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There is a built-in function, [ edge], that has Canny Edge Detection as one of its options.
There is a built-in function, [ edge], that has Canny Edge Detection as one of its options.
<lang MATLAB>BWImage = edge(GrayscaleImage,'canny');</lang>
<lang MATLAB>BWImage = edge(GrayscaleImage,'canny');</lang>


In Python, canny edge detection would normally be done using [ scikit-image] or OpenCV-Python. Here is an approach using numpy/scipy:

<lang python>#!/bin/python
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.filters import convolve, gaussian_filter
from scipy.misc import imread, imshow
def CannyEdgeDetector(im, blur = 1, highThreshold = 91, lowThreshold = 31):
im = np.array(im, dtype=float) #Convert to float to prevent clipping values
#Gaussian blur to reduce noise
im2 = gaussian_filter(im, 1)

#Use sobel filters to get horizontal and vertical gradients
im3h = convolve(im2,[[-1,0,1],[-2,0,2],[-1,0,1]])
im3v = convolve(im2,[[1,2,1],[0,0,0],[-1,-2,-1]])

#Get gradient and direction
grad = np.power(np.power(im3h, 2.0) + np.power(im3v, 2.0), 0.5)
theta = np.arctan2(im3v, im3h)
thetaQ = (np.round(theta * (5.0 / np.pi)) + 5) % 5 #Quantize direction

#Non-maximum suppression
gradSup = grad.copy()
for r in range(im.shape[0]):
for c in range(im.shape[1]):
#Suppress pixels at the image edge
if r == 0 or r == im.shape[0]-1 or c == 0 or c == im.shape[1] - 1:
gradSup[r, c] = 0
tq = thetaQ[r, c] % 4

if tq == 0: #0 is E-W (horizontal)
if grad[r, c] <= grad[r, c-1] or grad[r, c] <= grad[r, c+1]:
gradSup[r, c] = 0
if tq == 1: #1 is NE-SW
if grad[r, c] <= grad[r-1, c+1] or grad[r, c] <= grad[r+1, c-1]:
gradSup[r, c] = 0
if tq == 2: #2 is N-S (vertical)
if grad[r, c] <= grad[r-1, c] or grad[r, c] <= grad[r+1, c]:
gradSup[r, c] = 0
if tq == 3: #3 is NW-SE
if grad[r, c] <= grad[r-1, c-1] or grad[r, c] <= grad[r+1, c+1]:
gradSup[r, c] = 0

#Double threshold
strongEdges = (gradSup > highThreshold)

#Strong has value 2, weak has value 1
thresholdedEdges = np.array(strongEdges, dtype=np.uint8) + (gradSup > lowThreshold)

#Tracing edges with hysteresis
#Find weak edge pixels near strong edge pixels
finalEdges = strongEdges.copy()
currentPixels = []
for r in range(1, im.shape[0]-1):
for c in range(1, im.shape[1]-1):
if thresholdedEdges[r, c] != 1:
continue #Not a weak pixel
#Get 3x3 patch
localPatch = thresholdedEdges[r-1:r+2,c-1:c+2]
patchMax = localPatch.max()
if patchMax == 2:
currentPixels.append((r, c))
finalEdges[r, c] = 1

#Extend strong edges based on current pixels
while len(currentPixels) > 0:
newPix = []
for r, c in currentPixels:
for dr in range(-1, 2):
for dc in range(-1, 2):
if dr == 0 and dc == 0: continue
r2 = r+dr
c2 = c+dc
if thresholdedEdges[r2, c2] == 1 and finalEdges[r2, c2] == 0:
#Copy this weak pixel to final result
newPix.append((r2, c2))
finalEdges[r2, c2] = 1
currentPixels = newPix

return finalEdges

if __name__=="__main__":
im = imread("test.jpg", mode="L") #Open image, convert to greyscale
finalEdges = CannyEdgeDetector(im)
