Canny edge detector: Difference between revisions

alphabetize, minor clean-up
(alphabetize, minor clean-up)
Line 667:
imIn.cannyEdgeDetection(45, 50, 1.0f).savePGM("lena_canny.pgm");
Line 873 ⟶ 870:
<lang MATLAB>BWImage = edge(GrayscaleImage,'canny');</lang>
{{improve|Phix|Port to pGUI for linux and 64 bit compatibility.}}
The file demo\Arwen32dibdemo\manip.exw in the standard distribution contains a menu entry for this, Manipulate/Filter/Detect Edges, along with 15 or so other effects. It is however windows-32-bit only, and could do with being ported to pGUI.
In Python, Canny edge detection would normally be done using [ scikit-image] or OpenCV-Python. Here is an approach using numpy/scipy:
