Canny edge detector: Difference between revisions

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There is a built-in function, [ edge], that has Canny Edge Detection as one of its options.
<lang MATLAB>BWImage = edge(GrayscaleImage,'canny');</lang>
We use the PNG image present on Wikipedia article as input and produce a PNG grayscale image as result.
<lang Nim>import lenientops
import math
import nimPNG
const MaxBrightness = 255
type Pixel = int16 # Used instead of byte to be able to store negative values.
func convolution*[normalize: static bool](input: seq[Pixel]; output: var seq[Pixel];
kernel: seq[float]; nx, ny, kn: int) =
## Do a convolution.
## If normalize is true, map pixels to range 0...maxBrightness.
doAssert kernel.len == kn * kn
doAssert (kn and 1) == 1
doAssert nx > kn and ny > kn
doAssert input.len == output.len
let khalf = kn div 2
when normalize:
var pMin = float.high
var pMax = -float.high
for m in khalf..<(nx - khalf):
for n in khalf..<(ny - khalf):
var pixel = 0.0
var c = 0
for j in -khalf..khalf:
for i in -khalf..khalf:
pixel += input[(n - j) * nx + m - i] * kernel[c]
inc c
if pixel < pMin:
pMin = pixel
if pixel > pMax:
pMax = pixel
for m in khalf..<(nx - khalf):
for n in khalf..<(ny - khalf):
var pixel = 0.0
var c = 0
for j in -khalf..khalf:
for i in -khalf..khalf:
pixel += input[(n - j) * nx + m - i] * kernel[c]
inc c
when normalize:
pixel = MaxBrightness * (pixel - pMin) / (pMax - pMin)
output[n * nx + m] = Pixel(pixel)
func gaussianFilter(input: seq[Pixel]; output: var seq[Pixel]; nx, ny: int; sigma: float) =
## Apply a gaussian filter.
doAssert input.len == output.len
let n = 2 * (2 * sigma).toInt + 3
let mean = floor(n / 2)
var kernel = newSeq[float](n * n)
var c = 0
for i in 0..<n:
for j in 0..<n:
kernel[c] = exp(-0.5 * (((i - mean) / sigma) ^ 2 + ((j - mean) / sigma) ^ 2)) /
(2 * PI * sigma * sigma)
inc c
convolution[true](input, output, kernel, nx, ny, n)
proc cannyEdgeDetection(input: seq[Pixel];
nx, ny: int;
tmin, tmax: int;
sigma: float): seq[byte] =
## Detect edges.
var output = newSeq[Pixel](input.len)
gaussianFilter(input, output, nx, ny, sigma)
const Gx = @[float -1, 0, 1,
-2, 0, 2,
-1, 0, 1]
var afterGx = newSeq[Pixel](input.len)
convolution[false](input, afterGx, Gx, nx, ny, 3)
const Gy = @[float 1, 2, 1,
0, 0, 0,
-1, -2, -1]
var afterGy = newSeq[Pixel](input.len)
convolution[false](input, afterGy, Gy, nx, ny, 3)
var g = newSeq[Pixel](input.len)
for i in 1..(nx - 2):
for j in 1..(ny - 2):
let c = i + nx * j
g[c] = hypot(afterGx[c].toFloat, afterGy[c].toFloat).Pixel
# Non-maximum suppression: straightforward implementation.
var nms = newSeq[Pixel](input.len)
for i in 1..(nx - 2):
for j in 1..(ny - 2):
c = i + nx * j
nn = c - nx
ss = c + nx
ww = c + 1
ee = c - 1
nw = nn + 1
ne = nn - 1
sw = ss + 1
se = ss - 1
let aux = arctan2(afterGy[c].toFloat, afterGx[c].toFloat) + PI
let dir = aux mod PI / PI * 8
if (((dir <= 1 or dir > 7) and g[c] > g[ee] and g[c] > g[ww]) or # O°.
((dir > 1 and dir <= 3) and g[c] > g[nw] and g[c] > g[se]) or # 45°.
((dir > 3 and dir <= 5) and g[c] > g[nn] and g[c] > g[ss]) or # 90°.
((dir > 5 and dir <= 7) and g[c] > g[ne] and g[c] > g[sw])): # 135°.
nms[c] = g[c]
nms[c] = 0
# Tracing edges with hysteresis. Non-recursive implementation.
var edges = newSeq[int](input.len div 2)
for item in output.mitems: item = 0
var c = 0
for j in 1..(ny - 2):
for i in 1..(nx - 2):
inc c
if nms[c] >= tMax and output[c] == 0:
# Trace edges.
output[c] = MaxBrightness
var nedges = 1
edges[0] = c
while nedges > 0:
dec nedges
let t = edges[nedges]
let neighbors = [t - nx, # nn.
t + nx, # ss.
t + 1, # ww.
t - 1, # ee.
t - nx + 1, # nw.
t - nx - 1, # ne.
t + nx + 1, # sw.
t + nx - 1] # se.
for n in neighbors:
if nms[n] >= tMin and output[n] == 0:
output[n] = MaxBrightness
edges[nedges] = n
inc nedges
# Store the result as a sequence of bytes.
result = newSeqOfCap[byte](output.len)
for val in output:
when isMainModule:
Input = "Valve.png"
Output = "Valve_edges.png"
let pngImage = loadPNG24(seq[byte], Input).get()
# Convert to grayscale and store luminances as 16 bits signed integers.
var pixels = newSeq[Pixel](pngImage.width * pngImage.height)
for i in 0..pixels.high:
pixels[i] = Pixel(0.2126 *[3 * i] +
0.7152 *[3 * i + 1] +
0.0722 *[3 * i + 2] + 0.5)
# Find edges.
let data = cannyEdgeDetection(pixels, pngImage.width, pngImage.height, 45, 50, 1.0)
# Save result as a PNG image.
let status = savePNG(Output, data, LCT_GREY, 8, pngImage.width, pngImage.height)
if status.isOk:
echo "File ", Input, " processed. Result is available in file ", Output
echo "Error: ", status.error</lang>
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