Nonzero pixels in resulting array correspond to local maxima of in direction .

4) Tracing edges with hysteresis.

At this stage two thresholds for the values of are introduced: and . Starting from pixels with find all paths of pixels with and put them to the resulting image.


The following program reads an 8 bits per pixel grayscale BMP file and saves the result to `out.bmp'. Compile with `-lm'. <lang c>

  1. include <stdint.h>
  2. include <stdio.h>
  3. include <stdlib.h>
  4. include <float.h>
  5. include <math.h>
  6. include <string.h>
  1. define MAX_BRIGHTNESS 255


* Loading part taken from
* BMP info:

/* Note: the magic number has been removed from the bmpfile_header structure

  since it causes alignment problems
    struct bmpfile_magic should be written/read first
  followed by the
    struct bmpfile_header
  [this avoids compiler-specific alignment pragmas etc.]
  • /

struct bmpfile_magic {

 unsigned char magic[2];


struct bmpfile_header {

 uint32_t filesz;
 uint16_t creator1;
 uint16_t creator2;
 uint32_t bmp_offset;


typedef struct {

 uint32_t header_sz;
 int32_t width;
 int32_t height;
 uint16_t nplanes;
 uint16_t bitspp;
 uint32_t compress_type;
 uint32_t bmp_bytesz;
 int32_t hres;
 int32_t vres;
 uint32_t ncolors;
 uint32_t nimpcolors;


typedef struct { uint8_t r; uint8_t g; uint8_t b; uint8_t null; } rgb_t;


// Use int instead `unsigned char' so that // we can store negative values. typedef int pixel_t;

pixel_t *load_bmp(char *filename, BITMAPINFOHEADER *bitmapInfoHeader) { FILE *filePtr; //our file pointer struct bmpfile_magic mag; struct bmpfile_header bitmapFileHeader; //our bitmap file header pixel_t *bitmapImage; //store image data

filePtr = fopen(filename,"r"); if (filePtr == NULL) { perror("fopen()"); exit(1); }

fread(&mag, sizeof(struct bmpfile_magic),1,filePtr); //verify that this is a bmp file by check bitmap id if ( *((uint16_t*) mag.magic) != 0x4D42 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Not a BMP file: magic=%c%c\n", mag.magic[0], mag.magic[1]); fclose(filePtr); return NULL; } //read the bitmap file header fread(&bitmapFileHeader, sizeof(struct bmpfile_header), 1, filePtr);

//read the bitmap info header fread(bitmapInfoHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, filePtr);

if( bitmapInfoHeader->compress_type != 0) fprintf(stderr, "Warning, compression is not supported.\n");

//move file point to the beginning of bitmap data fseek(filePtr, bitmapFileHeader.bmp_offset, SEEK_SET);

//allocate enough memory for the bitmap image data bitmapImage = (pixel_t *)malloc(bitmapInfoHeader->bmp_bytesz*(sizeof(pixel_t)));

//verify memory allocation if (!bitmapImage) { free(bitmapImage); fclose(filePtr); return NULL; }

//read in the bitmap image data int i; unsigned char c; for(i=0; i<bitmapInfoHeader->bmp_bytesz; i++){ fread(&c, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, filePtr); bitmapImage[i] = (int) c; }

// If we were using unsigned char as pixel_t, then: //fread(bitmapImage, 1, bitmapInfoHeader->bmp_bytesz, filePtr);

//close file and return bitmap image data fclose(filePtr); return bitmapImage; }

// Return: nonzero on error. int save_bmp(char *filename, BITMAPINFOHEADER *bmp_ih, pixel_t *data) { unsigned int offset = sizeof(struct bmpfile_magic) + sizeof(struct bmpfile_header) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + (1<<bmp_ih->bitspp)*4;

struct bmpfile_header bmp_fh = { .filesz = offset + bmp_ih->bmp_bytesz, .creator1 = 0, .creator2 = 0, .bmp_offset = offset };

FILE* fp = fopen(filename,"w"); if (fp == NULL) return 1; struct bmpfile_magic mag = Template:0x42, 0x4d;

fwrite(&mag, 1, sizeof(struct bmpfile_magic), fp); fwrite(&bmp_fh, 1, sizeof(struct bmpfile_header), fp); fwrite(bmp_ih, 1, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), fp);

// Palette rgb_t color = {0, 0, 0, 0}; int i; for(i=0; i < (1<<bmp_ih->bitspp); i++) { color.r = i; color.g = i; color.b = i; fwrite(&color, 1, sizeof(rgb_t), fp); }

// We use int instead of uchar, so we can't write img in 1 call any more. //fwrite(data, 1, bmp_ih->bmp_bytesz, fp); unsigned char c; for(i=0; i<bmp_ih->bmp_bytesz; i++){ c = (unsigned char) data[i]; fwrite(&c, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, fp); }

fclose(fp); return 0; }

// if norm==1, map pixels to range 0..MAX_BRIGHTNESS void convolution(pixel_t *in, pixel_t *out, float *kernel, int nx, int ny, int kn, int norm) { int i, j, m, n, c; int khalf = floor(kn/2.); float pixel, min=DBL_MAX, max=DBL_MIN;

if(norm) for(m=khalf; m<nx-khalf; m++) for(n=khalf; n<ny-khalf; n++) { pixel = 0; c = 0; for(j=-khalf; j<=khalf; j++) for(i=-khalf; i<=khalf; i++) pixel += in[(n-j)*nx + m-i]*kernel[c++]; if(pixel < min) min = pixel; if(pixel > max) max = pixel; }

for(m=khalf; m<nx-khalf; m++) for(n=khalf; n<ny-khalf; n++) { pixel = 0; c = 0; for(j=-khalf; j<=khalf; j++) for(i=-khalf; i<=khalf; i++) pixel += in[(n-j)*nx + m-i]*kernel[c++];

if(norm) pixel = MAX_BRIGHTNESS*(pixel-min)/(max-min); out[n*nx + m] = (pixel_t) pixel; } }

// // determine size of kernel (odd #) // 0.0 <= sigma < 0.5 : 3 // 0.5 <= sigma < 1.0 : 5 // 1.0 <= sigma < 1.5 : 7 // 1.5 <= sigma < 2.0 : 9 // 2.0 <= sigma < 2.5 : 11 // 2.5 <= sigma < 3.0 : 13 ... //kernelSize = 2 * int(2*sigma) + 3;

void gaussian_filter(pixel_t *in, pixel_t *out, int nx, int ny, float sigma) { int i, j, c=0; const int n = 2*(int)(2*sigma) + 3; float mean = floor(n/2.); float kernel[n*n]; fprintf(stderr, "gaussian_filter: kernel size %d, sigma=%g\n", n, sigma); for(i=0; i<n; i++) for(j=0; j<n; j++) kernel[c++]=exp(-0.5*( pow((i-mean)/sigma,2.0) +pow((j-mean)/sigma,2.0))) /(2*M_PI*sigma*sigma); convolution(in, out, kernel, nx, ny, n, 1); }


* Links:
* Note: T1 and T2 are lower and upper thresholds.

void canny_edge_detection(pixel_t *in, pixel_t *out, int nx, int ny, int tmin, int tmax, float sigma) { int i, j, c, Gmax; int counter = 0; float dir; float Gx[]={ -1,0,1, -2,0,2, -1,0,1}; float Gy[]={ 1,2,1, 0,0,0, -1,-2,-1};

pixel_t *G = calloc(nx*ny*sizeof(pixel_t), 1), *after_Gx = calloc(nx*ny*sizeof(pixel_t), 1), *after_Gy = calloc(nx*ny*sizeof(pixel_t), 1), *nms = calloc(nx*ny*sizeof(pixel_t), 1);

gaussian_filter(in, out, nx, ny, sigma);

convolution(out, after_Gx, Gx, nx, ny, 3, 0); convolution(out, after_Gy, Gy, nx, ny, 3, 0);

for(i=1; i<nx-1; i++) for(j=1; j<ny-1; j++) { c = i + nx*j; //G[c] = abs(after_Gx[c]) + abs(after_Gy[c]); G[c] = hypot(after_Gx[c], after_Gy[c]); if (G[c]>Gmax ) Gmax = G[c]; }

int nn,ss,ww,ee,nw,ne,sw,se; // Non-maximum suppression, straightforward implementation. for(i=1; i<nx-1; i++) for(j=1; j<ny-1; j++) { c = i + nx*j; nn = c - nx; ss = c + nx; ww = c + 1; ee = c - 1; nw = nn + 1; ne = nn - 1; sw = ss + 1; se = ss - 1;

dir = atan2(after_Gy[c], after_Gx[c]) * 8.0/M_PI;

if( (( fabs(dir)<=1 || fabs(fabs(dir)-8)<=1 ) && G[c] > G[ee] && G[c] > G[ww]) /* 0 deg */ || (( fabs(dir-2)<=1 || fabs(dir+6)<=1 ) && G[c] > G[nw] && G[c] > G[se]) /* 45 deg */ || (( fabs(fabs(fabs(dir)-4))<=1 ) && G[c] > G[nn] && G[c] > G[ss]) /* 90 deg */ || (( fabs(dir-6)<=1 || fabs(dir+2)<=1 ) && G[c] > G[ne] && G[c] > G[sw]) /* 135 deg */ ) nms[c] = G[c]; else nms[c] = 0; } // Reuse array pixel_t *edges = after_Gy; // used as a stack memset(out, 0, sizeof(pixel_t)*nx*ny); memset(edges, 0, sizeof(pixel_t)*nx*ny); int nedges, k, t; int nbs[8]; // neighbours

counter = 0; // Tracing edges with hysteresis . Non-recursive implementation. for(c=1, j=1; j<ny-1; j++) for(i=1; i<nx-1; i++) { if( nms[c] >= tmax && out[c] == 0 ) // trace edges { out[c] = MAX_BRIGHTNESS; nedges = 1; edges[0] = c;

do{ nedges--; t = edges[ nedges ];

nbs[0] = t - nx; // nn nbs[1] = t + nx; // ss nbs[2] = t + 1; // ww nbs[3] = t - 1; // ee nbs[4] = nbs[0] + 1; // nw nbs[5] = nbs[0] - 1; // ne nbs[6] = nbs[1] + 1; // sw nbs[7] = nbs[1] - 1; // se

for(k=0; k<8; k++) if( nms[ nbs[k] ] >= tmin && out[ nbs[k] ] == 0 ) { out[ nbs[k] ] = MAX_BRIGHTNESS; edges[nedges++] = nbs[k]; } } while( nedges > 0 ); } c++; } free(after_Gx); free(after_Gy); free(G); free(nms); }

int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 2){ printf("Usage: %s image.bmp\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } pixel_t *bitmap_data, *temp_image;

bitmap_data = load_bmp(argv[1], &ih); temp_image = (pixel_t *) malloc(ih.bmp_bytesz*sizeof(pixel_t));

printf("Info: %d x %d x %d\n", ih.width, ih.height, ih.bitspp);

canny_edge_detection(bitmap_data, temp_image, ih.width, ih.height, 45, 50, 1);

save_bmp("out.bmp", &ih, temp_image); free(bitmap_data); free(temp_image); return 0; } </lang>