Camel case and snake case: Difference between revisions

Added Easylang
(added RPL)
(Added Easylang)
Line 680:
func$ strip s$ .
a = 1
while substr s$ a 1 = " "
a += 1
b = len s$
while substr s$ b 1 = " "
b -= 1
return substr s$ a (b - a + 1)
func$ toupper c$ .
c = strcode c$
if c >= 97 and c <= 122
c$ = strchar (c - 32)
return c$
func$ tolower c$ .
c = strcode c$
if c >= 65 and c <= 90
c$ = strchar (c + 32)
return c$
func isupper c$ .
c = strcode c$
if c >= 65 and c <= 90
return 1
delim$ = "_- "
func$ snakecase s$ .
s$ = strip s$
for c$ in strchars s$
if isupper c$ = 1 and prev$ <> ""
if strpos delim$ prev$ = 0
r$ &= "_"
r$ &= tolower c$
r$ &= c$
prev$ = c$
return r$
func$ camelcase s$ .
s$ = strip s$
prev$ = "x"
for c$ in strchars s$
if strpos delim$ prev$ <> 0
r$ &= toupper c$
elif strpos delim$ c$ = 0
r$ &= c$
prev$ = c$
return r$
test$[] = [ "snakeCase" "snake_case" "variable_10_case" "variable10Case" "ɛrgo rE tHis" "hurry-up-joe!" "c://my-docs/happy_Flag-Day/12.doc" " spaces " ]
print "=== To snake_case ==="
for s$ in test$[]
print s$ & " -> " & snakecase s$
print "\n=== To camelCase ==="
for s$ in test$[]
print s$ & " -> " & camelcase s$
=== To snake_case ===
snakeCase -> snake_case
snake_case -> snake_case
variable_10_case -> variable_10_case
variable10Case -> variable10_case
ɛrgo rE tHis -> ɛrgo r_e t_his
hurry-up-joe! -> hurry-up-joe!
c://my-docs/happy_Flag-Day/12.doc -> c://my-docs/happy_flag-day/12.doc
spaces -> spaces
=== To camelCase ===
snakeCase -> snakeCase
snake_case -> snakeCase
variable_10_case -> variable10Case
variable10Case -> variable10Case
ɛrgo rE tHis -> ɛrgoRETHis
hurry-up-joe! -> hurryUpJoe!
c://my-docs/happy_Flag-Day/12.doc -> c://myDocs/happyFlagDay/12.doc
spaces -> spaces
